A NixOS module for templating agenix secrets. Used with services that do not support loading secrets directly, you can instead inject secrets into a configuration or environment file.
Add the inputs to your flake.nix
inputs = {
agenix.url = "github:ryantm/agenix/0.15.0";
agenix.inputs = {
nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
agenix-template.url = "github:jhillyerd/agenix-template/1.0.0";
ouputs = { agenix, agenix-template }: {
nixosConfigurations = ...
Then include the modules to your NixOS configuration:
modules = [
Note: While the flake is called agenix-template
, it is referenced in
nix as age-template
to match the age
module naming scheme.
Setup agenix secrets as normal:
age.secrets = {
influxdb-telegraf.file = ./secrets/influxdb-telegraf.age;
Define the template, mapping secrets into variables:
# Create an environment file containing the influxdb password.
age-template.files."telegraf-influx.env" = {
vars.password = config.age.secrets.influxdb-telegraf.path;
content = ''PASSWORD=$password'';
Include the template in telegraf options:
services.telegraf = {
enable = true;
extraConfig = {
outputs.influxdb = with cfg.influxdb; {
inherit urls database;
username = user;
password = "$PASSWORD"; # Grab password from ENV.
environmentFiles =
[ config.age-template.files."telegraf-influx.env".path ];
Multiple secrets within a multi-line template:
age-template.files = {
"nomad-secrets.hcl" = {
vars = {
consulToken = config.age.secrets.nomad-consul-token.path;
encrypt = config.age.secrets.nomad-encrypt.path;
content = ''
consul {
token = "$consulToken"
server {
encrypt = "$encrypt"