- [Android]
- login
- sign up
- friends
- List and filtering
- contact
- blacklist
- friend notification
- friend confirmation notification
- accept friend request
- decline friend request
- add friend
- group
- group list
- group member list
- chat
- camera image message
- local image message
- emoji message
- text message
- [react-native] updated to 0.39.2
- [component/input] feature update
- [component/button] feature update
- [addContactModal] manage modal using react-native-router-flux
- [tabBar] manage tabBar using react-native-router-flux
- [camera] android supports camera and local image
- [yarn] add yarn lock file. Yarn for package management
- [iOS]
- login
- sign up
- friends
- List and filtering
- contact
- blacklist
- friend notification
- friend confirmation notification
- accept friend request
- decline friend request
- add friend
- group
- group list
- group member list
- chat
- camera image message
- local image message
- emoji message
- text message