The Object Observability Simple Access Protocol (ObjObsSAP) is an IVOA Data Access protocol which defines the standard for retrieving object constraint-free visibility time intervals through a uniform interface within the VO framework for given object coordinates to be observed by a given Astronomical Observatory. The ObjObsSAP services can be registered in an IVOA Registry of Resources using the VOResource, Extension standard, having a unique ResourceIdentifier in the registry. The ObjObsSAP interface is meant to be reasonably simple to be implemented by service providers. A basic query will be done introducing a set of sky coordinates and a given time period (optional). The service returns a list of constraint-free visibility time intervals formatted as VOTable. Thus, an implementation of the service may support additional search parameters (some of which may be custom to that particular service) to more finely control the selection of the visibility periods. The specification also describes how the search on extra parameters has to be done.
This protocol was previously named ObjVisSAP: Object Visibility Simple Access Protocol. It has been renamed since the IVOA Interoperability Meeting in Nov. 2023 in Tucson (see presentation).
Under development.
Remember to checkout the repository with its submodules.
git clone --recurse-submodules
Then: run make
and hope you have all the necessary tools installed.
The IVOA Architecture document is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.