Create an Account or Log In to Atlas.
We’ll be using MongoDB Atlas, our fully managed Database as a Service, for this workshop. Go to and either create a new account or log into an existing account you may have previously created. Create a new Atlas project to use in this workshop.
Note that the Atlas team sometimes experiment with the UI to make things more intuitive – that means that your experience might not match what you see here.
Opt to create a "Shared Cluster" so that you can use the free tier:
Take a moment to browse the options (Provider & Region, Cluster Tier, Version, Backup, …):
Make sure that you opt for the "M0" free-tier.
Leave the remaing options set to the defaults and skip down to the bottom section where you can set the Cluster Name.
Set the Cluster Name - This can be whatever you like.
Now, click create to create the cluster:
Next, you will see your cluster with a blue banner along the top indicating that changes are being deployed. This will take aa couple minutes to complete the provisioning process: