Installing AutoRest on Windows, MacOS or Linux involves two steps:
- Install Node.js (10.15.x LTS preferred. May not function with Node < 10.x Be Wary of 11.x builds as they may introduce instability or breaking changes. )
if you want an easy way to install and update Node, I recommend NVS - Node Version Switcher or NVM - Node Version Manager
- Install AutoRest using
# Depending on your configuration you may need to be elevated or root to run this. (on OSX/Linux use 'sudo' )
npm install -g autorest
# run using command 'autorest'
autorest --help
Or the beta version of AutoRest v3, side-by-side:
# Depending on your configuration you may need to be elevated or root to run this. (on OSX/Linux use 'sudo' )
npm install -g @autorest/autorest
# run using command 'autorest-beta'
autorest-beta --help
To update AutoRest if you have previous versions installed, please run:
autorest --latest
# Removes all other versions and plugins and installs the latest autorest-core
autorest --reset
For more information, run autorest --help