Spring Factory Beans for UnboundID LDAP SDK – a fast, powerful, user-friendly, and free Java API for communicating with LDAP directory servers. UnboundID SDK also provides an in-memory LDAP server written in Java, excellent choice for integration tests.
Why to use the UnboundID in a Spring-based application instead of Spring LDAP anyway? Well, Spring LDAP has one major issue – it’s a layer on top of JNDI that has a poor performance and horrible API. See this question on StackOverflow.
<bean id="ldapConnection" class="cz.jirutka.spring.unboundid.LdapConnectionFactoryBean"
p:bindDN="cn=Directory Manager"
p:sslTrustAll="true" />
<bean id="inMemoryLdap" class="cz.jirutka.spring.unboundid.InMemoryDirectoryServerFactoryBean"
p:loadDefaultSchemas="false" />
Most of properties are optional.
Released versions are available in The Central Repository. Just add this artifact to your project:
However if you want to use the last snapshot version, you have to add the Sonatype OSS repository:
<name>Sonatype repository for deploying snapshots</name>
- tests
This project is licensed under MIT License.