First prepare your environment. Set up a freeipa server either in a dedicated host or in a container. For container, you can refer to the Test Workflow for some insight.
The freeipa server must be resolvable either by dns or using /etc/hosts
First, set up the environment variables:
export FREEIPA_HOST="ipa.ipatest.lan"
export FREEIPA_USERNAME="admin"
export FREEIPA_PASSWORD="P@ssword123"
Then run the test:
TF_ACC=1 go test -v -cover ./...
Allow cgroup in the container:
sudo setsebool -P container_manage_cgroup 1
Allow to bind on privileged port > 80
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_unprivileged_port_start=80
Run FreeIPA server in podman
export FREEIPA_VERSION="fedora-37-4.10.1"
podman container run -ti --rm --name freeipa-server-container -h ipa.ipatest.lan --dns= --read-only -p -p -v $HOME/Tmp/ipa-data:/data:Z -e container=podman -e IPA_SERVER_HOSTNAME="ipa.ipatest.lan" -e IPA_SERVER_INSTALL_OPTS='--no-ntp --ds-password=P@ssword123 --admin-password=P@ssword123 --domain=ipatest.lan --realm=IPATEST.LAN --no-host-dns --no-forwarders --setup-dns --no-dnssec-validation --allow-zone-overlap --no-reverse --unattended' freeipa/freeipa-server:${FREEIPA_VERSION}
Once the container initialized, you can update /etc/hosts
to add the ipa hostname for ip If done before, the container initialization will fail.
needs to be updated before and after the container start otherwise it will not initialize correctly.
Setting the hostname in your external DNS server works however.