We provide a demo script to test a single image, given gt json file.
Face Keypoint Model Preparation: The pre-trained face keypoint estimation model can be found from model zoo. Take aflw model as an example:
python demo/top_down_img_demo.py \
--img-root ${IMG_ROOT} --json-file ${JSON_FILE} \
--out-img-root ${OUTPUT_DIR} \
[--show --device ${GPU_ID or CPU}] \
[--kpt-thr ${KPT_SCORE_THR}]
python demo/top_down_img_demo.py \
configs/face/2d_kpt_sview_rgb_img/topdown_heatmap/aflw/hrnetv2_w18_aflw_256x256.py \
https://download.openmmlab.com/mmpose/face/hrnetv2/hrnetv2_w18_aflw_256x256-f2bbc62b_20210125.pth \
--img-root tests/data/aflw/ --json-file tests/data/aflw/test_aflw.json \
--out-img-root vis_results
To run demos on CPU:
python demo/top_down_img_demo.py \
configs/face/2d_kpt_sview_rgb_img/topdown_heatmap/aflw/hrnetv2_w18_aflw_256x256.py \
https://download.openmmlab.com/mmpose/face/hrnetv2/hrnetv2_w18_aflw_256x256-f2bbc62b_20210125.pth \
--img-root tests/data/aflw/ --json-file tests/data/aflw/test_aflw.json \
--out-img-root vis_results \
We provide a demo script to run face detection and face keypoint estimation.
Please install face_recognition
before running the demo, by pip install face_recognition
For more details, please refer to https://github.com/ageitgey/face_recognition.
python demo/face_img_demo.py \
--img-root ${IMG_ROOT} --img ${IMG_FILE} \
--out-img-root ${OUTPUT_DIR} \
[--show --device ${GPU_ID or CPU}] \
[--kpt-thr ${KPT_SCORE_THR}]
python demo/face_img_demo.py \
configs/face/2d_kpt_sview_rgb_img/topdown_heatmap/aflw/hrnetv2_w18_aflw_256x256.py \
https://download.openmmlab.com/mmpose/face/hrnetv2/hrnetv2_w18_aflw_256x256-f2bbc62b_20210125.pth \
--img-root tests/data/aflw/ \
--img image04476.jpg \
--out-img-root vis_results
We also provide a video demo to illustrate the results.
Please install face_recognition
before running the demo, by pip install face_recognition
For more details, please refer to https://github.com/ageitgey/face_recognition.
python demo/face_video_demo.py \
--video-path ${VIDEO_PATH} \
--out-video-root ${OUTPUT_VIDEO_ROOT} \
[--show --device ${GPU_ID or CPU}] \
[--kpt-thr ${KPT_SCORE_THR}]
Note that ${VIDEO_PATH}
can be the local path or URL link to video file.
python demo/face_video_demo.py \
configs/face/2d_kpt_sview_rgb_img/topdown_heatmap/aflw/hrnetv2_w18_aflw_256x256.py \
https://download.openmmlab.com/mmpose/face/hrnetv2/hrnetv2_w18_aflw_256x256-f2bbc62b_20210125.pth \
--video-path https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/87690686/137441355-ec4da09c-3a8f-421b-bee9-b8b26f8c2dd0.mp4 \
--out-video-root vis_results
Some tips to speed up MMPose inference:
For 2D face keypoint estimation models, try to edit the config file. For example,
- set
in face-hrnetv2_w18. - set
in face-hrnetv2_w18.