Transmog is a command-line tool for converting Visual Studio Code (VS Code) themes into Xcode themes.
You can find many VS Code themes in the Visual Studio Marketplace.
brew install mint
mint install inket/Transmog
Using a local theme:
$ transmog theme-file.json
Saved as "(t)Theme Name"
Or from a URL:
$ transmog
Saved as "(t)Noctis Azureus"
$ transmog
Saved as "(t)vue-theme"
Original | Transmog |
Original | Transmog |
Original | Transmog |
Original | Transmog |
Obviously the result theme will not match 1:1 because IDEs parse code differently.
In addition, VSCode allows for much more complex themes that are language/framework-aware so a specific theme might look different when rendering JS code vs TypeScript code.
This tool will only convert the colors that aren't associated with a specific language.
In my testing, the results are decent, but you might need to edit the theme to reach perfection ;)
OVERVIEW: A command-line tool for converting VSCode themes files into Xcode theme files
USAGE: transmog <theme-file-path-or-url> [--output <output>] [--skip-color-profile-correction]
Path or URL of the VSCode theme file (.json). GitHub links are also supported.
-o, --output <output> Output directory path (optional) (default:
-s, --skip-color-profile-correction
Skip the color profile correction of VSCode theme values.
This will cause theme colors to look different in Xcode from what they appear like in
-h, --help Show help information.