Note: "Raw" in the context of this specification should be taken to mean "direct" not "RAW" as in the camera format.
Currently, to protect user privacy, WebXR Device API does not provide a way to grant raw camera access to the sites. Additionally, alternative ways for sites to obtain raw camera access (getUserMedia()
web API) are not going to provide the application pose-synchronized camera images that could be integrated with WebXR Device API. For some scenarios, this limitation may pose a significant barrier to adoption of WebXR.
The pace at which novel AR features are developed outstrips our ability to roll out support for these features in the form of special-purpose APIs to the web platform. Further, some features may lack widespread hardware support, thus making standardizing those features impossible. By giving web developers a means to access the raw camera image, they can run their own custom algorithms which will allow for innovation faster than we can provide, or that we will be unable to standardize due to lack of hardware support. One prime example of this is image tracking, where the position of a specified image is tracked from frame to frame. Some platforms only support images and others only support QR codes, while developers would like to track both. Doing so requires running some of their own custom code, and they need access to the camera image to do so.
Providing the sites access to raw camera images directly through WebXR API allows developers to experiment and prototype new AR features directly in JavaScript, thus improving the overall user experience in AR. It does come with a potential risk related to the fact that the sites will be granted access to the images from the user's environment. To mitigate privacy aspects of providing such capability, implementers should ensure that appropriate user consent is collected before granting camera access to the site.
The work in this repository describes experiments that likely falls under the scope of immersive-web CG's Computer Vision repository.
Granting the camera access to the application could allow the applications to:
- Take a snapshot of the AR experience along with application-rendered content. This is mostly relevant for scenarios where the camera image serves as the background for application's content (for example handheld AR).
- Allow the application to overlay some render effects over the entire scene.
- Provide feedback to the user about the environment they are located in. This may be particularly useful for VR headsets with available cameras (for example WMR headsets and the Flashlight feature). Note: this use case is not addressed by the current proposal - see Immersive Web CG discussions section.
- Run custom computer vision algorithms on the data obtained from the camera texture. It may for example enable applications to semantically annotate regions of the image, for example to provide features related to accessibility.
This API is currently targeted at primarily supporting smartphone use-cases. Namely, cases where there is a single camera image being displayed behind the AR content. Specifically, the camera view should exactly match the displayed view and each provided raw image is specifically associated with the camera pose used for drawing the AR content. As such, this API is not intended to support asynchronous image access. Though the API shape should not preclude using it in the case of multiple or stereo cameras (via e.g. secondary views) it was not designed with this use-case in mind, and it was not a goal to support this when developing the API shape.
The specification may be found here.
The applications could leverage the newly introduced feature as follows:
- Create a session that supports accessing camera images:
const session = await navigator.xr.requestSession(“immersive-ar”, {
requiredFeatures: [“camera-access”]
As per WebXR Device API, the user agent will seek either explicit or implicit consent before creating a session. This may mean that a permissions prompt will be displayed to the user at this time.
- In requestAnimationFrame callback, the application can iterate over the views and react appropriately when it finds a view with a camera associated with it:
// ... in rAFcb ...
let viewerPose = xrFrame.getViewerPose(xrRefSpace);
for (const view of viewerPose.views) {
if ( {
// ... handle a view that has a camera image ...
- Using the view that has a non-null
attribute, the application can then query theXRWebGLBinding
for the camera image texture:
// ... in rAFcb ...
const cameraTexture = binding.getCameraImage(;
Side note: GL binding referred to in step 3. is an interface that is newly introduced in the WebXR Layers Module. It can be constructed given an XRSession
and XRWebGLRenderingContext
Some Computer Vision algorithms may depend on camera intrinsics and extrinsics. The camera extrinsics can be obtained by inspecting the XRView
's transform
attribute (this is relative to the reference space used to obtain the viewer pose). The camera intrinsics can be computed given a projection matrix returned from an XRView
, as well as XRViewport
. Below, we will go through 2 different paths of calculating the transformation from camera space coordinates to screen space coordinates - one relying on projection matrix and viewport properties, the other relying on camera intrinsics matrix - and use the known parameters from the former approach to calculate the unknown parameters for latter calculation method.
Note: The steps to obtain camera intrinsics and extrinsics are based on the assumption that the camera image returned by the API is perfectly aligned with the XRView
from which it was obtained. Raw camera access API guarantees that this assumption holds, but the calculations will not be valid for more general scenarios.
Projection matrix convetions as per:
Starting from a projection matrix with the following parameters:
P = p0 p4 p8 p12
p1 p5 p9 p13
p2 p6 p10 p14
p3 p7 p11 p15
We can repeat the derivation of the projection matrix from, allowing for non-zero skew:
P = p0 p4 p8 0 = 2n/(r-l) skew (r+l)/(r-l) 0
0 p5 p9 0 0 2n/(t-b) (t+b)/(t-b) 0
0 0 p10 p14 0 0 -(f+n)/(f-n) -2fn/(f-n)
0 0 -1 0 0 0 -1 0
The skew factor controls how much of the Y coordinate is mixed into the X coordinate. It is usually zero, but WebXR allows nonzero skew values which results in nonrectangular pixels.
A GL projection matrix transforms from camera space to clip space, then to NDC after perspective divide. This needs to be scaled to pixels based on the viewport vp
. The NDC x and y ranges (-1 .. 1)
are then transformed to (vp.x .. vp.x + vp.width)
and (vp.y .. vp.y + vp.height)
, respectively. For example, NDC x coordinate is transformed to screen space:
screen_x = vp.w * (ndc_x + 1)/2 + vp.x
= (vp.w/2) * ndc_x + (vp.w/2 + vp.x)
Using a matrix S for the NDC-to-screen-coordinate transform described above, this becomes:
p_screen.xy = (S * p_ndc).xy
with S = vp.w/2 0 0 vp.w/2 + vp.x
0 vp.h/2 0 vp.h/2 + vp.y
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1
The camera-space point transformation into screen space is then as follows:
p_screen.xy = (S * p_ndc).xy
= (S * p_clip).xy / p_clip.w
= (S * P * p_camera).xy / (P * p_camera).w
= (S * P * p_camera).xy / (-p_camera.z)
Note that this uses the usual GL convention of looking along the negative Z axis, with negative-z points being visible.
Intrinsic matrix convention as per
The intrinsic matrix K transforms from camera space to homogenous screen space, providing pixel screen coordinates after the perspective divide. This convention assumes looking along the positive Z axis, with positive-z points being visible.
K = ax gamma u0 0
0 ay v0 0
0 0 1 0
For compatibility with WebXR, create a 4x4 matrix Kexp
from K
by inserting a placeholder 3rd row. (The values in this row don't affect the intrinsic parameter calculation and are marked by * .) Then invert the Z coordinate to produce a modified intrinsic matrix K'
K' = 1 0 0 0 * Kexp = ax gamma -u0 0
0 1 0 0 0 ay -v0 0
0 0 -1 0 * * * *
0 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0
This results in the following transformation from camera space to screen space:
p_screen.xy = (K' * p_camera).xy / (K' * p_camera).w
= (K' * p_camera).xy / (-p_camera.z)
Since the p_screen.xy
coordinates must be the same for both calculation methods, it
follows that the intrinsic matrix K' is S * P:
p_screen.xy = (K' * p_camera).xy / (-p_camera.z)
= (S * P * p_camera).xy / (-p_camera.z)
K' = S * P
For example, K'[0,2] is -u0, and equals the product of row 0 of S with column 2 of P:
K'[0,2] = S[0,] * P[,2]
-u0 = [vp.v/2, 0, 0, vp.w/2 + vp.x] * [p8, p9, p10, -1]
= (vp.w/2) * p8 + 0 * p9 + 0 * p10 + (vp.w/2 + vp.x) * (-1)
= vp.w/2 * (p8 - 1) - vp.x
u0 = vp.w/2 * (1 - p8) + vp.x
Repeating the calculation for other intrinsic matrix parameters, we arrive at the following function:
function getCameraIntrinsics(projectionMatrix, viewport) {
const p = projectionMatrix;
// Principal point in pixels (typically at or near the center of the viewport)
let u0 = (1 - p[8]) * viewport.width / 2 + viewport.x;
let v0 = (1 - p[9]) * viewport.height / 2 + viewport.y;
// Focal lengths in pixels (these are equal for square pixels)
let ax = viewport.width / 2 * p[0];
let ay = viewport.height / 2 * p[5];
// Skew factor in pixels (nonzero for rhomboid pixels)
let gamma = viewport.width / 2 * p[4];
// Print the calculated intrinsics:
const intrinsicString = (
"intrinsics: u0=" + u0 + " v0=" + v0 + " ax=" + ax + " ay=" + ay +
" gamma=" + gamma + " for viewport {width=" +
viewport.width + ",height=" + viewport.height + ",x=" +
viewport.x + ",y=" + viewport.y + "}");
console.log("projection:", Array.from(projectionMatrix).join(", "));
First variant of the API was described in [email protected]'s personal repository, used to implenent a PoC in Chrome for Android.
partial interface XRWebGLBinding {
WebGLTexture? getCameraImage(XRFrame frame, XRView view);
partial interface XRViewerPose {
[SameObject] readonly attribute FrozenArray<XRView> cameraViews;
The initial proposal of the API used an XRView
type as a handle that can then be used to query the camera image from the system. The camera intrinsics could be calculated by inspecting the projection matrix of the XRView. In case the system wanted to surface a camera image that is not aligned with any of the existing views, it would have to artificially create additional XRView
This API shape was not very extensible as it did not offer a clear way of adding camera-specific properties - they would have to be added to an XRView
. In the likely case the API would have to be extended to account for cameras that are not aligned with views, the API shape did not offer nice / obvious extension points.
Initial IW CG discussions for the feature happened in [email protected]'s personal repository (currently archived), and caused the API shape to change. The outcome of the discussion was to pivot from attempting to provide a unified API shape to cater to both smartphone-focused (render effects) and HMD-focused (running custom computer vision algorithms) scenarios, into a simpler API shape that would work primarily for smartphone-specific scenarios. The API shape could later be extended with a variant that would take into account various platform constraints of HMDs - this variant would also be feasible to implement on smartphones. In addition, application authors could use the currently proposed API shape to run custom CV algorithms on the returned camera texture if they choose to, until a better-suited, cross-platform solution becomes available in WebXR. For more details, see the discussion linked above.