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File metadata and controls

225 lines (164 loc) · 7.38 KB


To get up and running you need to have the backend server and the client running. As explained earlier, you strictly do not need the client, you could just send json or write your own parser for the pivio.yaml file.

Building the software

The code is available from the Github repository at:

All code is written in Java 8 and needs Gradle for building. Change into each directory and issue gradle build to compile, test and package. The ready to use jar file will be located in build/libs.


The client gathers the information about the software. You would run it like this

java -jar build/libs/pivio.jar

This will

  1. look for a pivio.yaml in the current directory

  2. read a generated dependency file from maven, sbt or gradle. You need to generate this information beforehand.

  3. read the vcs root information. At the moment git and svn are supported.

At the end everything is converted to json and sent to the server. If none is specified http://localhost:9123 is assumed.

Command Line Options

usage: pivio
 -config <arg>               Defines the config for all parameters. This
                             is a properties file with some the switches
                             listed here. Default location is
 -defaultconfigname <arg>    Defines the name of your yaml metadata. The
                             suffix '.yaml' will be always appended.
                             Defaults to 'pivio'.
 -dry                        Do a dry run, do not submit anything but
                             output it to stdout.
 -file <arg>                 Full path to a file containing the data in
                             yaml format. Does not have to be named
                             pivio.yaml. This overwrites the -source
                             switch and only information in this file will
                             be collected.
 -gitremote <arg>            Uses the given argument as origin for Git VCS
                             remote detection (default: origin). This is
                             useful if you have multiple remotes
                             configured and/or differently named.
 -help                       This Help.
 -manualdependencies <arg>   Defines the file which holds manual defined
                             dependencies. Defaults to:
 -piviofilenotfoundexit0     Fail with Exit(0) when a pivio document was
                             not found in the source directory. Default is
                             1 in such as case.
 -serviceurl <arg>           The url of the pivio service (default:
 -source <arg>               The directory with the sources containing the
                             pivio.yaml file.
 -uploadfailexit1            Fail with Exit(1) when document can not be
                             uploaded. Default is 0 in such a case.
 -verbose                    Prints more information.
 -yamldir <arg>              All *.yaml files in this directory will be
                             read and each file is treated as self
                             contained definition of an artefact.

Usage: java -jar ./pivio.jar -source /home/ci/source/customerservice

You can define certain defaults in a properties file which will be used if it exists. The default location for this is /etc/ (can be configured via -config switch).

You can configure the following values:

  • source

  • gitremote

  • serviceurl

  • file

  • defaultfile

  • yamldir

  • manualdependencies

The format is key:value as in Java properties files.

Exit codes

If a Yaml file is not a valid yaml file the client will exit with code 1.

Dependencies & License information

Pivio can leverage exiting tools to gather information about software dependencies and their license types. At the moment Pivio supports three build tools and their tooling to get this kind of information.


If your code uses Maven you need to run the following command: mvn org.codehaus.mojo:license-maven-plugin:download-licenses.


To get started with gradle you need to include a plugin in your configuration.

buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven { url "" }
    dependencies {
         classpath 'nl.javadude.gradle.plugins:license-gradle-plugin:0.11.0'
apply plugin: 'license'

// most projects doesn't contain a LICENSE file so ignore this step
licenseMain.enabled = false
licenseTest.enabled = false

downloadLicenses {
    includeProjectDependencies = true
    // if you have dependencies but result is empty then use compile instead of runtime dependencies
    // dependencyConfiguration = 'compile'

    // recommend license mapping to avoid duplications
    ext.apacheTwo = license('Apache License, Version 2.0', '') = license('MIT License', '')

    aliases = [
       (apacheTwo) : ['The Apache Software License, Version 2.0', 'Apache 2', 'Apache License Version 2.0', 'Apache License, Version 2.0', 'Apache License 2.0', license('Apache License', '')],
       (mit) : ['The MIT License (MIT)', license('New BSD License', '')]

To enable Pivio to use this you need to run: gradle downloadLicenses.


If you use SBT you need to add the following part to one of your build files (e.g. license.sbt).

addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-license-report" % "1.0.0")

Then run sbt dumpLicenseReport.


The server is the backend and uses elasticsearch to store and query the information. Two rest end-points will be exposed.

  • /document

  • /changeset


Since the server is using elasticsearch you need to have a running elasticsearch 1.7.x. Download it from . Unzip it and start it with bin/elasticsearch.

This is how you start the pivio-server:

java -jar build/libs/pivio-server-1.0.0.jar

By default it listens on port 9123. The pivio client connects to this server and this port.


To start the web view use:

java -jar build/libs/view.jar

After that the web view is available on port 8080, e.g. http://localhost:8080 .

The WebView is looking for a configuration for the server in the pivio-conf/server_config.yaml file. The default is:

api: http://localhost:9123/
js_api: http://localhost:9123/
mainurl: http://localhost:8080/
  - description: Overview
    url: /app/overview
    id: tabOverview
  - description: Query
    url: /app/query
    id: tabQuery
  - description: Feed
    url: /app/feed
    id: tabFeed

This describes where all the relevant parts of the pivio components are and how the menu structure should look like.

Running in Docker

You can mount the pivio-conf volume with your own configuration file.