if you manage your DNS-Names in AWS Route53 with external-dns: create IAM policy on AWS for AWS Route53: https://kubernetes-sigs.github.io/external-dns/v0.14.1/tutorials/aws/#iam-policy
then create User and static credentials based on https://kubernetes-sigs.github.io/external-dns/v0.14.1/tutorials/aws/#static-credentials #TODO: i created the user in console, because I was too confused with logging into with aws cli. I need to understand and document this.
create a file credentials
where "Access key" and "Secret access key" are stored like this:
aws_access_key_id = <access key>
aws_secret_access_key = <secret access key>
Currently we issue our certificates automatically with letsencrypt. However, due to some limits we don't use the production but the staging letsencrypt API. So you need to put those two root certs in your truststore: https://letsencrypt.org/docs/staging-environment/#root-certificates
create OAuth App in your Github Organization for Backstage login: https://backstage.io/docs/auth/github/provider/
- Homepage URL: https://portal-metalstack.platform-engineer.cloud/
- Authorization callback URL: https://portal-metalstack.platform-engineer.cloud/
use GITHUB_CLIENTSECRET and GITHUB_CLIENTID from your Github OAuth App for the following environment variables in step 3
Create a K8s cluster on https://console.metalstack.cloud/, copy the KUBECONFIG to your local machine to ~/.kube/metalstack-config
and set the KUBECONFIG to this file.
export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/metalstack-config
create namespace and secret and delete local credentials file for security reasons:
kubectl create ns external-dns
kubectl create secret generic -n external-dns sx-external-dns --from-file credentials
rm credentials
# Github clientsecret and clientid from GitHub OAuth App for Backstage
export KUBRIX_BACKSTAGE_GITHUB_CLIENTSECRET=<value from steps above>
export KUBRIX_BACKSTAGE_GITHUB_CLIENTID=<value from steps above>
# Github token Backstage uses to get the catalog yaml form github
export KUBRIX_BACKSTAGE_GITHUB_TOKEN=<your personal access token>
# Github token ArgoCD uses for the SCM Provider
export KUBRIX_ARGOCD_APPSET_TOKEN=<github-pat-for-argocd-appsets-only-read-permissions-needed>
# Kargo Git Promotion credentials
export KUBRIX_KARGO_GIT_USERNAME=<username-for-kargo-git-promotion>
export KUBRIX_KARGO_GIT_PASSWORD=<username-for-kargo-git-promotion>
# set the current repository to the origin or to your fork
export KUBRIX_REPO=https://github.com/suxess-it/kubriX.git
# if you want to test another branch, specify something else than main
# username and password to access kubriX git repository within ArgoCD
export KUBRIX_REPO_USERNAME=<kubrix-repo-username>
export KUBRIX_REPO_PASSWORD=<kubrix-repo-password-or-personal-access-token>
# if a K3d cluster should get created:
clone the upstream repo (or your personal fork) and optionally switch to specific branch
git clone ${KUBRIX_REPO}
# change to repo directory (if it is something else then kubriX, please change)
cd kubriX
and install specific stack
A "bootstrap argocd" get's installed via helm. A "boostrap-app" gets installed which references all other apps in the plattform-stack (app-of-apps pattern) ArgoCD itself is also then managed by an argocd app.
The platform stack will be installed automagically ;)
- backstage
- argocd (managed by argocd)
- argo-rollouts
- kargo
- cert-manager
- crossplane
- kyverno
- prometheus
- grafana
- promtail
- loki
- tempo
- kubecost
Tool | URL | Username | Password |
Backstage | https://portal-metalstack.platform-engineer.cloud/ | via github | via github |
ArgoCD | https://argocd-metalstack.platform-engineer.cloud/ | admin | kubectl get secret -n argocd argocd-initial-admin-secret -o=jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 -d |
Kargo | https://kargo-metalstack.platform-engineer.cloud/ | admin | - |
Grafana | https://grafana-metalstack.platform-engineer.cloud/ | admin | prom-operator |
Kubevirt-Manager | https://kubevirt-manager-metalstack.platform-engineer.cloud/ | - | - |
In our Onboarding-Documentation we explain how new teams and apps get onboarded on the platform in a gitops way.
If argocd ingress is not working, use port-forwarding for accessing argocd console and investigate what is wrong
kubectl port-forward svc/sx-argocd-server -n argocd 8080:80
- Username:
- Password:
kubectl get secret -n argocd argocd-initial-admin-secret -o=jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 -d
install aws cli:
curl "https://awscli.amazonaws.com/awscli-exe-linux-x86_64.zip" -o "awscliv2.zip"
unzip awscliv2.zip
./aws/install -i ~/bin/aws-cli -b ~/bin
rm -rf aws
rm -rf awscliv2.zip
configure aws cli: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/getting-started-quickstart.html
create IAM policy:
aws iam create-policy --policy-name "AllowExternalDNSUpdates" --policy-document file://aws-resources/route53-iam-policy.json
this ist just a test something from suXess upstream
and something new
new change in upstream repo
another change in origin repo