* Added methods
- ExcelBook::sheetType()
- ExcelSheet::colHidden()
- ExcelSheet::rowHidden()
- ExcelSheet::setColHidden()
- ExcelSheet::setRowHidden()
- ExcelSheet::isLicensed()
* Added new methods (requires LibXL 3.6.0)
- ExcelSheet::hyperlinkSize()
- ExcelSheet::hyperlink()
- ExcelSheet::delHyperlink()
- ExcelSheet::addHyperlink()
- ExcelSheet::mergeSize()
- ExcelSheet::merge()
- ExcelSheet::delMergeByIndex()
- ExcelSheet::splitInfo()
* Added data type argument for ExcelSheet::writeCol() (see issue #29)
* Fixed bug in ExcelSheet::read() (see issue #86)
* Fixed bug in ExcelBook::setDefaultFont() (see issue #66)
* Added autofit support for ExcelBook::setColWidth()
* Added implicit formula recognition on ExcelSheet::write() operations (prefix formula with '=')
* Added multibyte support for license name and license key (see issue #60 and README)
* Added default date format when writing dates
* Added ExcelSheet::__construct(ExcelBook $book, $name) for customized ExcelSheets
* Added warnings on read/write errors
* Removed final keyword for ExcelFormat::__construct(ExcelBook $book)
* Removed invalid PAPER_* constants in ExcelSheet
* Removed invalid COLOR_* constants in ExcelFormat
* Updated documentation and README
* Changed php.ini variable name: excel.ini_skip_empty --> excel.skip_emtpy