Change History

0.9.2 - Unreleased

- Fix #268: Convert None to colander.null in get_appstruct so that
  serialization doesn't fail (needed due to recent changes in colander).

0.9.1 - 2013-09-25

- Allow user admins to modify user passwords.

- Require newer kotti_tinymce (source code editing was broken in 0.4).

0.9 - 2013-09-17

- Add multi file content upload.  You can now select several files from your
  local storage that you want to upload and chose what content nodes shall be
  created in your Kotti site.  Currently files with MIME types of ``image/*``
  can be uploaded and be created as either ``Image`` or ``File`` nodes, all
  other MIME types will be created as ``File``.  In future releases (or add-on
  products) this can be extended with additional converters allowing for example
  to upload HTML files and create ``Document`` nodes with the content of the
  ``title`` tag becoming the node's title, the content of the ``body`` tag
  becoming the node's body and so on.

- Fix #253: Many translations weren't included in the last release.

  '--use-fuzzy' translations when running 'compile_catalog' adds back
  translations that were recently marked as fuzzy.  (All translations
  that were marked as fuzzy in German were still accurate.)

- Fix #252: Wrap templates where extract_messages failed with <tal:block>

- Fix #249: TinyMCE translations work again.

0.9b2 - 2013-08-20

- Fix #251: Broken comparison of NestedMutationDict and NestedMutationList.

- Update kotti_tinymce to version 4.0.2.

- Fix bug in `kotti.views.content.FileEditForm` to preserve file
  content while editing it.

0.9b1 - 2013-06-26

- Add ``kotti.util.ViewLink.visible`` method for better control over
  whether a view link should be visible or not.  This allows us to
  move formerly hardcoded action links defined in
  ``kotti.views.edit.actions`` into ``TypeInfo.action_links`` and thus
  make them configurable either globally or per content type.

- ```` will now check for
  ```` with a request method
  set to 'GET' by default.  It used to check for a view that matches
  the current request's method.

  This fixes an issue where ``kotti.util.ViewLink.permitted`` would by
  mistake check for a 'POST' view when the current request was 'POST'.

- Add ``INavigationRoot`` interface and ``TemplateAPI.navigation_root``
  property.  The latter returns the first content node in the lineage that
  implements ``INavigationRoot`` or the root node if ``INavigationRoot`` is not
  implemented by any node in the lineage.  Make the ```` template use
  ``api.navigation_root`` instead of ``api.root``.  This allows third party
  add-ons to define content types that can reside somewhere in the content tree
  while still being the root for the navigation.

- Move navigation related view code to new module ``kotti.views.navigation``.
  Deprecate imports from the old locations.

- Remove *some* code that has been deprecated in 0.6 or 0.7.

- A view assigned to a slot can access the slot name where its rendered.

- Add missing `transaction.commit()` in `kotti-reset-workflow`.

- Fix bug in `kotti.views.util.render_view` where local roles weren't
  respected correctly.

- Add helper method `kotti.message.send_email` for sending general
  emails. These emails must follow a particular structure. Look at
  `kotti:templates/` as an example.

0.9a2 - 2013-05-04

- Fix #222: Use SQLAlchemy's `before_flush` event for object events.

  We were using the wrong events previously.  The problem with
  `before_insert`, `before_update`, and `before_delete` was that event
  handlers could not reliably call `Session.add`, `Session.delete`,
  and change mapped relationships.  But only SQLAlchemy 0.8 started
  emitting a warning when that was done.

  Also deprecated `ObjectAfterDelete` because I don't think it's useful.

- Remove the html5shim from the master templates and use the fanstatic
  package js.html5shiv instead.

- A temporary fix for #187.  Basically suppresses DetachedInstanceError.

- Add ```` decorator.  See the also updated docs on that
  topic / module for details.

0.9a1 - 2013-03-12

- Fix ordering on how ``include_me`` functions are loaded. This puts
  Kotti's own and Kotti add-on search paths in front of

- Add image thumbs with preview popovers to @@contents view.

- Add drag'n'drop ordering support to @@contents view.

- Add "toggle all" checkbox to @@contents view.

- Add contents path bar to @@contents view.

0.8 - 2013-03-12

- No changes.

0.8b2 - 2013-02-08

- Fix Kotti's tests to no longer trigger deprecation warnings.
  Kotti's funcargs need to be better documented still, see #141.

- Add a fanstatic.Group 'tagit' and need() it in the defered widget. This is
  needed to make the tags widget render correctly with a theme package enabled
  until the defered widget is replaced by a widget class that declares its
  requirements in the usual deform style.

- Transform ``setup_users``, ``setup_user`` and ``prefs`` views into
  class-based views. Add a little text at subsection ``Security`` on
  developer manual mentioning those views.

0.8b1 - 2012-12-30

- No changes

0.8a2 - 2012-12-15

- Remove test related dependencies on requirements.txt.
  So now we need to run `python dev` to get testing

- Update packages versions on requirements.txt for latest working

- Added a tags display in views for documents, files, folders, and images,
  where they show up as a horizontal list between description and body.

- Modified general search to include simple tags searching. The default
  search in Kotti works on a simple search term matching basis. Tags
  searching is added here in a simple fashion also, such that you can only
  search for one tag at a time, but partial matches work: searching for 'foo'
  finds content tagged 'foo bar'.  You can also search on single tags by
  clicking an individual tag in the tags display of an item. More
  sophisticated tags searching, just as for general search, is left to
  dedicated add-ons.

0.8a1 - 2012-11-13

- Make language-dependent URL normalization the default.  (How to do
  this used to be a cookbook entry.)

- Cleanup node edit actions and use decorated view classes.

- Add contents view with actions for multiple items.

- Add children_with_permission method to ContainerMixin.

- Add UI for default_view selection.

- Deprecate 'kotti.views.edit.generic_add' and 'generic_edit'.  Just
  use class-based forms instead.

0.7.2 - 2012-10-02

- Improve installation instructions.  Now uses tagged requirements.txt

- Added event request POST vars to the request for the slot viewlet.

- Added IFile and IImage interfaces to allow for file and image
  subclasses to reuse the same view (registrations).

0.7.1 - 2012-08-30

- Add deletion of users to the users management.

- Fix tag support for files and images.

- Upgrade to Twitter Bootstrap 2.1

  - remove lots of CSS that is no longer needed

  - fix responsive layout that was broken on some phone size
    screen resolutions

- Add "Site Setup" submenu / remove @@setup view.

0.7 - 2012-08-16

- Fix critical issue with migrations where version number would not be
  persisted in the Alembic versions table.

0.7rc1 - 2012-08-14

- No changes.

0.7a6 - 2012-08-07

- Fix a bug with connections in the migration script.  This would
  previously cause Postgres to deadlock when calling

0.7a5 - 2012-08-07

- Add workflow support based on ``repoze.workflow``.  A simple
  workflow is included in ``workflow.zcml`` and is active by default.
  Use ``kotti.use_workflow = 0`` to deactivate.  The workflow support
  adds a drop-down that allows users with ``state_change`` permission
  to modify the workflow state.

- Change the default layout

  Kotti's new default look is now even closer to the Bootstrap
  documentation, with the main nav bar at the very top and the
  edit bar right below.

  Upgrade note: if you have a customized main_template and want to
  use the recent changes in that template, you need to swap
  positions of ```` and ```` ``api.render_template``
  calls and remove the ```` call from the main_template
  (it's now called from within ````).
  Everything else is completely optional.

- Add migrations via Alembic.  A new script ``kotti-migrate`` helps
  with managing database upgrades of Kotti and Kotti add-ons.  Run
  ``kotti-migrate <your.ini> upgrade`` to upgrade the Kotti database
  to the latest version.

  Add-on authors should see the ``kotti.migrate`` module's docstring
  for more details.

- Make ``Document.body`` searchable (and therefore the search feature
  actually useful for the first time).

- Add a "minify" command to compress CSS and JS resources.

  To use it run::

    python dev
    python minify

  The ``minify`` command assumes, that all resources are in
  ``kotti/static/``. ``YUI compressor`` is used for compression
  and will be automatically installed when running
  ``python dev``. However, you still need a JVM on
  your development machine to be able to use the ``minify``

- Fix settings: only values for kotti* keys should be converted to
  unicode strings.

- Fix #89: Validate email address for uniqueness when user changes it.

- Fix #91: Styling of search box.

- Fix #104: Make fanstatic resources completely overridable.

- Enabled deferred loading on column.


- Upgrading from 0.6 to 0.7 requires you to run a migration script on
  your database.  To run the migration, call::

    $ bin/kotti-migrate <myconfig.ini> upgrade

  Make sure you **backup** your database before running the migration!

- Upgrading to 0.7 will initialize workfow state and permissions for
  all your content objects, unless you've overwritten
  ``kotti-use_workflow`` to not use a workflow (use ``0``) or a custom

  It is **important** that sites that have custom permissions,
  e.g. custom modifications to SITE_ACL, turn off workflow support
  prior to running the upgrade script.

0.7a4 - 2012-06-25

- Add minified versions JS/CSS files.

- Fix #88: logging in with email.

- Update translations.

0.7a3 - 2012-06-15

- Include ``kotti.tinymce`` which adds plug-ins for image and file
  upload and content linking to the TinyMCE rich text editor.

- Slot renderers have been replaced by normal views (or viewlets).
  ``kotti.views.slots.register`` has been deprecated in favour of
  ``kotti.views.slots.assign_slot``, which works similarly, but takes
  a view name of a registered view instead of a function for

- Switch to fanstatic for static resource management.

  Upgrade note: This requires changes to existing `*.ini` application
  configuration files.  Concretely, you'll need to add a
  ``filter:fanstatic`` section and a ``pipeline:main`` section and
  rename an existing ``app:main`` section to ``app:Kotti`` or the
  like.  Take a look at Kotti's own ``development.ini`` for an

- Retire the undocumented ``kotti.resources.Setting`` class and table.
  ``kotti.get_settings`` will now return ``registry.settings``
  straight, without looking for persistent overrides in the database.

- Drop support for Pyramid<1.3, since we use
  ``pyramid.response.FileResponse``, and kotti_tinymce uses

- Fix encoding error with non-ascii passwords.

0.7a2 - 2012-06-07

- Do not allow inactive users to reset their password.

0.7a1 - 2012-06-01


- Add a new 'Image' content type and image scaling, originally from
  the kotti_image_gallery add-on.  See ``kotti.image_scales.*``

- Add search and related setting ``kotti.search_content``.

- Add subscriber to set cache headers based on caching rules.  See
  also related setting ``kotti.caching_policy_chooser``.

- Remove TinyMCE from the core.

- Move email templates into page templates in
  ``kotti:templates/`` and
  ``kotti:templates/``.  This is to make them
  easier to translate and customize.  This deprecates

- Add a 'edit_inhead' slot for stuff that goes into the edit
  interface's head.  'inhead' is no longer be used in

- For more details, see also


- Fix bug with group edit views.

- Fix bug where ``user.last_login_date`` was not set during automic
  login after the set password screen.

0.6.3 - 2012-05-08

- Add tag support.  All content objects now have tags.  They can be
  added in the UI using the "jQuery UI Tag-it!" widget.
  See .

- Fix a bug with file download performance.

0.6.2 - 2012-04-21

- Links in Navigation view lead to node view. Added edit links
  to view the node's edit form.

- Hitting 'Cancel' now returns to the context node for add/edit views

0.6.1 - 2012-03-30

- Added button to show/hide nodes from navigation in the order screen.

- The 'rename' action now strips slashes out of names.  Fixes #53.

- Add Dutch translation.

- Allow translation of TinyMCE's UI (starting with deform 0.9.5)

- Separated out testing dependencies.  Run ``bin/python dev``
  to install Kotti with extra dependencies for testing.

- Deprecate 'kotti.includes' setting.  Use the standard
  'pyramid.includes' instead.

- Setting 'Node.__acl__' to the empty list will now persist the empty
  list instead of setting 'None'.

- Let 'pyramid_deform' take care of configuring deform with
  translation dirs and search paths.

0.6.0 - 2012-03-22

- Add Japanese translation.

- Enforce lowercase user names and email with registration and login.

- Moved SQLAlchemy related stuff from kotti.util into kotti.sqla.

- You can also append to 'Node.__acl__' now in addition to setting the

0.6.0b3 - 2012-03-17

- Have the automatic ``__tablename__`` and ``polymorphic_identity``
  for CamelCase class names use underscores, so a class
  'MyFancyDocument' gets a table name of 'my_fancy_documents' and a
  type of 'my_fancy_document'.

0.6.0b2 - 2012-03-16

- Make the 'item_type' attribute of AddForm optional.  Fixes #41.

- ``kotti.util.title_to_name`` will now return a name with a maximum
  length of 40.  Fixes #31.

0.6.0b1 - 2012-03-15

- Use declarative style instead of class mapper for SQLAlchemy resources.

  Unfortunately, this change is backwards incompatible with existing
  content types (not with existing databases however).  Updating your
  types to use Declarative is simple.  See kotti_calendar for an

0.5.2 - 2012-03-10

- A new 'Actions' menu makes copy, paste, delete and rename of items
  more accessible.

- Add German translation.

- Populators no longer need to call ``transaction.commit()``

0.5.1 - 2012-02-27

- Internationalize user interface.  Add Portuguese as the first

- A new 'Add' menu in the editor toolbar allows for a more intuitive
  adding of items in the CMS.

- Refine ``Node.copy``.  No longer copy over local roles per default.

0.5.0 - 2012-02-15

- Move Kotti's default user interface to use Twitter Bootstrap 2.

- Add a new 'File' content type.

- Add CSRF protection to some forms.

- Remove Kotti's ``FormController`` in favor of using ``pyramid_deform``.

- Use plone.i18n to normalize titles to URL parts.

- Add a separate navigation screen that replaces the former
  intelligent breadcrumbs menu.

- Use ``pyramid_beaker`` as the default session factory.

- Make ``kotti.messages.send_set_password`` a bit more flexible.

0.4.5 - 2012-01-19

- Add '' which may be used instead of

  The difference is that Kotti's version will set the "authorization
  context" to be the context that you pass to 'has_permission'.  The
  effect is that 'list_groups' will return a more correct list of
  local roles, i.e. the groups in the given context instead of

- Add a template ('') for when user is logged in but still
  getting HTTPForbidden.

0.4.4 - 2012-01-05

- The "Forbidden View" will no longer redirect clients that don't
  accept 'text/html' to the login form.

- Fix bug with 'kotti.site_title' setting.

0.4.3 - 2011-12-22

- Add 'kotti.root_factory' setting which allows the override Kotti's
  default Pyramid *root factory*.  Also, make master templates more
  robust so that a minimal root with '__parent__' and '__name__' can
  be rendered.

- The 'kotti.tests' was factored out.  Tests should now import from

0.4.2 - 2011-12-20

- More convenient overrides for add-on packages by better use of

0.4.1 - 2011-12-20

- Modularize Kotti's Paste App Factory 'kotti.main'.

- Allow explicit setting of tables that Kotti creates

0.4.0 - 2011-12-14

- Remove configuration variables 'kotti.templates.*' in favour of
  'kotti.asset_overrides', which uses Pyramid asset specs and their

- Remove 'TemplateAPI.__getitem__' and instead add 'TemplateAPI.macro'
  which has a similar but less 'special' API.

- Factor snippets in 'kotti/templates/' out into their own
  templates.  Use 'api.render_template' to render them instead of

0.3.1 - 2011-12-09

- Add 'keys' method to mutation dicts (see 0.3.0).

0.3.0 - 2011-11-30

- Replace `Node.__annotations__` in favor of an extended `Node.annotations`.

  `Node.annotations` will attempt to not only recognize changes to
  subobjects of type dict, it will also handle list objects
  transparently.  That is, changing arbitrary JSON structures should
  just work with regard to calling `node.annotations.changed()` when
  the structure was changed.

0.2.10 - 2011-11-22

- 'api.format_datetime' now also accepts a timestamp in addition to datetime.

0.2.9 - 2011-11-21

- Remove in favour of using 'setuptools-git'.

0.2.8 - 2011-11-21

- Remove 'PasteScript' dependency since that would result in spurious
  errors when installing Kotti. See

0.2.7 - 2011-11-20

- Add 'PasteScript' dependency.

- Fix #11 where 'python test' would look into a hard-coded
  'bin' directory.

- Structural analysis documentation. (Unfinished; in 'analysis' directory
  during development. Will be moved to main docs when finished.)

0.2.6 - 2011-11-17

- Add `Node.__annotations__` convenience attribute.

  `Node.__annotations__` will wrap the annotations dict in such a way
  that both item and attribute access are possible.  It'll also record
  changes to dicts inside dicts and mark the parent `__annotations__`
  attribute as dirty.

- Add a welcome page.
- Delete the demo added in version 0.2.4.

0.2.5 - 2011-11-14

- Add 'TemplateAPI.render_template'; allow templates to be rendered
  conveniently from templates.

0.2.4 - 2011-11-13

- Adjust for Pyramid 1.2: INI file, pyramid_tm, Wsgiref server, pcreate and
  pserve. (MO)

- Add Kotti Demo source and documentation.

0.2.3 - 2011-10-28

- ``Node.__getitem__`` will now also accept a tuple as key.

  ``folder['1', '2']`` is the same as ``folder['1']['2']``, just more

- Added a new cache decorator based on ``repoze.lru``.

0.2.2 - 2011-10-10

- Change the function signature of ``kotti.authn_policy_factory``,
  ``kotti.authz_policy_factory`` and ``kotti.session_factory`` to
  include all settings from the configuration file.

0.2.1 - 2011-09-29

- Minor changes to events setup code to ease usage in tests.

0.2 - 2011-09-16

- No changes.

0.2a2 - 2011-09-05

- Fix templates to be compatible with Chameleon 2.  Also, require

- Require pyramid>=1.2.  Also, enable pyramid_debugtoolbar for
  ``development.ini`` profile.

0.2a1 - 2011-08-29

- Improve database schema for ``Nodes``.  Split ``Node`` class into
  ``Node`` and ``Content``.

  This change is backward incompatible in that existing content types
  in your code will need to subclass ``Content`` instead of ``Node``.
  The example in the docs has been updated.  Also, the underlying
  database schema has changed.

- Improve user database hashing and local roles storage.

- Compatibility fix for Pyramid 1.2.