- RFC:
- Authors: Zakwan Jaroucheh, Venkatraman Ramakrishna, Sandeep Nishad, Rafael Belchior
- Status: Proposed
- Since: 04-Sep-2023
This document specifies the GRPC services whenever the gateway is involved.
service SATP {
// Stage 1 endpoints
// The sender gateway sends a TransferProposalClaims request to initiate an asset transfer.
// Depending on the proposal, multiple rounds of communication between the two gateways may happen.
rpc TransferProposalClaims(TransferProposalClaimsRequest) returns (common.ack.Ack) {};
// The sender gateway sends a TransferProposalClaims request to signal to the receiver gateway
// that the it is ready to start the transfer of the digital asset
rpc TransferProposalReceipt(TransferProposalReceiptRequest) returns (common.ack.Ack) {};
// The sender gateway sends a TransferCommence request to signal to the receiver gateway
// that the it is ready to start the transfer of the digital asset
rpc TransferCommence(TransferCommenceRequest) returns (common.ack.Ack) {};
// The receiver gateway sends a AckCommence request to the sender gateway to indicate agreement
// to proceed with the asset transfer
rpc AckCommence(AckCommenceRequest) returns (common.ack.Ack) {};
// Stage 2 endpoints
rpc SendAssetStatus(SendAssetStatusRequest) returns (common.ack.Ack) {};
// The sender gateway sends a LockAssertion request to convey a signed claim to the receiver gateway
// declaring that the asset in question has been locked or escrowed by the sender gateway in
// the origin network (e.g. to prevent double spending)
rpc LockAssertion(LockAssertionRequest) returns (common.ack.Ack) {};
// The receiver gateway sends a LockAssertionReceipt request to the sender gateway to indicate acceptance
// of the claim(s) delivered by the sender gateway in the previous message
rpc LockAssertionReceipt(LockAssertionReceiptRequest) returns (common.ack.Ack) {};
rpc CommitPrepare(CommitPrepareRequest) returns (common.ack.Ack) {};
rpc CommitReady(CommitReadyRequest) returns (common.ack.Ack) {};
rpc CommitFinalAssertion(CommitFinalAssertionRequest) returns (common.ack.Ack) {};
rpc AckFinalReceipt(AckFinalReceiptRequest) returns (common.ack.Ack) {};
rpc TransferCompleted(TransferCompletedRequest) returns (common.ack.Ack) {};
service DriverCommunication {
// As part of SATP, the source reply (sender gateway) sends a PerformLock request to its driver
// to lock a specific asset
rpc PerformLock(PerformLockRequest) returns (common.ack.Ack) {}
// As part of SATP, the destination reply (receiver gateway) sends a CreateAsset request to its driver
// to create a specific asset
rpc CreateAsset(CreateAssetRequest) returns (common.ack.Ack) {}
// As part of SATP, the source reply (sender gateway) sends a Extinguish request to its driver
// to extinguish a specific asset
rpc Extinguish(ExtinguishRequest) returns (common.ack.Ack) {}
// As part of SATP, the destination reply (receiver gateway) sends a AssignAsset request to its driver
// to assign a specific asset
rpc AssignAsset(AssignAssetRequest) returns (common.ack.Ack) {}
A gateway should maintain a database to store remote queries and state of the local queries at different stages of the asset transfer protocol. Before running the gateway, you need to ensure SQLite (the default database for logs) is installed by following the database initiaization documentation.