Parse & process maintenance notification emails from service providers. Match up observed outages with scheduled maintenance events. Determine when outages breach relevant SLA.
- Receive maintenance notifications from API-fronted helpdesk/ticket system
- There are 100+ providers so the formats will obviously differ
- Relate maintenance email to particular circuits / devices via a database
- Existing log system has data on device / circuit interruptions, also available via API
- SLA details for circuits are not databased but are present in documents (probably contract auxilary docs)
- Architect a system to perform the requirements
- Specify processing pipeline & storage mechanisms
- Supply some code to parse maintenance emails (example of an email is available)
A deliberately vague data pipeline is specified since not many details about the practical environment are known.
graph LR
MaintForecastEvent[(MaintForecastEvent table)]
Helpdesk <--> Ingest
Ingest --> Parser
Parser --> Ingest
Ingest --> MaintForecastEvent
CircuitOutageEvent[(CircuitOutageEvent table)]
LogSystem --> CircuitOutageDetector
CircuitOutageDetector --> CircuitOutageEvent
SlaPE[SLA Performance Evaluator]
Sla[(SLA Promises table)]
SlaPM[(SLA Measurements)]
CircuitOutageEvent --> SlaPE
MaintForecastEvent --> SlaPE
Sla --> SlaPE
SlaPE --> SlaPM
Some new database tables are defined:
table populated by our new outage detectorMaintForecastEvent
table populated by our new maintenance email processorSlaMeasurements
table populated by our new SLA performance evaluatorSlaPromises
table containing data about contractual SLAs expressed so software can understand itPromisedUptimePct
such as 99.9% uptime/availabilityIntervalDuration
describing the duration of Sla intervals, such ascalendarMonthFromFirst
(30d), and any others.CodeClass
giving the name of actual Python class implementing the Sla algorithm. Maybe overkill, but if some SLAs are weird, it would be nice to sub-class for legibility.- Might need to add relationships for any diversity/protection arrangements among circuits -- understanding that "dark" services don't exactly have protection; but if you buy a ring and it's promised it won't have two cuts at once, you need a way to recognize what circuits belong to that ring
table so newly-provisioned circuits can be associated with the right SLA without having to choose from a list of all SLAs in the system; UI can limit choices to those applicable to the relevant vendor
A few assumptions are made about existing data resources/tables
- Helpdesk system is assumed to have a labeling or workflow system so we can mark emails as having been processed successfully (or not). It effectively functions as a dead letter file in case an email cannot be parsed and requires attention.
- Some kind of
table containing vendor & internal circuit IDs - Some kind of table mapping equipment ports to circuits for outage detection, in association with events from LogSystem
MaintForecastEvent }o--|| Circuit: ""
CircuitOutageEvent }o--|| Circuit: ""
Circuit }o--|| Sla: ""
Sla }o--o{ Vendor: "SlaVendorApplicability association table"
SlaPerformanceMeasurement }o--|| Circuit: "SLA performance measurement results"
Circuit {
uuid internalCircuitId
str vendorCircuitId
datetime slaEpoch
uuid slaId
CircuitOutageEvent {
uuid circuitOutageEventId
uuid internalCircuitId
datetime beginOutage
datetime endOutage
timedelta duration
MaintForecastEvent {
uuid maintForecastEventId
str notificationHelpdeskTicketId
datetime beginWindow
datetime endWindow
timedelta impactDuration
str parsedVendorCircuitId
uuid internalCircuitId
Sla {
uuid slaId
str CodeClass
float PromisedUptimePct
str IntervalDuration
At this prototype/toy stage, only a message parser is implemented. A CLI entry-point is provided for testing with emails contained in text files.
% pip install --editable ./
% mnp-parse --input-file test_emails/
"beginWindow": "2019-04-09 06:00:00+00:00",
"endWindow": "2019-04-09 10:00:00+00:00",
"impactSeconds": 10800,
"objectType": "maintForecastEvent",
"parsedVendorCircuitId": "IC-99999"
A sequence diagram of a more-realized implementation is below.
participant Helpdesk
participant MNP Ingest
participant Parser
participant Circuit Table
participant MaintForecastEvent Table
note over Parser: Route message to parser <br> based on sender/subject
Helpdesk -->> MNP Ingest: Notify new ticket (e.g. webhook)
activate MNP Ingest
MNP Ingest ->> Helpdesk: Request full message
activate Helpdesk
Helpdesk ->> MNP Ingest: Message data
deactivate Helpdesk
MNP Ingest ->> Parser: maintMessageRaw
activate Parser
alt MaintParseException
Parser ->> MNP Ingest: MaintParseException
MNP Ingest ->> Helpdesk: Label ticket MaintParseException and halt
else Parse Success
Parser ->> MNP Ingest: MaintMessageObj
MNP Ingest ->> Helpdesk: Label ticket MaintParseSuccess
deactivate Parser
loop each MaintForecastEvent
MNP Ingest ->> Circuit Table: query vendor circuit ID
activate Circuit Table
alt NotFoundException
MNP Ingest ->> MaintForecastEvent Table: insert MaintForecastEvent w/ no internal circuit ID
else Circuit Found
Circuit Table ->> MNP Ingest: internal circuit record
deactivate Circuit Table
MNP Ingest ->> MaintForecastEvent Table: insert MaintForecastEvent including internal circuit ID
deactivate MNP Ingest
I haven't proposed many details for this component, as I think it depends a lot on the available data.
However, at a high level, if we're able to query something like ElasticSearch for circuit UP/DOWN events based on network ports & correlate those to circuits using a database table, that can produce output to a CircuitOutageEvent
database table with the following essentials:
To be more general and thorough, additional consideration might be required for lit services which can have a lot more failure modes, and maybe situations like flapping or high path loss causing errors but not hard down events. But for the scope of this toy project, I'll assume all outages have a clear begin & end, and no other complexity.
participant CircuitOutageDetector
participant LogSystem
participant EquipmentPortToCircuit table
participant CircuitOutageEvent table
CircuitOutageDetector ->> LogSystem: query for new logs
activate LogSystem
LogSystem ->> CircuitOutageDetector: new logs
deactivate LogSystem
CircuitOutageDetector ->> EquipmentPortToCircuit table: get CircuitIDs
activate EquipmentPortToCircuit table
EquipmentPortToCircuit table ->> CircuitOutageDetector: CircuitIDs
deactivate EquipmentPortToCircuit table
alt Circuit Down Events
CircuitOutageDetector ->> CircuitOutageEvent table: new outage events
else Circuit Up Events
CircuitOutageDetector ->> CircuitOutageEvent table: query outage prior to UP event time
activate CircuitOutageEvent table
CircuitOutageEvent table ->> CircuitOutageDetector: outage record
deactivate CircuitOutageEvent table
CircuitOutageDetector ->> CircuitOutageEvent table: update outage record w/ UP event time
The SLA Performance Evaluator could be run as a batch job, as the results are not likely to be relevant until after the end of an SLA period (like a billing month) when a request for SLA credit could be made.
A sequence diagram, below, describes such an implementation, storing whether outages have been evaluated as a field in the CircuitOutageEvent
table; and referencing other database tables to create & update an SlaPerformanceMeasurements
participant SlaPE as Sla Performance <br> Evaluator <br> (Pronounce "Slappy")
participant CircuitOutageEvent table
participant other_tables as Port, Circuit, Sla <br> tables
participant MaintForecastEvent as MaintForecastEvent <br> table
participant SlaPM as Sla Performance <br> Measurement table <br> ("Measurements")
SlaPE ->> CircuitOutageEvent table: select un-evaluated outages
activate CircuitOutageEvent table
CircuitOutageEvent table ->> SlaPE: recent outages
deactivate CircuitOutageEvent table
loop recent, un-evaluated outages
SlaPE ->> other_tables: get port/circuit/sla records
other_tables ->> SlaPE:
SlaPE ->> MaintForecastEvent: get any overlapping maintenance event(s)
MaintForecastEvent ->> SlaPE:
SlaPE ->> SlaPM: get existing SlaPM record for circuit/period (if exists)
SlaPM ->> SlaPE:
SlaPE ->> SlaPM: update observed unforcasted outage duration for appropriate circuit & period
SlaPE ->> CircuitOutageEvent table: mark outage as evaluated
Further reports could be created from SlaPerformanceMeasurements
, as well as other tables, to better understand provider reliability, time-to-repair, accuracy of maintenance forecasts, etc.
Combined with monetary data, the value of SLAs in terms of realized reimbursements could also be determined.