For this tutorial we will look at the binding of the ligand below to the protein Cyclophilin D.
The protein-ligand system looks like this
The following commands to prepare the protein and ligand files are stored in (run bash
on the terminal).
First, we need to prepare the ligand files. Run the following in a terminal to generate a MOL2 file with GAFF2 atom types and AM1BCC charges
antechamber -fi pdb -fo mol2 -i ligand.pdb -o ligand.am1bcc.gaff2.mol2 -at gaff2 -c bcc -rn LIG -pf y
Next, we generate a frcmod
file to add any missing bonded parameters.
parmchk2 -f mol2 -i ligand.am1bcc.gaff2.mol2 -s gaff2 -o ligand.frcmod
For the protein, we will need to remove any hydrogen atoms otherwise tleap
will complain about atom names not recognized in AMBER.
pdb4amber --nohyd protein.pdb > protein.noH.pdb
Now that we have a prepared protein and ligand PDB files, we can combine these two with OpenMM modules to get a single PDB file (run python
on the terminal).
from import PDBFile, Modeller
protein = PDBFile("protein.noH.pdb")
ligand = PDBFile("ligand.pdb")
protein_ligand = Modeller(protein.topology, protein.positions)
protein_ligand.add(ligand.topology, ligand.positions)
with open("protein_ligand.pdb", "w") as f:
Next, we will use the TLeap
API from pAPRika to build the AMBER files. We will build AMBER files for the ligand and protein-ligand system with the mbondi2
radii (used in OBC2 implicit solvent model). For the protein we will use the ff19SB
force field model. The python code below creates the AMBER files (run python
on the terminal).
from import TLeap
# Build AMBER Topologies for Ligand
system = TLeap()
system.output_prefix = "ligand-ff19SB"
system.neutralize = False
system.pbc_type = None
system.template_lines = [
"set default PBRadii mbondi2",
"source leaprc.gaff2",
"loadamberparams ligand.frcmod",
"LIG = loadmol2 ligand.am1bcc.gaff2.mol2",
"model = loadpdb ligand.pdb",
# Do HMR so we can increase integration time step
# Build AMBER Topologies for Protein-Ligand system
system = TLeap()
system.output_prefix = "protein-ligand-ff19SB"
system.neutralize = False
system.pbc_type = None
system.template_lines = [
"set default PBRadii mbondi2",
"source leaprc.protein.ff19SB",
"source leaprc.water.opc",
"source leaprc.gaff2",
"loadamberparams ligand.frcmod",
"LIG = loadmol2 ligand.am1bcc.gaff2.mol2",
"model = loadpdb protein_ligand.pdb",
# Do HMR so we can increase integration time step