Description: ... Controls logging detail with possible levels:
.Default: "INFO"
Type: string
Description: This variable specifies the root directory path for raw data.
Default: "data/raw"
Type: string
Description: This variable specifies the root directory path for processed data.
Default: "./data/processed/"
Type: string
Description: This variable specifies the root directory path for raw images data.
Default: "data/raw/images"
Type: string
{-DELIM -}
Description: This variable specifies the delimiter character used in input and output data files. Input files need to have file extension csv, tsv or txt.
Default: "\t"
Type: string
{-SPLIT -}
Description: This variable specifies the proportions for the train, validate, and test splits.
Default: [0.6, 0.2, 0.2], which means 60% for training, 20% for validation, and 20% for testing.
Type: list of floats
Description: This variable specifies the path to the file containing the generated (use always default path) or pre-computed data split. If you want to give a specific train/test/valid split then you need to provide a file with the sample ID and a column that indicates to which split the sample belongs (train, test, valid). To activate pre-computed split, you must set config option SPLIT to "pre-computed".
Default: "data/processed/sample_split.txt"
Type: string
Description: This variable specifies a suffix for the formatted data files when running join_format_tcga or format_singlecell.
Default: "_formatted.txt"
Type: string
Description: Controls filtering of sparse samples (cells) with less then MIN_GENE percent expressed genes of total gene using scanpy filter_cells
Default: 0.06
Type: float
Description: Keep only genes in single-cell data which are present in at least x fraction of all cells using filter scanpy filter_genes. Filtering is done after sample filtering.
Default: 0.2
Type: float
Description: After filtering for sparse samples and sparse genes the K_FILTER_SC genes with the highes variables are selected using scanpy highly_variable_genes. Should be higher than K_FILTER in the run config.
Default: 4000
Type: integer
Description: Path to single-cell files in h5ad-format.
Default: ["scATAC_human_cortex.h5ad", "scRNA_human_cortex.h5ad"]
Type: list of strings
Description: Indicate which data layers in single-cell h5ad files are present and should be used to create formatted files as a single data modality. 'X' will be treated as standard data layer. "obs" as annotation layer. "obs/velocity" can be used to extract RNA velocity as additional data modality.
Default: ["X", "obs"]
Type: list of strings
Description: This variable specifies the subdirectory path for TCGA data.
Default: "_tcga_pan_can_atlas_2018/"
Type: string
Description: This variable specifies a list of cancer subtypes to use. See list for details "All" will give all available subtypes.
Default: "All"
Type: list of strings
Description: This variable specifies a list of data file names to use. This does not need no be changed.
Default: ["data_mrna_seq_v2_rsem.txt", "data_log2_cna.txt", "data_methylation_hm27_hm450_merged.txt", "data_clinical_patient.txt"
"data_clinical_sample.txt", "data_mutations.txt"]Type: list of strings
Description: This variable specifies whether to start training from the last checkpoint. Useful when machine or server crashed during training. Recommended to restart training with make model_only.
Default: False
Type: boolean
Description: This variables specifies the hyperparameter weight decay for training with solver (AdamW).
Default: 0.001
Type: float
{-DROP_P -}
Description: Probability of drop out in drop out layer in all autoencoder architectures with drop out.
Default: 0.1
Type: float
Description: This variables controls the beta-annealing (VAE-loss) of the training of all variational autoencoders. Options are logistic-early, logistic-mid, logistic-late, 3phase-linear,3phase-log or no-annealing
Default: "logistic-mid"
Type: string
Description: If pretraining is performed, should the VAE loss follow a beta annealing as defined in
or beta annealing be disabled for pretraining.Default: true
Type: boolean
Description: This variables controls the pruning of runs during hyperparameter tuning with optuna. "0" is full pruning (no patience) and stops trials early. "1" leads to no pruning at all since all epochs are considered. Pruning is disabled when beta-annealing is active.
Default: 0.05
Type: float
Description: This variable specifies the maximum time in seconds after one trial is cancelled for hyperparamter tuning.
Default: 1200
Type: integer
Description: This variables controls randomness in Autoencodix. "random" for no fixing, "all" fix all randomness, "data_split" fix train/test/valid split, "training" fix weight initialization and randomness in training; not available for tuning with optuna. ATTENTION: Set the environment variable CUBLAS_WORKSPACE_CONFIG, when setting FIX_RANDOMNESS to "all", like so:
Default: "random"
Type: string
Description: Seed used to fix randomness.
Default: 42
Type: integer
Description: Should features kept in seperate ontology bucket, which are not part of the provided ontology-file, but are part in the provided training data.
Default: false
Type: boolean
Description: Should the reconstruction loss terms for each data modality which are translated by x-modalix be normalized by their respective feature size? Recommended for unbalanced feature sizes, in particular when translating images.
Default: true
Type: boolean
Description: Should intermediate models in training be saved in models folder at checkpoint epochs? Not available for x-modalix
Default: false
Type: boolean
Description: Should the reconstructed values of input features (x) be saved under reports?
Default: false
Type: boolean
Description: Should the latent space be plotted at checkpoint epochs? Not available for x-modalix
Default: false
Type: boolean
Description: Should a direct embedding of inputlayer performed (using DIM_RED_METH) and be plotted for comparison to autoencoder?
Default: false
Type: boolean
Description: Should the initial and trained weights be plotted as heatmaps?
Default: false
Type: boolean
Description: Should latent space be clustered and be visualized?
Default: false
Type: boolean
Description: Should numeric parameters in CLIN_PARAM be plotted as continuous (true) or as categories/percentiles (false, default)
Default: false
Type: boolean
{-CV -}
Description: This variable specifies the the number of cross-validation rounds (only if ML_SPLIT: "CV-on-all-data")
Default: 5
Type: integer
Description: For testing a synthetic signal can be applied to the provided features and samples (see below). Synthetic signal is defined as setting the value of the features to 90% of the maximum feature value. Default: false
Type: boolean
Description: Path to file file with list of samples to which signal should be applied. One row per sample. No header.
Default: "data/raw/female_scCells.txt"
Type: string
Description: Path to file file with list of features to which signal should be applied. One row per feature. No header.
Default: "data/raw/chrX_ensemblID.txt"
Type: string
Description: This variable specifies the details for each data type.The following details can be specified:
: path of raw input data file
: data modality of this file: MIXED, IMG, NUMERIC, ANNOTATION are possible
: Method for scaling the input data. This depends on your data and loss function. Usually the data should be scaled between 0 and 1 for BCE Loss, so we recommend "MinMax" here. Other possible options are: "Standard" (good with MSE loss), "Robust", "MaxAbs" via scikit-learn.
: Method to use for filtering the input data. You can filter the data based on Variance "Var", Correlation "Corr, or both"Var+Corr". Alternatively to standard variance you can filter also by Median Absolute Deviation "MAD". You can also use no filtering "NoFilt" or only features with no variance at all "NonZeroVar". Filtering by correlation uses clustering of features based correlation as distance metric and KMedoids. This is benefecial when having many highly correlated features (with high variance). However, it drastically increases runtime and is recommended whenK_FILTER<1000
FILE_RAW: "data_mrna_seq_v2_rsem_formatted.txt" #path of raw input data file
FILTERING: "Var" # NoFilt, Var Corr, Var+Corr
Default: Not defined.
Type: dictionary
NOTE If you want to use clinical features, please provide the numeric and categorial columns in your clinical file. Like:
FILE_RAW: "data_clinical_formatted.txt"
- "AGE"
TODO: Add examples for IMG and ANNO?
Description: This variable specifies the number of features to use after filtering per data modality specified in DATA_TYPE.
Default: 100
Type: integer
Description: This variable specifies the type of training to perform. The options are
. For training the weights of the given Autoencoder architecture usetrain
. If you want to find the best architecture and hyperparameters usetune
. For training we use the training data set. For tuning the valid data set (for finding hyperparameters and architecture) and for fitting the weights of the tuned architecture, we use theh training data set.Default: "train"
Type: string
Description: This variable specifies the type of model to use. The options are
(hierarchical variational autoencoder) similar to Simidjievski 2019,ontix
(ontology-based autoencoder) comparable to REF,x-modalix
(cross-modal autoencoder) similar to REF,varix
(variational autoencoder andvanillix
(vanilla autoencoder)). To see our implementation go to./src/models/
Default: "varix"
Type: string
{-BETA -}
Description: This variable specifies the weight to add to the KL divergence or MMD term for all variational autoencoders.
Default: 1.0
Type: float
Description: This variable specifies the number of neurons in the latent dimension to use in the model.
Default: 8
Type: integer
Description: This variable specifies the batch size used during training.
Default: 64
Type: integer
Description: This variable specifies the number of epochs to use during training.
Default: 200
Type: integer
Description: This variable specifies the learning rate to use during training.
Default: 0.0001
Type: float
Description: This variable specifies the loss function for VAE to fit the normal distribution by KL divergence (
) or VAE can be trained with Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD
) without an assumption about the distribution.Default: "KL"
Type: string
Description: This variable specifies the reconstruction loss function (
).Default: "BCE"
Type: string
Description: This variable specifies the split to use during prediction.The options are
. These variables determines which data split is used to obtain the latent space from the trained model.Default: "test"
Type: string
Description: This variable specifies the additional layers for ontix to get a latent dimension (
) smaller than the given ontology dimension specified inFILE_ONT_LVL1
, respectivelyFILE_ONT_LVL2
. To keep explainability of latent space as ontology layer keep default value0
.Default: 0
Type: integer
Description: This variable specifies the filename with the description of the relationship of features and first ontology level in sparse decoder (in
or as specified unterROOT_RAW
). Format is that each row contains a relationship withFeature_ID
. Must be set to useontix
.Default: "full_ont_lvl1_reactome.txt"
Type: string
Description: This variable specifies the filename with the description of the relationship of first ontology level and a second level (dim(lvl1) > dim(lvl2)) in sparse decoder. Format is that each row contains a relationship with
. To deactivate second level, set parameter tonull
Type: string
Description: When using
, this string specifies the translation order for prediction. Data labels as used inDATA_TYPE
must be used in the format FROMDATAtoTODATADefault: "RNA_to_IMG"
Type: string
Description: When using
a latent space classifier is trained to discriminate between the given data modalities. To align both latent spaces of each data modalities in thex-modalix
an adversarial loss is calculated based on the latent space classifier. ParameterGAMMA
controls weighting of the adversarial loss term in relation toRECONSTR_LOSS
loss andVAE_LOSS
.Default: 5
Type: float
Description: When using
a supervision loss term can be applied to better align both latent spaces of each data modality for a better translation. If identical samples are measured for both data modalities, a paired loss can be calculated and the distance of the sample is minimized between each data modality in the respective latent space. The value is highly dependent on your data. Try to balance betweenRECONSTR_LOSS
, adversarial loss and supervsion loss (class and/or paired). Recommendation for well aligned latent space is that total loss is composed to >50%RECONSTR_LOSS
, 5-10%VAE_LOSS
, 15% adversarial loss and 15% supervision loss.Default: 5
Type: float
Description: When using
a supervision loss term can be applied to better align both latent spaces of each data modality for a better translation. If class information of samples is available for both data modalities, the distance of the sample to the class center is minimized in each latent space. The value is highly dependent on your data. Try to balance betweenRECONSTR_LOSS
, adversarial loss and supervsion loss (class and/or paired). Recommendation for well aligned latent space is that total loss is composed to >50%RECONSTR_LOSS
, 5-10%VAE_LOSS
, 15% adversarial loss and 15% supervision loss.Default: 5
Type: float
Description: Column label specifying the parameter taken from the ANNOTATION data set to calculate class loss for
. Can be set tonull
to deactivate class loss.Default: null
Type: string
Description: For
VAE's can be pretrained before latent spaces will be aligned, which is recommended for images and other complex data modalities. If only Image VAE should be pretrained, use optionpretrain_image
to pretrain forPRETRAIN_EPOCHS
. Alternatively, smooth annealing of latent space alignment can be realized by optiongamma_anneal
affecting both data modalities. If no pretraining is wanted, set tonull
.Default: "gamma_anneal"
Type: string
Description: If pretraining is performed, this parameter controls the number of epochs for pretraining.
Default: true
Type: integer
Description: This variable specifies the lower limit for the number of layers in the nerual net architecture. Optuna will try to find the best architecture with minimum <LAYERS_LOWER_LIMIT> layers. Should not be smaller than 2.
Default: 2
Type: integer
Description: This variable specifies the upper limit for the number of layers to use in tuning. Optuna will try to find the best architecture with maximum <LAYERS_UPPER_LIMIT> layers.
Default: 5
Type: integer
Description: This variable specifies the lower limit for the learning rate to use in tuning.
Default: 0.0001
Type: float
Description: This variable specifies the upper limit for the learning rate to use in tuning.
Default: 0.01
Type: float
Description: This variable specifies the lower limit for the dropout rate to use in tuning.
Default: 0.00
Type: float
Description: This variable specifies the upper limit for the dropout rate to use in tuning.
Default: 0.50
Type: float
Description: This variable specifies the number of trials to run during tuning.
Default: 25
Type: integer
Description: This variable specifies the dimensionality reduction method to use for visualization. The options
are possible. For large sample sizesUMAP
may take some time to calculate.Default: UMAP
Type: string
Description: This variable specifies the clustering algorithm to cluster latent space after
and to use for visualization. The options areKMeans
.Default: KMeans
Type: string
Description: This variable specifies the number of clusters k to use for KMeans clustering.
Default: 3
Type: integer
Description: Minimal number of samples per cluster as crucial parameter for
. This is dependent on your total number of samples and cluster sizes you expect. For more details see scikit-learn tutorials and documentation onHDBSCAN
.Default: 20
Type: float
Description: This variable specifies the clinical parameters to generate visualizations and to evaluate embedding performances in
. Defined as list of strings which are column names of parameters inANNOTATION
data type.Default: ["CANCER_TYPE", "TMB_NONSYNONYMOUS"]
Type: list of strings
{-ML_TYPE -}
Description: For the given
either regression or classification ML tasks will be performed. Ifauto-detect
, non-string parameters will be assumed to be regression tasks. Otherwise it is recommended to specify as dictionary each column name underCLINIC_PARAM
if they areclassification
task.Default: "auto-detect"
Type: string or dictionary
{-ML_ALG -}
Description: This variable specifies which machine learning algorithms should be used for evaluation.
(Linear Regression or Logistic Regression),RF
(maximal depth = 10, minimal samples per leaf = 2),SVM
(radial kernel) are possible.Default:
Type: list of strings
Description: Ths variable specifies whether cross-validation will be performed ("CV-on-all-data") or if the original split should be used ("use-split") for model evaluation.
Default: "CV-on-all-data"
Type: string
Description: This variable specifies which dimension reduction methods should be used for the ml task.
are possible. ForRandomFeature
performance evaluation will be repeated five times to estimate average and deviation of embedding performance.Default:
Type: list of strings