# This line does two things:
# - forces git to use LF
# - tell git to guess whether files are text or binary
*                       text=auto eol=lf

# Mark generated files as binary to prevent git from trying to merge them
/.pnp.*                                                 binary linguist-generated
packages/yarnpkg-pnp/sources/esm-loader/built-loader.js binary linguist-generated
packages/yarnpkg-pnp/sources/hook.js                    binary linguist-generated
packages/yarnpkg-core/sources/worker-zip/index.js       binary linguist-generated
packages/yarnpkg-libzip/sources/libzipAsync.js          binary linguist-generated
packages/yarnpkg-libzip/sources/libzipSync.js           binary linguist-generated

# Set the language for these files to json5 to ensure GitHub doesn't show the comments as errors
/.vscode/*.json         linguist-language=JSON5

# Hide .yarn and docs from GitHub's language detection
/.yarn/**               linguist-vendored
/docs/**                linguist-documentation

# Mark built javascript binaries as generated
# Without this, the repo is marked as >90% javascript, while most code is actually typescript
/packages/*/bin/**/*.js linguist-generated
/packages/*/lib/*.js    linguist-generated