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Trigger runs

Patrick O'Hannigan edited this page Nov 15, 2016 · 7 revisions


Runs of a pipeline are normally triggered by a SCM change. However, you can specify other triggers, like a cron- based schedule:

pipeline {
    agent any
    triggers {
        cron '@daily'

This will run the pipeline once per day. The unix cron style syntax is supported.

Additional repositories

A pipeline, even one that is defined a Jenkinsfile, can also bring in other source repositories as needed.

For example:

pipeline {
    agent none
    stages {
        stage('build') {
            agent any    
            steps {
                // run main build here and collect the results via "stashing" for later use
                stash includes: 'app/*.py', name: 'stuff'
        stage('testing') {
            agent label:'master'
            steps {
                // use a different repo to get the test suite:
                git ''

                // we unstash our stuff from before (because this may be a different node)
                unstash 'stuff'
                sh ''    



Jenkins will track changes from all repositories you mention this way, and allow the pipeline run to be triggered accordingly.