Imagenode sets up an imagezmq hub and waits to hear from imagenodes. When it receives an imagenode message, it files it by node name, date and time. It saves received images in image directories, with one directory per calendar date. It records event messages in an event log, organizing them by date node name.
In pseudo code, here's what imagehub does:
# stuff done one time at program startup Read a YAML file into Settings (e.g. what directory to store data) Start the Hub Events Log Instantiate a Hub using Settings and activate an imagezmq hub # stuff done to receive and process each incoming message Loop forever: Receive a message tuple from any imagenode labelled by node name If it is an event message, add it to the log If it is an image, add it to the appropriate image directory Send 'OK' reply to imagenode indicating message received
Here are the classes and data structures:
Class Settings (filled once by reading from the YAML file) Class ImageHub (instantiated once using Settings) Class HealthMonitor (methods for helping monitory system and network health)
The ImageHub
class contains methods to make image directories, save image
files and add event messages to the log.
The HealthMonitor
class is pretty simple so far. It determines what
kind of computer imagenode is running on so that the right camera, sensor
and light control libraries can be imported. It also holds the methods to
implement heartbeat
messages to help maintain network reliablity. You can
read more about the HealthMonitor
class in the
HealthMonitor documentation.
In essence, the imagenode program runs one or more cameras and sends a highly selective stream of images and status messages to the imagehub. The imagehub stores the messages in event logs and stores the images in image history directories.
By design, every message passed by an imagenode to the imagehub has a specific format. Every message is sent using imagezmq and is a tuple:
(text, image)
There are 2 categories of messages: (1) event messages that are text (with no image from a camera), and (2) images from a camera.
Event messages are about detected events, such as "lighted" or "dark". For event messages, the image portion of the tuple is a tiny black image. This allows all messages to have the same tuple layout.
Image messages have identifying information (like node name, view name, etc.) in the text portion of the tuple, and the image itself (or jpeg version of the image) in the image portion of the tuple.
In both message types, the "|" character is used as a field delimiter. If there is only one camera, then the view name could be absent.
Event messages look like this (there is also a small black image as 2nd part of each message tuple, not shown here):
JeffOffice|Restart|rpi99|RPi||859|149.48 JeffOffice|Temp|77 F WaterMeter|motion|moving WaterMeter|motion|still Garage|light|lighted Garage|light|dark Garage|Temp|76 F BackDeck|Temp|98 F Barn|motion|moving Barn|motion|still Driveway Mailbox|motion|moving Driveway Mailbox|motion|still Driveway|Restart|rpi20|RPi||875|738.71 Driveway Mailbox|motion|still Driveway|Temp|98 F
The template for event messages is:
node name and view name|event type|detected state or other information
The view name
is optional and is used when there are 2 different
cameras attached to an imagenode. The node name
is always present, even when
a view name
is not. For example, the Driveway imagenode shown above has a
camera with a view toward the Mailbox. The Mailbox
view name appears when a
motion event occurs but is not present when non-camera events occur, such as the
restart of an imagenode or an imagenode sensor temperature reading.
For each event message received, the date / time is added and the message
is added to the event log using Python's logging module. The log files are
rotated each day at midnight, creating imagehub.log, imagehug.log.2020.12.25,
, etc. In this pattern, today's event messages are
always in the file imagehub.log
. And all previous event messages are in a
log file that ends in the date they were logged. The log naming pattern is
provided by the TimedRotatingFileHandler
of Python's logging
Image messages look like this (the image itself is the 2nd part of each message tuple, not shown here):
WaterMeter|jpg|moving WaterMeter|image|moving Garage|jpg|lighted Garage|image|lighted
The template for image messages is:
node name and view name|send_type|detector state
The view name
is optional and is used when there are 2 different
cameras attached to an imagenode. The node name
is always present, even when
a view name
is not. The send_type
is the type of image file that has
been sent. Current choices are jpg
for JPEG compressed images or image
for OpenCV images in their native (uncompressed) state as a Numpy array.
When imagehub receives an image message as formatted above, it adds the date and time to the nodename and saves the image in the images directory. The images directory is organized by date, so the final data directory and file structure looks like this:
imagehub_data ├── images │ ├── 2018-12-30 │ │ ├── Barn-2018-12-30T23.13.31.620992.jpg │ │ ├── WaterMeter-2018-12-30T23.08.35.151117.jpg │ │ └── # etc, etc. for additional images │ ├── 2018-12-05 │ │ ├── Barn-2018-12-31T15.07.47.378240.jpg │ │ ├── WaterMeter-2018-12-31T15.09.45.610104.jpg │ │ ├── WaterMeter-2018-12-31T15.09.45.847916.jpg │ │ └── # etc, etc. for additional images │ │ │ └── # additional directories for each date │ └── logs ├── imagehub.log # contains the most recent (today) event messages ├── imagehub.log.2020.12.25 # ...contains previous day event messages ├── imagehub.log.2020.12.24 # ...contains previous day event messages └── # etc, etc.