This directory provides setup instructions and necessary files to build, test, and run JAX with ROCm support in a Docker environment, suitable for both runtime and CI workflows. Explore the following methods to use or build JAX on ROCm!
The ROCm JAX team provides prebuilt Docker images, which the simplest way to use JAX on ROCm. These images are available on Docker Hub and come with JAX configured for ROCm.
To pull the latest ROCm JAX Docker image, run:
> docker pull rocm/jax-community:latest
Once the image is downloaded, launch a container using the following command:
> docker run -it -d --network=host --device=/dev/kfd --device=/dev/dri --ipc=host --shm-size 64G --group-add video --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --security-opt seccomp=unconfined -v $(pwd):/jax_dir --name rocm_jax rocm/jax-community:latest /bin/bash
> docker attach rocm_jax
- The
parameter allocates shared memory for the container. Adjust it based on your system's resources if needed. - Replace
with the absolute path to the directory you want to mount inside the container.
For older versions please review the periodically pushed docker images at: ROCm JAX Community DockerHub.
After launching the container, test whether JAX detects ROCm devices as expected:
> python -c "import jax; print(jax.devices())"
[RocmDevice(id=0), RocmDevice(id=1), RocmDevice(id=2), RocmDevice(id=3)]
If the setup is successful, the output should list all available ROCm devices.
If you prefer to use the ROCm Ubuntu image or already have a ROCm Ubuntu container, follow these steps to install JAX in the container.
For example, use the following command to pull the ROCm Ubuntu image:
> docker pull rocm/dev-ubuntu-22.04:6.3-complete
After pulling the image, launch a container using this command:
> docker run -it -d --network=host --device=/dev/kfd --device=/dev/dri --ipc=host --shm-size 64G --group-add video --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --security-opt seccomp=unconfined -v $(pwd):/jax_dir --name rocm_jax rocm/dev-ubuntu-22.04:6.3-complete /bin/bash
> docker attach rocm_jax
Inside the running container, install the required version of JAX with ROCm support using pip:
> pip3 install jax[rocm]
Check whether the correct version of JAX and its ROCm plugins are installed:
> pip3 freeze | grep jax
Explicitly set the LLVM_PATH
environment variable (This helps XLA find ld.lld
in the PATH during runtime):
> export LLVM_PATH=/opt/rocm/llvm
Run the following command to verify that ROCm JAX is installed correctly:
> python3 -c "import jax; print(jax.devices())"
[RocmDevice(id=0), RocmDevice(id=1), RocmDevice(id=2), RocmDevice(id=3)]
> python3 -c "import jax.numpy as jnp; x = jnp.arange(5); print(x)"
[0 1 2 3 4]
Follow these steps if you prefer to install ROCm manually on your host system or in a custom container.
Please follow ROCm installation guide to install ROCm on your system.
Once installed, verify ROCm installation using:
> rocm-smi
========================================== ROCm System Management Interface ==========================================
==================================================== Concise Info ====================================================
Device [Model : Revision] Temp Power Partitions SCLK MCLK Fan Perf PwrCap VRAM% GPU%
Name (20 chars) (Junction) (Socket) (Mem, Compute)
0 [0x74a1 : 0x00] 50.0°C 170.0W NPS1, SPX 131Mhz 900Mhz 0% auto 750.0W 0% 0%
AMD Instinct MI300X
1 [0x74a1 : 0x00] 51.0°C 176.0W NPS1, SPX 132Mhz 900Mhz 0% auto 750.0W 0% 0%
AMD Instinct MI300X
2 [0x74a1 : 0x00] 50.0°C 177.0W NPS1, SPX 132Mhz 900Mhz 0% auto 750.0W 0% 0%
AMD Instinct MI300X
3 [0x74a1 : 0x00] 53.0°C 176.0W NPS1, SPX 132Mhz 900Mhz 0% auto 750.0W 0% 0%
AMD Instinct MI300X
================================================ End of ROCm SMI Log =================================================
Install the required version of JAX with ROCm support using pip:
> pip3 install jax[rocm]
Check whether the correct version of JAX and its ROCm plugins are installed:
> pip3 freeze | grep jax
Explicitly set the LLVM_PATH
environment variable (This helps XLA find ld.lld
in the PATH during runtime):
> export LLVM_PATH=/opt/rocm/llvm
Run the following command to verify that ROCm JAX is installed correctly:
> python3 -c "import jax; print(jax.devices())"
[RocmDevice(id=0), RocmDevice(id=1), RocmDevice(id=2), RocmDevice(id=3)]
> python3 -c "import jax.numpy as jnp; x = jnp.arange(5); print(x)"
[0 1 2 3 4]
Follow these steps to build JAX with ROCm support from source:
Clone the ROCm-specific fork of JAX for the desired branch:
> git clone -b <branch_name>
> cd jax
Run the following command to build the necessary wheels:
> python3 ./build/ build --wheels=jaxlib,jax-rocm-plugin,jax-rocm-pjrt \
--rocm_version=60 --rocm_path=/opt/rocm-[version]
This will generate three wheels in the dist/
- jaxlib (generic, device agnostic library)
- jax-rocm-plugin (ROCm-specific plugin)
- jax-rocm-pjrt (ROCm-specific runtime)
> python3 develop --user && pip3 -m pip install dist/*.whl
For a streamlined process, consider using the jax/build/rocm/