STAKE project code - Kevin B. Corrales - advisor Miguel L Pardal
The STAKE system is available via HTTP protocol.
The Web interface allows users to access various functionalities and information from the Machine Learning plug-ins and network.
The Entry page of the system allows the user is able to sign in or log in.
The information needed to sign in are: Username, E-mail and Password.
The information needed to give to log in are: Username and Password.
After the user is authenticated, the user is redirected to the Dashboard page.
This page displays a summary of information available from the following pages: Captured Traffic page, System Information page, Device Management page, Alerts page and Plug-ins Results page.
The Profile Settings page is available through the Web interface header.
This page enables the user to edit his profile information.
The Device Management page allows the user to manage the network devices.
The auditing of alerts raised by an anomaly detection is important, since it enables the ability to investigate the anomaly.
Thus, devices can be identified in this page by matching a name with the device MAC address.
Additionally, the user is able to add a short description about the identified device.
The most compounded page is the Plug-in Configuration page.
This page allows the user to add, edit and remove plug-ins.
By adding or editing a plug-in the user can configure specific plug-ins information such as:
- Plug-in file path (".sav" extension is mandatory);
- Plug-in name;
- Identify the Plug-in category (Supervised/Unsupervised);
- Enable/Disable Plug-in anomaly detection;
- Enable/Disable automatic Plug-in re-training;
- Configure the re-training periodicity;
- Select the anomaly percentage of the training data;
- Select the train/test split percentage for the training data(only for Supervised Learning plug-ins);
- Select the Data Pre-processing steps in the training data. This includes feature selection methods selection, training data size selection and data transformation methods selection;
- Select the Dataset features used in the training data;
- Select the evaluation metrics used for Plug-in training evaluation;
Add Plug-in configuration tab:
Edit Plug-in configuration tab:
The plug-ins training results from the evaluation metrics selected for each plug-in from the previous page (Plug-in Configuration page) is then shown in the Plug-in Results page.
In this page, the user is able to confirm if the training was a success or if there is a need for adjusment in the plug-in configuration.
Random Forest results example:
Elliptic Envelope results example:
All the anomaly alerts from the system can be reviewed in the Alerts page.
In addition, the system also provides information about the plug-in training status and system errors.
The information can be filtered in the search:
The Captured Traffic page shows information and statistics about the last N
captured packets(configured in the .ini file from the system) by the system.
Being aware of the system status is also important.
Therefore, the System Information page allows the user to verify the usage of different hardware components of the system.
Creating effective plug-ins is a critical part for the system anomaly detection to work efficiently.
But, to create plug-ins, we need data.
Thus, a dataset creation tool was also developed.
The tools are located at the src/tools
The path of the dataset and the adapter which will be sniffed are hardcoded.
The dataset is saved as '.pcap' format.
To execute the tool, we simply run:
The developed plug-ins were based on Elliptic Envelope and Random Forest models.
The tool used to create the plug-ins executes 4 main steps:
- Read the '.pcap' file containing the captured packets and parse it into a dataframe.
- Train the selected plug-in models.
- Save the training results and plots.
- Save each of the trained models into '.sav' files.
To execute this tool, we can run:
All configurations need to be hardcoded.
Additionally, if it is desired to test the plug-ins after being saved, we can use the following plug-in testing tool:
Just like the previous tools, all settings also need to be hardcoded.