These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
docker network create frontend || true
docker network create serviceplatformen_organisation_api_app || true
docker compose pull
docker compose up --detach --wait
# Important: Use --no-interaction to make have effect.
docker compose exec phpfpm composer install --no-interaction
# Install the site
docker compose exec phpfpm vendor/bin/drush site:install --existing-config --yes
# Download and install external libraries
docker compose exec phpfpm vendor/bin/drush webform:libraries:download
# Build theme assets
docker compose run --rm node yarn --cwd web/themes/custom/os2forms_selvbetjening_theme install
docker compose run --rm node yarn --cwd web/themes/custom/os2forms_selvbetjening_theme build
# Open the site
open $(docker compose exec phpfpm vendor/bin/drush --uri=http://$(docker compose port nginx 8080) user:login)
The development setup depends on the serviceplatformen_organisation_api_app
network which is used to access the API from
Serviceplatformen organisation API.
If you start that project (cf. Getting started),
you're good to go. If you don't need the API during development,
you can manually create the network by running
docker network create serviceplatformen_organisation_api_app
Some modules included in this project needs additional configuration. Take a look at the following modules on how to configure them:
- OS2Forms CPR Lookup
- OS2Forms CVR Lookup
- OS2Forms Digital Post
- OS2Forms NemLogin OpenID Connect
- OS2Forms GetOrganized
- OS2Forms Fasit
See /admin/config/system/os2web-datalookup/cpr-lookup
for configuration.
The OpenID Connect module is
used to authenticate users and for security reasons the module must be
configured in the settings.local.php
# settings.local.php
$config['openid_connect.client.generic']['settings']['client_id'] = '…; // Get this from your IdP provider
$config['openid_connect.client.generic']['settings']['client_secret'] = '…'; // Get this from your IdP provider
$config['openid_connect.client.generic']['settings']['authorization_endpoint'] = '…'; // Get this from your OpenID Connect Discovery endpoint
$config['openid_connect.client.generic']['settings']['token_endpoint'] = '…'; // Get this from your OpenID Connect Discovery endpoint
// Set Drupal roles from map IdP roles (in the `groups` claim) on authentication.
$config['openid_connect.settings']['role_mappings']['administrator'] = ['AD-administrator'];
$config['openid_connect.settings']['role_mappings']['forloeb_designer'] = ['GG-Rolle-Digitaleworkflows-forloebsdesigner-prod'];
$config['openid_connect.settings']['role_mappings']['flow_designer'] = ['GG-Rolle-Digitaleworkflows-flowdesigner-prod'];
// Overwrite a translation to show a meaningful text on the log in button.
$settings['locale_custom_strings_en'][''] = [
'Log in with @client_title' => 'Log in with OpenID Connect (employee)',
$settings['locale_custom_strings_da'][''] = [
'Log in with @client_title' => 'Medarbejderlogin',
The OS2Forms Selvbetjening
module updates the following:
Adds a translatable description to the message body section.
Adds a translatable description to the webform category selects.
We use the Maestro module to make workflows.
To avoid having to run the
manually, a token must be set in
. The Orchestrator can then be run by visiting
Adding the following cronjob to your crontab will run
the Orchestrator every five minutes.
*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/curl --location https://[site]/orchestrator/{token} > /dev/null 2>&1; /usr/local/bin/cron-exit-status -c 'Some exit message probably containing [site]' -v $?
In /admin/config/workflow/maestro
you can also configure
whether a refresh of the Maestro Task Console should run the Orchestrator,
which certainly could be an advantage during tests.
We use Webform REST to expose a number of API endpoints. See OS2Forms REST API for details.
Configure organisation API endpoint on /admin/os2forms_organisation/settings
Overrides default webform email handler adding the option to send a notification to configured email if attachment size surpasses a configured value. If this size is surpassed only the notification email is sent.
By default, no notification is sent.
Enable and configure notifications receivers on the webform settings page.
Configure file size threshold, from email
and from name in settings.local.php
// OS2Forms Email Handler
// File size threshold should be a positive integer followed by a unit.
// Allowed units are KB, MB and GB.
// Examples: 900KB, 3MB, 2GB.
$settings['os2forms_email_handler']['notification_file_size_threshold'] = '10MB';
$settings['os2forms_email_handler']['notification_message_from_email'] = '[email protected]';
$settings['os2forms_email_handler']['notification_message_from_name'] = 'Selvbetjening';
composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader
Install site as described above.
Apply updates by running
vendor/bin/drush --yes deploy
Configure the memcache
The database of production must never be copied to a local development environment, as its data contains personal data.
If developers need an actual database for local development, the stg-environment can be made ready for download by ensuring that you delete all submissions and other information that can have personal character, before downloading.
docker compose exec phpfpm composer coding-standards-check
docker compose run node yarn --cwd /app install
docker compose run node yarn --cwd /app coding-standards-check
For development, the Mail Debugger module is available:
docker compose exec phpfpm vendor/bin/drush pm:enable mail_debugger
open "http://$(docker compose port nginx 80)/admin/config/development/mail_debugger"
# Open MailHog
open "http://$(docker compose port mailhog 8025)"
Note: Make sure to not add mail_debugger
to the modules
list in
– it’s only
for development.
Check your SMTP-settings with
docker compose exec phpfpm vendor/bin/drush config:get --include-overridden smtp.settings
An admin message (shown only on admin pages) can be defined in
, e.g.:
$settings['os2forms_selvbetjening']['admin_message'] = 'This is a <strong>test system</strong>';
$settings['os2forms_selvbetjening']['admin_message_style'] = 'padding: 1em; background-color: red; color: yellow;';
Import translations by running
docker compose exec --workdir /app/web phpfpm ../vendor/bin/drush locale:import --type=customized --override=none da ../translations/translations.da.po
Export translations by running
docker compose exec --workdir /app/web phpfpm ../vendor/bin/drush locale:export da --types=customized > ./translations/translations.da.po
Open translations/translations.da.po
with the latest version of
Poedit to clean up and then save the file.
See for further details.