This package contains a variety of materials, including data sets and related materials. The third party data sets and related materials are provided by their respective publishers, and may be subject to separate and additional terms and conditions. The following summarizes the sources of the applicable data, and details regarding the applicable provider. Additional terms and conditions, including certain restrictions on commercial use, redistribution, or other similar restrictions, may apply to the applicable data sets. If you cannot comply with the terms of the applicable data collection, you may not use that data, and your ability to make use of this software package, and/or the results or output you are able to generate through its use may be impacted. Please review the information provided below, and the terms and conditions provided by the publisher at the original source for more information.
- Name: Counties in the United States
- Author:
- Description: An interactive map contains all the counties in the United States
- Source:
- Exact source location:
- Modifications to source file(s): None
- Location: prereise/gather/data/ba_to_county.txt
- Name: Form EIA-923
- Author: EIA
- Description: Electric power data -- monthly and annually -- on electricity generation, fuel consumption, fossil fuel stocks, and receipts at the power plant and prime mover level for 2016
- Source:
- Exact source location:
- Modifications to source files(s): None
- Location: prereise/gather/data/EIA923_Schedules_2_3_4_5_M_12_2016_Final_Revision.xlsx
The dataset is used to generate hydro profiles.
- Name: Historical load
- Author: SPP
- Description: Historical load data rolled up at an hourly level and grouped by sub-area for 2015 and 2016
- Source:
- Exact source location:
- Modifications to source file(s): None
- Location: prereise/gather/demanddata/eia/demo/eastern_demand_v6_demo/spp/load/*
The dataset is used to generate demand profiles for the Eastern interconnection.
Data from this source may be freely copied and distributed except in connection with a commercial publication.
- Name: Legacy BAs geographical coverage
- Author: SPP
- Description: link each county covered by SPP to its sub-area
- Source:
- Exact source location: file obtained open request through SPP internal request management system (
- Modifications to source file(s): None
- Location: prereise/gather/demanddata/eia/demo/eastern_demand_v6_demo/spp/spp_counties_owners.xlsx
The dataset is used to generate demand profiles for the Eastern interconnection.
Legal review pending
- Name: Historical forecasted and actual load
- Author: MISO
- Description: Historical forecasted and actual load data rolled up at an hourly level and grouped by sub-area for 2015 and 2016
- Source:
- Exact source location:
- Modifications to source file(s): None
- Location:
- prereise/gather/demanddata/eia/demo/eastern_demand_v6_demo/miso/20151231_dfal_hist.xls
- prereise/gather/demanddata/eia/demo/eastern_demand_v6_demo/miso/20161231_dfal_hist.xls
The dataset is used to generate demand profiles for the Eastern interconnection.
When using this dataset, provide a copy of the final product to MISO.
- Name: Electrification Futures Study Load Profiles
- Authors: Trieu Mai, Paige Jadun, Jeffrey Logan, Colin McMillan, Matteo Muratori, Daniel Steinberg, Laura Vimmerstedt, Ryan Jones, Ben Haley, Brent Nelson, Caitlin Murphy, Yinong Sun
- Description: Projected state-level demand profiles for different electrification scenarios, levels of technology advancement, and years.
- Source:
- Exact source location: There are nine different .zip files containing demand data for the nine combinations of three electrification scenarios and three technology advancements. They can be accessed via: "" + es + "_" + ta + ".zip", where es is in {"Reference", "Medium", "High"} and ta is in {"Slow", "Moderate", "Rapid"}.
- Modifications to source file(s):
- Sectoral demand is aggregated so that there is only one value for each time and location.
- State-level demand is mapped to the load zones defined by Breakthrough Energy Sciences.
- Of the six years' worth of data provided in each dataset, only one user-specified year is kept.
- Location: These datasets are not included in this package. Rather, users are able to access and modify the datasets using modules included in this package.
These datasets are used to generate demand profiles that account for projected widespread electrification in the contiguous U.S.
These datasets are generously provided by NREL, which is operated for the U.S. Department of Energy by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. Before using these datasets, please read this disclaimer first.
- Name: Electrification Futures Study Flexible Load Profiles
- Authors: Paige Jadun, Trieu Mai, Caitlin Murphy, Yinong Sun, Matteo Muratori, Brent Nelson, Ryan Jones, Jeffrey Logan
- Description: Projected state-level flexible demand profiles for different electrification scenarios, levels of technology advancement, flexibility scenarios, and years.
- Source:
- Exact source location: There are three different .zip files containing flexibility data for each of the three electrification scenarios. They can be accessed via: " Flexible Load Profiles - " + es + "", where es is in {"Reference", "Medium", "High"}.
- Modifications to source file(s):
- State-level demand is mapped to the load zones defined by Breakthrough Energy Sciences.
- Of the six years' worth of data provided in each dataset, only one user-specified year is kept.
- Of the three different technology advancements, data for only one user-specified technology advancement is kept.
- Of the two different flexibility scenarios, data for only one user-specified flexibility scenario is kept.
- Location: These datasets are not included in this package. Rather, users are able to access and modify the datasets using modules included in this package.
These datasets are used to generate flexibility profiles that are realized through the projected widespread electrification in the contiguous U.S.
These datasets are generously provided by NREL, which is operated for the U.S. Department of Energy by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. Before using these datasets, please read this disclaimer first.
- Name: Electric power annual
- Author: EIA
- Description: Capacity factors for utility scale generators not primarily using fossil fuel, January 2013-December 2017 (Table 4.8.B)
- Source:
- Exact source location:
- Modifications to source file(s): extract 2015, 2016 and 2017 monthly capacity factors for conventional hydropower
- Location: prereise/gather/hydrodata/data/usa_hydro_capacity_factors.csv
The dataset is used to generate hydro profiles.
- Name: Fuel mix report
- Author: ERCOT
- Description: Actual generation by fuel type for each 15-minute settlement interval, as well as totals by month and year-to-date.
- Source:
- Exact source location:
- Modifications to source file(s): monthly files have been concatenated and timestamps have been converted to UTC.
- Location: prereise/gather/hydrodata/data/ercot_hydro_2016.csv
The dataset is used to generate hydro profiles for the Texas interconnection.
Disclose modifications when redistributing this dataset in modified form.
- Name: Dataquery 2.0
- Author: USACE
- Description: historical hourly data from the largest twenty hydroelectric dams in the USACE's Northwestern hydro system.
- Source:
- Exact source location:
- Modifications to source file(s): power output on 4/26/2019 16:00 UTC for two dams (WAN and PRD) exceeds their respective capacity. These outliers were replaced with an average of the hour before and after the outlier hour, for each of the two dams.
- Location: prereise/gather/hydrodata/data/usace_hydro_2019.csv
The dataset is used to generate hydro profiles for the Western interconnection.
- Name: Real-Time Maps and Charts
- Author: ISONE
- Description: real-time generation data by fuel type for ISONE in UTC. Temporal resolution is adjustable from 2 min to 20 min per sample.
- Source:
- Exact source location:
- Modifications to source file(s): Average of all samples during each hour was used. Data from all two-day files was concatenated into one csv file for the entire year of 2016. Data for 121 missing hours were imputed.
- Location: prereise/gather/hydrodata/data/neiso_hydro_2016.csv
The dataset is used to generate hydro profiles for the Eastern interconnection.
- Name: SPP Integrated Marketplace
- Author: SPP
- Description: publicly available generation fuel mix data for SPP
- Source:
- Exact source location:
- Modifications to source file(s): Raw data is provided at 5 min interval and was averaged for the hour to create an hourly profile.
- Location: prereise/gather/hydrodata/data/spp_hydro_2016.csv
The dataset is used to generate hydro profiles for the Eastern interconnection.
Data from this source may be freely copied and distributed except in connection with a commercial publication.
- Name: Open Access Same-Time Information System (OASIS)
- Author: NYISO
- Description: historical fuel mix generation data in various temporal resolution
- Source:
- Exact source location:
- Modifications to source file(s): Data was reformatted into one excel file and averaged among the intervals within one hour. Data for missing hours was computed by averaging the non-blank hour before and after the missing hour.
- Location: prereise/gather/hydrodata/data/nyiso_hydro_2016.csv
The dataset is used to generate hydro profiles for the Eastern interconnection.
- Name: Data Miner 2
- Author: PJM
- Description: historical hourly hydro generation data for PJM in 2016
- Source:
- Exact source location:
- Modifications to source file(s): Data for 2015 is not available from the tool and the time series data for 2016 is recorded in local time. The last 5 hours of 2016 EST were used to represent the first 5 hours of the year to fill in that missing data.
- Location: prereise/gather/hydrodata/data/pjm_hydro_2016.csv
The dataset is used to generate hydro profiles for the Eastern interconnection.
- Name: Form EIA-860
- Author: EIA
- Description: 2016 solar technology data for operable units (Schedule 3)
- Source:
- Exact source location:
- Modifications to source file(s): convert to
- Location: prereise/gather/solardata/data/3_3_Solar_Y2016.csv
The dataset is used to generate solar profiles.
- Name: Form EIA-860
- Author: EIA
- Description: 2016 wind technology data for operable units (Schedule 3)
- Source:
- Exact source location:
- Modifications to source file(s): convert to
- Location: prereise/gather/winddata/data/3_2_Wind_Y2016.csv
The dataset is used to generate wind profiles from wind speed profiles.
- Name: Power curves database
- Author: The Wind Power
- Description: power curves for 802 different turbines
- Source:
- Exact source location:
- Modifications to source file(s): 82 power curves are selected and gathered in a
file. - Location: prereise/gather/winddata/data/PowerCurves.csv
The dataset is used to generate wind profiles from wind speed profiles.
- Name: Wind Integration National Data set (WIND) toolkit
- Author: NREL
- Description: report dedicated to the validation of power output for the NREL WIND toolkit
- Source:
- Exact source location: Table 2 of report.
- Modifications to source file(s): the 4 normalized power curves were added to the list of power curves used to produce the wind profiles
- Location: prereise/gather/winddata/data/PowerCurves.csv
The dataset is used to generate wind profiles from wind speed profiles.
Recommended citation: J. King, A. Clifton and B.-M. Hodge. 2014. Validation of Power Output for the WIND Toolkit, Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. NREL/TP-6A20-74110.