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React Native and Strophe


  1. Version Support
  2. Version log
  3. Start
    1. initialization
    2. notes
    3. Android debug and release
    4. iOS debug and release
  4. Content structure
  5. Redux State
  6. Todo
  7. SDK integration

Version Support

iOS >= 9.0 Android >= 4.1 (API 16)

Note: Development and testing environment is base on Mac.

Version log

Current version v0.2.0 @ 2017-01-03


Get Started


Need to run the following steps for new items, you can skip it if directory is updated

  1. Initialization $ npm run newclear. Only need to run once for iOS and Android
  2. **Go to librares and find: 1RCTNetwork.xcodeproj / / RCTGenerateFormBoundary1 -> remove special characters / . **
    • due to the constrain of uploading file REST server, cannot have special character for content-type
  3. Run npm install to install dependencies and ensure React native is up to date.


  1. Install the latest vesion of npm with command npm install npm@latest -g
  2. Install yarn by running command npm install -g [email protected]

node_modules error

Run npm run newclear under root directory, this will generate node_modules, which are dependencies to run the app

  • Go to librares and find RCTNetwork.xcodeproj / / RCTGenerateFormBoundary -> remove character/ .
    • or modify node_modules/react-native/Libraries/Network/
    • due to the constrain of uploading file REST server, cannot have special character for content-type

Compile and Run

  1. Compile debug version of the app if no signature in place, release version require signature to run
  2. 0.2.0 version. Please see package.json -> version property for updated version
  3. 0.2.0 version rely on updated module, please run npm install first
  4. Clean the buffer after installation
  • npm run clean
  • Open Xcode: select product -> clean
  • Please close the terminal if open there's one currently open
  1. Compile


  1. Basic installation environment iOS and Android

    • $ brew install android-sdk
    	// zshrc depending on your dependencies
    	export ANDROID_HOME=~/Library/Android/sdk
    	export PATH=${PATH}:${ANDROID_HOME}/tools:${ANDROID_HOME}/platform-tools
    	export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_112.jdk/Contents/Home/
    	// remember this!
    	source .zshrc
  2. Emulator and SDK installation

    • react-native support api minimal 16
    • Recommend use $ android for API and image management
      • Install API and Image based on your platform dependencies
      • Create image after install AVD Mannger successfully
      • Install Android xx (API xx)
        • SDK Platform
        • Google APIS Intel x86 Atom System Image
    • Recommend use Android studio for image management and operation (or use $ android avd )
      • Open any item -> Tools -> Android -> AVD Manager / SDK Manager
  3. Emulator testing

    • run any Image
      • emulator -avd <avd name>
    • root diretory $ npm start and run the server
    • root diretory $ react-native run-android will install app to Image(will install to physical device if connected)
      • use sudo for authentication errors
      • There's no need to recompile the app everytime once the app is running normally on the device, because contect is loaded via main.jsbundle.
    • after running
      • ctr + m or cmd + m to turn on controller
        • if button failed, then try: emulator -> settings -> send keyboards shortcuts to -> Emulator controls(default)
    • Emulator production testing environment: $ react-native run-android --variant=release
  4. Formal signed version

    • Please follow the steps above to sign the app
    • build.gradle located in android/app directory
    • compile to $ cd android && ./gradlew assembleRelease
  5. 4 different methods to install to device

    • $ react-native run-android --variant=release
    • $ npm run android:install
      • Remove the installed package from physical device
    • $ npm run android:build
      • Go to android/app/build/outpus/apk and run adb install xx.apk. Make sure there's one device is running
      • Download Android File Transfer, will automatically popup if connected(unlock device, allow USB testing, connect to device)
    • $ cd android && ./gradlew assembleRelease
  6. log

    • $ npm run android:logcat
    • Check the log for abnormal app termination. Device must be under the same network as computer.


$ npm start
$ android
$ android avd
$ emulator -avd n4-768
$ react-native run-android
$ react-native run-android  --variant=release
$ npm run android:install
$ npm run android:build
$ npm run android:logcat
$ ./gradlew assembleRelease
$ ./gradlew installRelease
$ cd android/app/build/outpus/apk && adb install app-release.apk

Note: see shortcuts in root directory package.json scripts content

Android issues

Q: Emulator is running intially for the first time, but failed later on

A: Remove image file, rebuild it, then run it again

Q: Have trouble installing on physical device

A: Try remove the installed app first, the reinstall

Q: Object.freeze can only be called on Object

A: ctrl+m to open controller, the select Debug JS Remotely


  1. Basic installation environment iOS and Android

  2. iOS simulator installation

    • Xcode -> Preferences-> Components -> iOS x.x Simulator
  3. Simulator testing

    • react-native run-ios --simulator "iPhone 7"
    • cmd + d to open controller
    • cmd + r reload
  4. Physical device testing

    • Xcode config
      • Targets -> app -> General -> Signing -> add an iCloud account
      • Add team and unique Bundle Identifier. ex.
        • Targets -> app -> General -> Signing -> Team
        • Targets -> app -> General -> Signing -> Signing Certificate
        • Targets -> app -> General -> Identity -> Bundle Identifier -> update unique id indicator
        • Targets -> appTests -> General -> Signing -> Team
        • Targets -> appTests -> General -> Signing -> Signing Certificate
      • Product -> Scheme -> Edit Scheme (cmd + <), make sure you're in the Run tab from the side update to debug or release
      • Project -> app -> Configurations -> use 'debug' for command-line builds update to debug or release
    • Xcode to ensure the usability of app/main.jsbundle, do not add customized index
      • main.jsbundle packaging
        • Packaging using cURL facebook/react-native#5747
        • react-native bundle --dev false --platform ios --entry-file ./index.ios.js --bundle-output ./ios/app/main.jsbundle
          • this method does not support npm link, need to npm unlink hyphenate-web
    • Debug and release are sharing the same controller, just update the build setting to debug or release on Xcode
    • Run app on physical device via Xcode
      • will automatically open a packager if there's no packager initiated, then build a release version package
      • Note: No relation with local file main.jsbundle. packaging will not update the local version of the file.
    • Xcode -> select device -> run
    • Trust certification: iOS device -> General -> Device Management -> persion Certificate -> trust it
    • You can turn on controller by shaking the phone under debug mode if the app is running successfully.
$ npm start
$ react-native run-ios --simulator "iPhone 7"
$ react-native run-ios
$ react-native bundle --dev false --platform ios --entry-file ./index.ios.js --bundle-output ./ios/app/main.jsbundle

iOS potentiall issues

  • Close controller between switch to debug or release
  • react-native run-ios --simulator "iPhone 7". Make sure no physical device is connected to computer, able to compile multiple devices, but will not be able to run them.
Q: If compilation failed

A: Try cleaning, turn off package controller, then run the app

Q: Undefined symbols for architecture arm64: "___gxx_personality_v0"

A: facebook/react-native#11454

Q: cant find module npmlog (after yarn installation)

A: fix curl -0 -L | sudo sh

Q: Animated: useNativeDriver is not supported because the native animated module is missing

Include the NativeAnimation module on iOS in the starter projec

A: facebook/react-native#10638

Q: React Native BUILD SUCCEED, but “No devices are booted.”


  • react-native run-ios do not use sudo, that will cause app compilation issue for simulator
  • compiling error NSLocalizedDescription = "Permission denied"; if not using sudo
    • sudo chmod 777 /Users/username/.babel.json
  • if still receiving Permission denied related problems
    • make sure the components and files are under the current user's directory not in root
    • sudo chown -R user:user_group directory_name
Q: Latest react-native app doesn't work ":CFBundleIdentifier", Does Not Exist #7308

A: facebook/react-native#7308

Go to File -> Project settings
Click the Advanced button
Select "Custom" and select "Relative to Workspace" in the pull down
click done, done

Content structure

  • App
    • Containers | Page | Routing
      • App.js main entry point
        • Redux/ initialization
        • I18n/ initialization
        • Config/index.js system initialization
      • RootContainer.js root container
        • Navigation/NavigationRouter.js initial routing
        • /Config/ReduxPersist persistent initialization
    • Common components
    • I18n multi-languages support
    • Images resources
    • Lib Web IM initialization
    • Navigation routing
    • Redux actions / reducers
    • Hyphenate web SDK

Redux State

	// UI related
	ui: [
		// ex. UI loading
		common: {
		login: {
			username: '',
			password: '',
			isSigned: false,
		register: { },
		contactInfo: { },
	im: [],
	// data entities
	entities: {
		roster: {
			byName: {
					jid, name, subscription, groups?
			names: ['lwz2'...],
			// friend list is based on roster
			friends: [],
		// subscribe notified
		subscribe: {
			byFrom: {}
		room: {},
		group: {
			byId: {},
			names: []
		members: {
			byName: [],
			byGroupId: []
		blacklist: {},
		message: {
			byId: {}
			chat: {
				[chatId]: [messageId1, messageId2]
			groupChat: {
				[chatId]: {}


  • https issue
  • splash screen
  • hot loading
  • local storage
  • Chat optimization, limit the queue length and message pagination
  • full loading


React-native SDK is modified due to different browser environment from web SDK. Web SDK is not suitable for direct use under react-native environment, please refer the following steps for react-native SDK integration.

How to integrate?

  1. Copy App/Lib/WebIM.js and App/Lib/WebIMConfig.js


// copy the modified strophe
import '../Sdk/dist/strophe-1.2.8.js'
// modified sdk directory
import websdk from '../Sdk'
// react-native has window object, but not standard browser. Rely on xmldom module for window and document object.
import xmldom from 'xmldom'
// modification of basic messaging: remove some browser dependencies
import config from './WebIMConfig'
// you can modify http components for http request
import Api from '../Services/Api'
let WebIM = window.WebIM = websdk
window.WebIM.config = config
// strophe dependency
window.DOMParser = xmldom.DOMParser
// parse document object
let document = window.document = new DOMParser().parseFromString("<?xml version='1.0'?>\n", 'text/xml')

// establish connection
WebIM.conn = new WebIM.connection({
  isMultiLoginSessions: WebIM.config.isMultiLoginSessions,
  https: WebIM.config.https,
  url: WebIM.config.xmppURL,
  isAutoLogin: false,
  heartBeatWait: WebIM.config.heartBeatWait,
  autoReconnectNumMax: WebIM.config.autoReconnectNumMax,
  autoReconnectInterval: WebIM.config.autoReconnectInterval
  1. copy App/Sdk directory
  2. install dependencies for xmldom npm install --save xmldom
  3. replace with customized http module
  4. API is the same web SDK

Demo example: Containers/App.js, listen to XMPP event(currently using redux, you can customize it depending on the framework and method of data processing)

  // xmpp connected successfully
  onOpened: (msg) => {
    // push message after presence
    // get contacts
    // login successful
    // get blacklist
    // get group list



React native for iOS and Android apps






No packages published


  • JavaScript 97.1%
  • Ruby 1.1%
  • Other 1.8%