This repository contains a small number of commits that vary the default keyboardio firmware layout to make multilingual typing more intuitive and fix a selection of annoyances.
The commits are mostly atomic and can be applied individually, however the base layer changes require that three keys be moved from the base layer to the Fn layer, so failing to apply the Fn layer commits will result in loss of functionality.
Follow the instructions in the file, but instead of cloning
, clone andrewgdotcom/Model01-Firmware
Otherwise the steps are identical.
Arrow keys are properly homed to sit under the keys "JKL;". The default keymap requires the user to change hand position.
Numpad is properly homed as per e.g. Kinesis and implements the standard Apple keypad layout for the non-numeric keys. It also fixes a bug where the keypad generated Equals (which varies with OS keymap) rather than the more invariant code KP_Equals. It also adds an extra Backspace key.
Mousekeys are properly homed as an inverted-T under the first three fingers. The warp buttons are arranged in a square around the inverted-T. Left-button is under the left pinky so that it can be held down easily for drag and drop while the inverted-T and warp buttons are operated by the first three fingers. Right and middle buttons are placed by analogy. Insert is displaced, and is relocated under "B" to be close to Delete.
Duplicate keys are created on the Fn layer to free up space on the base layer:
- Page Up/Down keys are duplicated on Fn-Tab and Fn-Escape.
- Num is duplicated on Fn-C15R3 (the bottom rightmost key). The magic pipe key is moved to C13R3 (but isn't needed).
The ABG/Celtic international layout is implemented:
- Page Up/Down become "|" and "<>" (the "international key")
- Any and Num become "-_" and "=+"
- "-_" and "=+" become "[{" and "]}"
The thumb buttons and butterfly key are rearranged:
- Butterfly is now Command/GUI
- Command/GUI and Alt become the Shift keys
- The old Shift keys become Left-Alt and Right-Alt (=AltGr)
Prg 1! 2@ 3# 4$ 5% LED -_ 6^ 7& 8* 9( 0) =+
`~ Q W E R T Tab Ret Y U I O P [{
\| A S D F G H J K L ;: '"
<> Z X C V B Esc Cmd N M ,< .> /? ]}
Ctl Bs Sh Alt Alt Sh Sp Ctl
___ F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 XXX Pre F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11
Tab ___ MNW MUp MNE MWE PUp Pla Nxt { } [ ] F12
Hom LBu MLe MDn MRi RBu ___ Le Dn Up Ri ___
End PSc MSW MBu MSE Ins PDn App Mut V+ V- | \ Num
___ Del ___ ___ ___ ___ Ret ___
VER ___ Clr = / * ___
___ ___ 7 8 9 - ___
Bs 4 5 6 + ___
___ ___ 1 2 3 Ent ___
___ ___ 0 .