Tuesday, 2023/03/21
10:00 am ET
Terrell Russell, Kory Draughn, Alan King, Dave Fellinger, Paul Borgermans (KU Leuven), Mariana Montes (KU Leuven), Mike Conway (NIEHS)
- Goal: Draft paper for circulation among group
- RDA20 - Sweden - attended a couple sessions on maDMP
- They are struggling to get to consensus as well on what should be included
- Every discipline has its own language/details
- Consistency is really hard / impossible
- KU Leuven
- Rewrote a schema editor in vanilla javascript - DEMO
- Part of ManGO (PRC-based portal)
- Draft/published/versioning included -> results in a JSON file
- Just single version can be published at a time
- Publishing a new version makes attached items 'invalid'
- No sweeping/detection yet, that's later
- Tough to do generically - probably have to be domain-specific
- Deleting an item from the template
- Next time a data object or collection's metadata is updated/edited
- The removed item will no longer be available to edit
- Will be deleted from the data object or collection
- Multiple templates attached to single item
- They are namespaced, so they can be merged / do not conflict
- Investigating whether to use versioning information in the 'unit' field
- For both the template version and/or the metadata version
- Could also save snapshots of existing data if the schemas change
- Currently following a project paradigm: have permissions for a 3rd-level collection. for example /<zone>/homes/<projectA>
- Anyone in the project can manage templates for that project
- Could also have templates for each User, provided they have a home collection
- Current storage manager is using file system
- A native irods storage manager is on the todo list (and permissions can be more fine grained then as well)
- Needs more documentation
- Will publish/share the repository 'soon'
- Rewrote a schema editor in vanilla javascript - DEMO
- Next Meeting:
- Apr 2023