In addition to a tuned Istio install, we also provide a Linkerd installation profile to run the same ../runner/
tests on.
Please follow this Setup README, finish step 1.
cd ../benchmark/linkerd
./ <linkerd-release-version>
You can run the following command to see what components are installed
kubectl -n linkerd get deploy
export NAMESPACE=twopods-linkerd
export DNS_DOMAIN=local
export LINKERD_INJECT=enabled
cd ..
Please follow steps here: Prepare Python Env
python runner/ 16,64 1000 240 --baseline --mesh=linkerd
Note - Linkerd proxy CPU/memory usage not yet implemented, only latency performance.
export FORTIO_CLIENT_URL=<fortio client svc EXTERNAL_IP:port>
python runner/runner/ $FORTIO_CLIENT_URL
python ./runner/ <PATH_TO_CSV> <METRIC> --mesh=linkerd
python ./runner/ linkerd.csv p90 --mesh=linkerd
python ./runner/ linkerd.csv p50 --mesh=linkerd
See the example-comparison directory for a sample comparison between Istio and Linkerd from the perspective of Latency.