A directory for managing agendas and keeping minutes of WG/CG teleconferences. See directories at the top for face-to-face meetings.
This immersive web working group (WG) and community group (CG) hold bi-weekly WebEx teleconferences to discuss work items, teleconferenes are held by tunrs and weekly in total for WG and CG.
Meeting agendas are published before each teleconference within each directory for WG and CG, and public-immersive-web mailing list (archive), following instructions. They include WebEx links and telephone numbers, and also include information about how to connect to IRC (irc.w3.org:6667 #immersive-web) and instructions, which is used during meetings to record minutes and also for speaker queue management.
Minutes and summaries of all teleconferences can be found in each directory for WG and CG.