You can read my full thoughts on this on my blog
When I finish a coding project, I take a little time to reflect on what I learned about programming in general and myself as a person in doing the project. What kind of choices I made, how I reacted to the challenges and hurdles I encountered, and what parts were satisfying or interesting to me. This can help lead my choices for future projects as well as areas that might be interesting to pursue in my study and work choices.
It does take a bit of extra time and effort to do this, but not overly much and it’s been worth doing so far. If you’d like to try it out yourself, here’s my template to use as a starting point for your own:
Challenges going into the project:
What resources did I have to mitigate these challenges? (People, books, sites, etc)
How did I prepare for the project?
Challenges during the process:
Where did I get really stuck?
How did I overcome those hurdles?
Could I have done it better and what would that have taken?
If this project exposed knowledge gaps, what do I need to learn?
What did I learn from this project?