The following code samples are available to help you jump start the development of applications integrated with Jasmin.
- JasminIntegrationSample: Use Client Credentials OAuth flow to handle:
- Customers - Create Party and Customer Extension (or AllInOne), Create a Party and then add the Customer Extension, Update some customer attributes, Delete Customer Extension and Delete Party.
- Sales Items - Create Item and Sales Extension (or AllInOne), Create an Item and its Sales Extension, Update some SalesItem attributes, Delete SalesItem Extension and Delete Item.
- Sales Orders - List (using OData when needed), Create Order, Add Line (update and delete) and Delete Order.
- Sales Invoices - List (using OData when needed), Create an Invoice and Delete it.
- Additionally you will also see how to select companies and set some Configurations.
- js-oauthimplicit-sample: how to handle the OAuth implicit authorization flow.
- js-nodejs-oauthclientcredentials-sample: how to handle the OAuth client credential authorization flow.
- angular-getitemscatalog-sample: Angular5 application that shows a Item catalog using OAuth implicit flow.