(tested on Windows 7 64-bit)
For simplicity, windows-setup.bat and the built-in config in bin\Yomitori.pm assume that this distribution has been unpacked into c:\yomitori; anything without a space in the name should work, but you'll have to make some adjustments.
- must use 32-bit MSI to link to libmecab
- should install into the standard c:\strawberry
- already includes DBI, DBD::Sqlite, Archive::Zip
- standard windows installer
- select UTF-8 during install
- run "cpanm XML::Twig"
- run "windows-setup.bat", which copies the library and includes needed for Strawberry Perl to compile the module. It also copies mecab-dict-index.exe to a known location.
- run "cpanm --interactive Text::Mecab" and give it these arguments: version: 0.996 compiler flags: -DWIN32 linker flags: -lmecab include path: encoding: utf-8
- use unidic-mecab-2.1.2_bin.zip
- extract as \yomitori\unidic
- The Windows installer doesn't display correctly on non-Japanese Windows, and installs a smaller dictionary, so skip it
- unzip, right-click install-tl-advanced.bat to run as admin
- I assume the standard installation directory of c:\texlive
- can do a fairly small install; just make sure that you select the Chinese/Japanese/Korean package to get upTex and fonts.
- optional, but easiest way to install Git and a decent shell, if you want to keep your copy of the code up-to-date.
- by default, distribution would end up in ...\Documents\GitHub\yomitori, which won't work with my config.
(if you don't have an editor that handles kanji, UTF8, and LF line endings)
install without plugins if you're not using it for coding, and then change a lot of defaults to make it more useful for kanji:
Plugins->DSpellCheck->Spell Check Document Automatically (disable)
View->Word wrap (enable)
Edit->EOL Conversion->UNIX/OSX Format
Encoding->Encode in UTF-8 without BOM
Settings->Preferences->New Document->Format->Unix/OSX
Settings->Preferences->New Document->Encoding->UTF-8 without BOM
Settings->Style Configurator->Font Style->Font Name->Meiryo
Settings->Style Configurator->Font Style->Font size->14
Settings->Style Configurator->Enable global font
Settings->Style Configurator->Enable global font size