var weather;
var lat;
var lon;

var city;

$(function() {
			// write a function to go get the weather

			var goGetTheWeather = function(city){
				var encodedCity = encodeURI(city);
				$.ajax(''+ encodedCity +'.json',{
					type : 'GET',
					dataType : 'jsonp',
					success : function(data){
						//if there is no data observation
						// ! means if there is no (not)

						if(!data.current_observation) {
							$('').text("Please be more specific");
							return false; //abandon all ship

						var w = data.current_observation;
						weather =;
						var location = w.display_location.full;
						var tempF = w.temp_f;
						var tempC = w.temp_c;
						lat = w.observation_location.latitude;
						lon = w.observation_location.longitude;
						var locString = location;
						var weatherString = weather;
						var tempString = tempF + " F" + " / " + tempC + " C";


			} //object close

		}); //end ajax
	}; //end function weatherFeels


	$(".cityForm").on("submit", function(e){

			city = $('input[name="city"]').val();

	}); //end Form stuff

	var getTwit = function(){
		alert("we got this far");
		$.ajax("" + weather + "&geocode=" + lat +  "," + lon + "," + "50mi" + "&count=20" + "&result_type=popular" + "%23dlws",{

			type : 'GET',
			dataType : 'jsonp',
			success : function(twitterdata){
				if(!twitterdata.statuses) {
					$('h1').text("Oh such sad, this city doesn't tweet enough. But you can still see the weather...");
					return false; //abandon all ship
					var t = twitterdata.statuses;

					var tweet = t[Math.floor((Math.random()*t.length))].text;

					$("h1").fadeIn("slow", function(){
					}); //fadeIn tweet

				// 	var googlePhoto = "" + encodeURI(city) + "&sensor=false&fov=120&pitch=10";
				// 	console.log(googlePhoto);
				// $("body").css({
				// 	"background-image": "url(" + googlePhoto + ")",
				// 	"background-size" : "cover",
				// 	"background-position" : "center",
				// 	"background-repeat" : "no-repeat",
				// });
			} // function(twitterdata) 
		}); //end twit ajax
	}; // getTwit'

	var jsonFlickrApi = function(){
		$.ajax("" + weather + "&has_geo=1&lat=" + lat + "&lon=" + lon + "&format=json",{
			type: "GET",
			dataType: "jsonp",
			success: function(){
		}); //end flickr photo 
	};	//end flickr function
}); //document ready