Made board renderer generic for different sizes and scales, so we can render the "next piece" display as a small board and the competitor boards at smaller scales.
(defn size-canvas!
"Set the size of the canvas."
([id board scale] (size-canvas! id board scale 0))
([id board scale y-cutoff]
(let [canvas (.getElementById js/document id)
[w h] (board-size board)]
(aset canvas "width" (* scale w))
(aset canvas "height" (* scale (- h y-cutoff))))))
(defn draw-board!
"Draw the given board to the canvas."
([id board scale level] (draw-board! id board scale level 0))
([id board scale level y-cutoff]
(let [canvas (.getElementById js/document id)
ctx (.getContext canvas "2d")
[w h] (board-size board)]
(doseq [x (range w) y (range h)]
(let [color (cell-colors (read-board x y board))
left (* scale x)
top (* scale (- y y-cutoff))]
(aset ctx "fillStyle" color)
(.fillRect ctx left top scale scale)))
The actual board rendering lines are a bit long with addition of the new parameters; I wonder how I would make it cleaner.
; Set sizes
(size-canvas! "game-canvas" empty-board cell-size rows-cutoff)
(size-canvas! "next-canvas" (next-piece-board) cell-size)
; Draw boards
(draw-board! "game-canvas" new-board cell-size (:level @state) rows-cutoff)
(draw-board! "next-canvas" (next-piece-board next-piece) cell-size (:level @state))
The "next piece" board is just generated with a function:
(defn next-piece-board
"Returns a small board for drawing the next piece."
([] (next-piece-board nil))
(let [board [[0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0 0]]]
(if piece
(write-piece-to-board piece 1 2 board)
Created a simple tilemap, with the first three rows representing the original, dos, and gameboy versions. The rest of the rows just use our default colors:
The column order for the tiles are listed below in the cell-columns
map. And
draw-board is shown modified to read from the tilemap instead of drawing a
solid-filled rectangle.
(def tilemap (let [img (js/Image.)]
(aset img "src" "tilemap.png")
(def cell-columns
{ 0 0
:I 1
:L 2
:J 3
:S 4
:Z 5
:O 6
:T 7
:G 8 ; ghost piece
:H 9 ; highlighted (filled or about to collapse)
(defn draw-board!
"Draw the given board to the canvas."
([id board scale level] (draw-board! id board scale level 0))
([id board scale level y-cutoff]
(let [canvas (.getElementById js/document id)
ctx (.getContext canvas "2d")
[w h] (board-size board)]
(doseq [x (range w) y (range h)]
(let [; tilemap position
row (mod level 10)
col (cell-columns (read-board x y board))
; source coordinates (on tilemap)
sx (* scale col)
sy (* scale row)
sw scale
sh scale
; destination coordinates (on canvas)
dx (* scale x)
dy (* scale (- y y-cutoff))
dw scale
dh scale]
(.drawImage ctx tilemap sx sy sw sh dx dy dw dh)))