This diagram represents how data gets loading into the application and ends up in the Solr index:
Link to diagram in Google Drawings
You can read more about our data and related documentation in our data documentation.
The AWS deployment needs to provide the follow environment configuration:
And these database configuration settings:
database: "<%= ENV['RDS_DB_NAME'] %>"
username: "<%= ENV['RDS_USERNAME'] %>"
password: "<%= ENV['RDS_PASSWORD'] %>"
host: "<%= ENV['RDS_HOSTNAME'] %>"
port: "<%= ENV['RDS_PORT'] %>"
You can spin up the rails server, jetty, and populate the solr index using these commands:
$ bundle exec solr_wrapper
$ bundle exec rails s
This project is configured for continuous deployment to AWS at
The AWS stack can be built using:
$ aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name DLME --template-body file://cloudformation/stack.yaml --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM --parameters file://path/to/some/params.json
After creating the stack, you also need to go into route53 and correct the DNS entry for solr. Change the public, elastic ip address to the internal IP (10.0.x.x).
All files must first be converted to the intermediate representation (IR) before they can be imported.
Start by getting a personal access token from GitHub (
with the public_repo scope enabled. Put this in an environment variable called
(or put it in settings.local.yml
Then, run this command (locally on the production machine)
This will pull all the MODS files from
and all the TEI files from
and pull them into the local database. It will launch background jobs to
transform them to the JSON IR and load them as DlmeJson
resources in the database.
At this point they are also indexed into Solr for discovery.
If you want to repeat the transformation jobs without refetching the data you may use:
./bin/reprocess_harvest <harvest_id>
You can also run traject directly:
$ bundle exec traject -c config/traject.rb -c lib/traject/mods_config.rb -s source="source of data as set in config/settings" [path to some file]
$ bundle exec traject -c config/traject.rb -c lib/traject/fgdc_config.rb -s source='harvard_fgdc' spec/fixtures/fgdc/HARVARD.SDE2.AFRICOVER_EG_RIVERS.fgdc.xml