All content is derived from Pro Git
NOTE: these steps expect development to be done in a seperate copy of the submodule repositories. It is possible to do development within the submodule but it takes a couple of extra steps (described in the Pro Git book linked above)
If you are cloning a new copy of the repository:
git clone --recursive
If you are updating an existing repository for the first time after submodules have been added:
git pull
git submodule init
git submodule update
NOTE:* If you have the repositories currently cloned at the required locations, delete them first or git-submodules will have problems.
git submodule update --remote
If you are making changes in a branch that is different from integration and
want to test those changes (without pointing everyone at your branch) you can
override what is in .gitmodules
git config submodule.salt_stack/salt/boss/files/boss.git.branch <branch name>
To remove this local configuration change, edit .git/config and remove the branch=
Edit .gitmodules and change the branch name for the submodule. This should only be needed when creating or merging branches (merging integration into master).