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R Package for Genetic and Phenotypic Resistance Interpretation


AMRgen is an open-source R package designed to bridge the gap between genotypic and phenotypic antimicrobial resistance (AMR) data. Developed as an extension to the AMR R package, it provides tools to interpret AMR genes, integrate these findings with antimicrobial susceptibility test (AST) data, and calculate genotype-phenotype associations.

This package is developed in collaboration with the ESGEM-AMR Working Group and is tailored for researchers and healthcare professionals tackling AMR globally.

Key Features

NOTE: These features are intended to develop in the near future

  • Genotype-Phenotype Integration: Links AMR gene presence with phenotypic resistance profiles, enabling deeper insights into resistance mechanisms.
  • Automated EUCAST MIC Distribution Integration: Fetch MIC distribution data directly from EUCAST for seamless comparison with local susceptibility data.
  • Visualisation: Generate powerful UpSet plots to identify intersections of AMR gene presence and phenotypic resistance, highlighting multidrug resistance patterns.
  • NCBI-Compliant Export: Create NCBI-compliant antibiograms for global data sharing and interoperability with surveillance platforms.
  • Modular and Extensible: Leverages the robust foundation of the AMR package, including antibiotic selectors and clinical breakpoint interpretations.

Getting Started

To install and explore the package, follow the instructions below:


Note that this package requires the latest version of the AMR package (still in beta).

Install the latest version of the AMR package with:

install.packages("remotes") # if you haven't already

Then install this package

# Install from GitHub

Usage Examples

Will follow shortly

For now see working examples at the bottom of this page (but note this is still bleeding edge, and geared towards developing functions)


Contributions are welcome! If you encounter issues or wish to suggest new features, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


This package is distributed under the GNU GPL-3.0 Licence. See LICENSE for details.

Dev notes:

Definition: 'genotype' dataframe

required fields:

  • a column indicating the sample ID (any string; to be matched to phenotype data)
  • a column named 'marker' indicating the label for a specific gene or mutation (S3 class 'gene')

at least one of:

  • a column named 'drug_agent' (S3 class 'ab'; this will usually be generated by a genotype parser function applying as.ab)
  • a column named 'drug_class' indicating a drug class associated with this marker (controlled vocab string; allowed values are those in antbiotics$group, this will usually be generated by a genotype parser function, if not provided it will be generated from 'drug_agent') [might develop S3 class? e.g. needs to include 'efflux']


  • a column indicating the species (S3 class mo; to facilitate interpretation)

genotype parsers should be generating all 4 fields

Definition: 'phenotype' dataframe

required fields:

  • a column indicating the sample ID (any string; to be matched to genotype data)
  • a column named 'drug_agent' (S3 class 'ab'; this will usually be generated by a phenotype parser function applying as.ab)

at least one of:

  • a column of class 'disk' or 'mic'
  • a column of class 'sir'


  • a column indicating the species (S3 class mo; to facilitate interpretation)

function to import NCBI AST file into a suitable 'phenotype' dataframe: import_ncbi_ast

  • input = filepath to a NCBI AST file (e.g.
  • rename #BioSample column -> new column 'biosample'
  • map key columns to AMR classes:
    • Antibiotic -> as.ab -> new column 'drug_agent' (class ab)
    • Scientific name -> -> new column 'spp_pheno' (class mo)
    • MIC (mg/L) -> as.mic -> new column 'mic' (class mic)
    • Disk diffusion (mm) -> as.disk -> new column 'disk' (class disk)
    • Testing standard -> new column 'guideline' (character; value = 'CLSI' if specified, otherwise default to 'EUCAST')
  • optionally (off by default), interpret any mic or disk columns using the ab, mo, guideline values - new column 'pheno' (class sir)
  • return = dataframe with the input NCBI AST file contents with the new columns added

Expected workflow (target for dev)

  • import genotype data -> genotype dataframe (e.g. parse_amrfp)
  • import phenotype data -> phenotype dataframe (e.g. import_ncbi_ast)
    • interpret SIR if required (as.sir; requires either a species column, or that all rows are a single species)
  • optionally: filter both files to the desired sample sets (e.g. filter on species, check common sample identifiers exist)
  • pass filtered genotype & phenotype objects (which have common sample identifiers) to functions for
    • generating binary matrix of SIR vs marker presence/absence suitable for regression modelling (getBinMat)
    • cross-tabulating SIR vs marker presence/absence, calculating & plotting PPV (solo_ppv_analysis)
    • upset plots showing MIC/DD distribution stratified by genotype profile (AMRGen_Upset)

Working examples


# import small example E. coli AST data from NCBI (without re-interpreting resistance)
pheno <- import_ncbi_ast("testdata/Ecoli_AST_NCBI_n50.tsv")

# import small example E. coli AST data from NCBI, and re-interpret resistance into new column 'pheno'
#   and interpret wt/nwt into new column 'ecoff' (WARNING: phenotype interpretation can take a few minutes)
pheno <- import_ncbi_ast("testdata/Ecoli_AST_NCBI_n50.tsv", interpret = T, ecoff=T)

# import small example E. coli AMRfinderplus data
geno <- parse_amrfp("testdata/Ecoli_AMRfinderplus_n50.tsv", "Name")

# get subsets of each table for samples present in both
overlap <- compare_geno_pheno_id(geno,pheno)

# get binary matrix for R and NWT for a given drug (using "Resistance phenotype" from NCBI), and presence/absence for markers for relevant drug class/es
mero_vs_blaGenes <- getBinMat(geno, pheno, antibiotic="Meropenem", drug_class_list=c("Carbapenems", "Cephalosporins"), sir_col="Resistance phenotype")
cipro_vs_quinoloneMarkers <- getBinMat(geno, pheno, "Ciprofloxacin", c("Quinolones"), sir_col="Resistance phenotype")

# import larger example E. coli AST data from NCBI (without re-interpreting resistance)
pheno <- import_ncbi_ast("testdata/Ecoli_AST_NCBI.tsv.gz")

# import larger example E. coli AMRfinderplus data
geno <- parse_amrfp("testdata/Ecoli_AMRfinderplus.tsv.gz", "Name")

# get binary matrix of gene determinants related to ciprofloxacin and add the raw cipro MIC; then create upset plot with the output
ec_cip_bin<- getBinMat(geno, pheno, antibiotic="Ciprofloxacin", drug_class_list=c("Quinolones"), sir_col="Resistance phenotype", keep_assay_values=T, keep_assay_values_from = "mic")
AMRGen_Upset(ec_cip_bin, min_set_size=2, order="mic")

# get solo markers for a specified drug and associated class/es, calculate and plot PPV (using NCBI interpretation)
soloPPV_mero <- solo_ppv_analysis(geno, pheno, antibiotic="Meropenem", drug_class_list=c("Carbapenems", "Cephalosporins"), sir_col="Resistance phenotype")
soloPPV_cipro <- solo_ppv_analysis(geno, pheno, antibiotic="Ciprofloxacin", drug_class_list=c("Quinolones"), sir_col="Resistance phenotype")

# repeat the above but reinterpret the phenotypes vs current breakpoints and ECOFFs first, to define R and NWT variables
# (for this example, we can save time using file that was already 'reinterpreted' using: import_ncbi_ast("testdata/Ecoli_AST_NCBI.tsv", interpret=T, ecoff=T)
pheno <- read_tsv("testdata/Ecoli_AST_NCBI_reinterpreted.tsv.gz") %>%
    mutate(drug_agent=as.ab(drug_agent),, mic=as.mic(mic), disk=as.disk(disk), pheno=as.sir(pheno))
geno <- parse_amrfp("testdata/Ecoli_AMRfinderplus.tsv.gz", "Name")
soloPPV_mero <- solo_ppv_analysis(geno, pheno, antibiotic="Meropenem", drug_class_list=c("Carbapenems", "Cephalosporins"), sir_col="Resistance phenotype")
soloPPV_cipro <- solo_ppv_analysis(geno, pheno, antibiotic="Ciprofloxacin", drug_class_list=c("Quinolones"), sir_col="Resistance phenotype")

# use complex upset
# get binary matrix of gene determinants related to ciprofloxacin and add the raw cipro MIC; then create upset plot with the output, using pheno and geno matrix using the re-interpreted pheno option
ec_cip_bin<- getBinMat(geno, pheno, antibiotic="Ciprofloxacin", drug_class_list=c("Quinolones"), sir_col="pheno", keep_assay_values=T, keep_assay_values_from = "mic")