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Add a New Layer Type

There is many steps involed in adding a new layer type support to GeoView. This documentation file will explain step by step what needs to be done to accomplish this task. The GeoView layers are divided in 2 different categories Raster and Vector. Both categories are manage by abstract classes (abstract-geoview-raster and abstract-geoview-vector) to encapsulate their behaviours, These 2 categories are also encapsulated in the parent abstract class: abstract-geoview-layers.

TODO: create basic template flavor for creating a new layer type

First, Create new layer class

The first step when it is time to create a new layer type is to determine if it is a raster or a vector type of layer. This selection is driven by the type of OpenLayers sources you will use to instanciate the layer.

For example, we are trying to add a new layer type based on a static image source. When I read the OpenLayers documentation, I can see this source extend the ImageSource. If I continue my investigation I can see this class has raster type of source as subclasses. I now know my new layer type is raster.

I can create my new class, inside the raster folder of the layer structure, image-static.ts by extending AbstractGeoViewRaster class

/** *****************************************************************************************************************************
 * A class to add image static layer.
 * @exports
 * @class ImageStatic
// ******************************************************************************************************************************
export class ImageStatic extends AbstractGeoViewRaster {

To make the link between my new class and the geoview layers hierarchy I need to do the following:

  • Inside abstract-geoview-layers
    • Add to DEFAULT_LAYER_NAMES constant
    • Add to LayerTypeKey type
    • Add to TypeGeoviewLayerType type
    • Add to CONST_LAYER_TYPES constant based on LayerTypeKey, TypeGeoviewLayerType

Go back to my new class... Geoview is developed in TypeScript and uses type guard functions to validate type in order to determine if the type ascention is valid. I uses existing functions in other raster class and adapted them to my own static image need.

export const layerConfigIsImageStatic = (verifyIfLayer: TypeGeoviewLayerConfig): verifyIfLayer is TypeImageStaticLayerConfig => {
  return verifyIfLayer?.geoviewLayerType === CONST_LAYER_TYPES.IMAGE_STATIC;

export const geoviewLayerIsImageStatic = (verifyIfGeoViewLayer: AbstractGeoViewLayer): verifyIfGeoViewLayer is ImageStatic => {
  return verifyIfGeoViewLayer?.type === CONST_LAYER_TYPES.IMAGE_STATIC;

export const geoviewEntryIsImageStatic = (verifyIfGeoViewEntry: TypeLayerEntryConfig): verifyIfGeoViewEntry is TypeImageStaticLayerEntryConfig => {
  return verifyIfGeoViewEntry?.geoviewRootLayer?.geoviewLayerType === CONST_LAYER_TYPES.IMAGE_STATIC;

The first function verifies if my layer is type of TypeImageStaticLayerConfig and the last function verifies if my layer entry is type of TypeImageStaticLayerEntryConfig. These 2 types does not exist in my class yet so I have to create them.

export interface TypeImageStaticLayerEntryConfig extends Omit<TypeImageLayerEntryConfig, 'source'> {
  source: TypeSourceImageStaticInitialConfig;

export interface TypeImageStaticLayerConfig extends Omit<TypeGeoviewLayerConfig, 'listOfLayerEntryConfig'> {
  geoviewLayerType: 'imageStatic';
  listOfLayerEntryConfig: TypeImageStaticLayerEntryConfig[];

TODO: should we reuse constant from abstract class instead of text?

The important variable inside these 2 interfaces is the type of source my new layer class will be using. In this cases, the type does not exist so I need to create it inside map-schema-type. Because my new source is type of sourceImage, I will add it inside TypeSourceImageInitialConfig

/** ******************************************************************************************************************************
 * Initial settings for image sources.
export type TypeSourceImageInitialConfig =
  | TypeSourceImageWmsInitialConfig
  | TypeSourceImageEsriInitialConfig
  | TypeSourceImageStaticInitialConfig;

I will then create this new interface by extending the TypeSourceImageInitialConfig type

/** ******************************************************************************************************************************
 * Initial settings for static image sources.
export interface TypeSourceImageStaticInitialConfig extends TypeBaseSourceImageInitialConfig {
  /** Image extent */
  extent: Extent;

For my static image source, I need projection and extent. Because the projection property is already define in parent type, I only need to create my source with the extent property.

For the moment, my class and my source type are define but I still have an error because I do not have implemented all needed fuctions define in my abstract classes.

From abstract-geoview-layers

protected abstract fetchServiceMetadata(): Promise<void>;
protected abstract validateListOfLayerEntryConfig(listOfLayerEntryConfig: TypeListOfLayerEntryConfig): TypeListOfLayerEntryConfig;
protected abstract processLayerMetadata(layerConfig: TypeLayerEntryConfig): Promise<void>;
protected abstract processOneLayerEntry(layerConfig: AbstractBaseLayerEntryConfig): Promise<BaseLayer | null>;
protected abstract getFeatureInfoAtPixel(location: Pixel, layerPath: string): Promise<TypeArrayOfFeatureInfoEntries>;
protected abstract getFeatureInfoAtCoordinate(location: Coordinate, layerPath: string): Promise<TypeArrayOfFeatureInfoEntries>;
protected abstract getFeatureInfoAtLongLat(location: Coordinate, layerPath: string): Promise<TypeArrayOfFeatureInfoEntries>;
protected abstract getFeatureInfoUsingBBox(location: Coordinate[], layerPath: string): Promise<TypeArrayOfFeatureInfoEntries>;
protected abstract getFeatureInfoUsingPolygon(location: Coordinate[], layerPath: string): Promise<TypeArrayOfFeatureInfoEntries>;
protected abstract getFieldDomain(fieldName: string, layerConfig: TypeLayerEntryConfig): null | codedValueType | rangeDomainType;
protected abstract getFieldType(fieldName: string, layerConfig: TypeLayerEntryConfig): 'string' | 'date' | 'number';

Once done I have a valid new static image layer type!

Second, Add my new layer class to loading process

Next step is to add my new class to the loading process inside the layer.ts class. For this I need to import my new class and add it to the EVENT_NAMES.LAYER.EVENT_ADD_LAYER switch like this

import { ImageStatic, layerConfigIsImageStatic } from './geoview-layers/raster/image-static';
  } else if (layerConfigIsImageStatic(layerConfig)) {
    const imageStatic = new ImageStatic(this.mapId, layerConfig);
    imageStatic.createGeoViewLayers().then(() => {
  } else if (layerConfigIsWFS(layerConfig)) {

My new layer will not load yet because I have validation errors when GeoView tries to validate that the configuration for my new layer is valid. To solve this issue, I need to start ith our schema.json configuration file. Because we added a new type TypeSourceImageInitialConfig we need to add is corresponding definition in our schema.

Add the new layer type

"TypeGeoviewLayerType": {
    "type": "string",
    "items": {
      "enum": ["esriDynamic", "esriFeature", "imageStatic", "GeoJSON", "geoCore", "GeoPackage", "xyzTiles", "ogcFeature", "ogcWfs", "ogcWms"]
    "description": "Type of GeoView layer."

Add the TypeSourceImageStaticInitialConfig section. This the expected configuration for the source of our new layer

"TypeSourceImageStaticInitialConfig": {
  "additionalProperties": false,
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "dataAccessPath": {
      "type": "string",
      "description": "The path to reach the data to display. If not specified, metadatAccessPath will be assigne to it."
    "crossOrigin": {
      "type": "string",
      "description": "The crossOrigin attribute for loaded images. Note that you must provide a crossOrigin value if you want to access pixel data with the Canvas renderer."
    "projection": {
      "type": "integer",
      "description": "Spatial Reference EPSG code supported ( We support Web Mercator and Lambert Conical Conform Canada."
    "featureInfo": {
      "$ref": "#/definitions/TypeFeatureInfoLayerConfig"
    "extent": {
      "type": "array",
      "minItems": 4,
      "maxItems": 4,
      "items": {
        "type": "number"
      "description": "The extent of the static image. Called with [minX, minY, maxX, maxY] extent coordinates."

To finish, add our new type to TypeSourceImageInitialConfig defninition

"TypeSourceImageInitialConfig": {
  "anyOf": [
    { "$ref": "#/definitions/TypeSourceImageStaticInitialConfig" }

Finally we need to add configuration calidation our new layer type. All layer configuration are validate at load time. This is done with our config-validation class.

Import the payload function from our layer class

import { geoviewEntryIsImageStatic } from '../../../geo/layer/geoview-layers/raster/image-static';

Then add extra validation

private doExtraValidation(listOfGeoviewLayerConfig?: TypeListOfGeoviewLayerConfig) {
  case 'imageStatic':
    this.processLayerEntryConfig(geoviewLayerConfig, geoviewLayerConfig, geoviewLayerConfig.listOfLayerEntryConfig);

Lastly create the layer entry config who will be use later in the loading process

private processLayerEntryConfig(rootLayerConfig: TypeGeoviewLayerConfig, parentLayerConfig: TypeGeoviewLayerConfig | TypeLayerGroupEntryConfig, listOfLayerEntryConfig: TypeListOfLayerEntryConfig) {
...} else if (geoviewEntryIsImageStatic(layerConfig)) {
    // Value for layerConfig.entryType can only be raster
    if (!layerConfig.entryType) layerConfig.entryType = 'raster';
    if (!layerConfig.source.dataAccessPath) {
      throw new Error(
        `source.dataAccessPath on layer entry ${Layer.getLayerPath(layerConfig)} is mandatory for GeoView layer ${
        } of type ${rootLayerConfig.geoviewLayerType}`
  } else if (geoviewEntryIsXYZTiles(layerConfig)) {...

Third, Create the layer configuration

Now that everything is put in place I can create my configuration to add to one of my existing map

  'geoviewLayerId': 'staticLYR10',
  'geoviewLayerName': 'Static Image',
  'geoviewLayerType': 'imageStatic',
  'listOfLayerEntryConfig': [
      'layerId': 'thumbnail',
      'layerName': 'DataCube',
      'source': {
        'dataAccessPath': '',,
        'extent': [-87.77486341686723,
        'projection': 4326