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Merge pull request #23 from fabuzaid21/dt-features-linear-sort
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PR #6 Dt features linear sort. Dependent on PR #5
  • Loading branch information
jkbradley committed Jan 12, 2016
2 parents fa949c5 + 402b80b commit 9f05d95
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Showing 2 changed files with 140 additions and 132 deletions.
193 changes: 103 additions & 90 deletions mllib/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/ml/tree/impl/AltDT.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ import org.apache.spark.mllib.tree.model.ImpurityStats
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.util.collection.BitSet
import org.roaringbitmap.RoaringBitmap

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -135,7 +136,7 @@ private[ml] object AltDT extends Logging {
val labelsBc = input.sparkContext.broadcast(labels)
// NOTE: Labels are not sorted with features since that would require 1 copy per feature,
// rather than 1 copy per worker. This means a lot of random accesses.
// rather than 1 copy per worker. This means a lot of random accesses.
// We could improve this by applying first-level sorting (by node) to labels.

// Sort each column by feature values.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -196,23 +197,19 @@ private[ml] object AltDT extends Logging {
doneLearning = currentLevel + 1 >= strategy.maxDepth || estimatedRemainingActive == 0

if (!doneLearning) {
// Aggregate bit vector (1 bit/instance) indicating whether each instance goes left/right.
val aggBitVectors: Array[BitSubvector] =
val splits: Array[Option[Split]] =

// Broadcast aggregated bit vectors. On each partition, update instance--node map.
val aggBitVectorsBc = input.sparkContext.broadcast(aggBitVectors)
// Aggregate bit vector (1 bit/instance) indicating whether each instance goes left/right
val aggBitVector: RoaringBitmap = aggregateBitVector(partitionInfos, splits, numRows)
val newPartitionInfos = { partitionInfo =>
partitionInfo.update(aggBitVectorsBc.value, numNodeOffsets)
partitionInfo.update(aggBitVector, numNodeOffsets)
// TODO: remove. For some reason, this is needed to make things work.
// Probably messing up somewhere above...
partitionInfos = newPartitionInfos

// TODO: unpersist aggBitVectorsBc after action.

currentLevel += 1

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -333,42 +330,52 @@ private[ml] object AltDT extends Logging {
* @param bestSplits Split for each active node, or None if that node will not be split
* @return Array of bit vectors, ordered by offset ranges
private[impl] def collectBitVectors(
private[impl] def aggregateBitVector(
partitionInfos: RDD[PartitionInfo],
bestSplits: Array[Option[Split]]): Array[BitSubvector] = {
bestSplits: Array[Option[Split]],
numRows: Int): RoaringBitmap = {
val bestSplitsBc: Broadcast[Array[Option[Split]]] =
val workerBitSubvectors: RDD[Array[BitSubvector]] = {
val workerBitSubvectors: RDD[RoaringBitmap] = {
case PartitionInfo(columns: Array[FeatureVector], nodeOffsets: Array[Int],
activeNodes: BitSet) =>
val localBestSplits: Array[Option[Split]] = bestSplitsBc.value
// localFeatureIndex[feature index] = index into PartitionInfo.columns
val localFeatureIndex: Map[Int, Int] = {
val bitSetForNodes: Iterator[RoaringBitmap] = activeNodes.iterator
.zip(localBestSplits.iterator).flatMap {
case (nodeIndexInLevel: Int, Some(split: Split)) =>
if (localFeatureIndex.contains(split.featureIndex)) {
// This partition has the column (feature) used for this split.
val fromOffset = nodeOffsets(nodeIndexInLevel)
val toOffset = nodeOffsets(nodeIndexInLevel + 1)
val colIndex: Int = localFeatureIndex(split.featureIndex)
Iterator(bitSubvectorFromSplit(columns(colIndex), fromOffset, toOffset, split))
Iterator(bitVectorFromSplit(columns(colIndex), fromOffset, toOffset, split, numRows))
} else {
case (nodeIndexInLevel: Int, None) =>
// Do not create a BitSubvector when there is no split.
// This requires PartitionInfo.update to handle missing BitSubvectors.
// Do not create a bitVector when there is no split.
// PartitionInfo.update will detect that there is no
// split, by how many instances go left/right.
if (bitSetForNodes.isEmpty) {
new RoaringBitmap()
} else {
bitSetForNodes.reduce[RoaringBitmap] { (acc, bitv) => acc.or(bitv); acc }
val aggBitVector: RoaringBitmap = workerBitSubvectors.reduce { (acc, bitv) =>
val aggBitVectors: Array[BitSubvector] = workerBitSubvectors.reduce(BitSubvector.merge)

* Choose the best split for a feature at a node.
* TODO: Return null or None when the split is invalid, such as putting all instances on one
* child node.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -787,20 +794,21 @@ private[ml] object AltDT extends Logging {
* second by sorted row indices within the node's rows.
* bit[index in sorted array of row indices] = false for left, true for right
private[impl] def bitSubvectorFromSplit(
private[impl] def bitVectorFromSplit(
col: FeatureVector,
fromOffset: Int,
toOffset: Int,
split: Split): BitSubvector = {
val nodeRowIndices = col.indices.slice(fromOffset, toOffset)
val nodeRowValues = col.values.slice(fromOffset, toOffset)
val nodeRowValuesSortedByIndices =
val bitv = new BitSubvector(fromOffset, toOffset)
split: Split,
numRows: Int): RoaringBitmap = {
val nodeRowIndices = col.indices.view.slice(fromOffset, toOffset)
val nodeRowValues = col.values.view.slice(fromOffset, toOffset)
val bitv = new RoaringBitmap()
var i = 0
while (i < nodeRowValuesSortedByIndices.length) {
val value = nodeRowValuesSortedByIndices(i)
while (i < nodeRowValues.length) {
val value = nodeRowValues(i)
val idx = nodeRowIndices(i)
if (!split.shouldGoLeft(value)) {
bitv.set(fromOffset + i)
i += 1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -833,6 +841,11 @@ private[ml] object AltDT extends Logging {
activeNodes: BitSet)
extends Serializable {

// pre-allocated temporary buffers that we use to sort
// instances in left and right children during update
val tempVals: Array[Double] = new Array[Double](columns(0).values.length)
val tempIndices: Array[Int] = new Array[Int](columns(0).values.length)

/** For debugging */
override def toString: String = {
"PartitionInfo(" +
Expand All @@ -854,82 +867,82 @@ private[ml] object AltDT extends Logging {
* Update nodeOffsets, activeNodes:
* Split offsets for nodes which split (which can be identified using the bit vector).
* @param bitVectors Bit vectors encoding splits for the next level of the tree.
* @param instanceBitVector Bit vector encoding splits for the next level of the tree.
* These must follow a 2-level ordering, where the first level is by node
* and the second level is by row index.
* bitVector(i) = false iff instance i goes to the left child.
* For instances at inactive (leaf) nodes, the value can be arbitrary.
* When an active node is not split (e.g., because no good split was found),
* then the corresponding BitSubvector can be missing.
* @return Updated partition info
def update(bitVectors: Array[BitSubvector], newNumNodeOffsets: Int): PartitionInfo = {
val newColumns = { oldCol =>
val col = oldCol.deepCopy()
var curBitVecIdx = 0
def update(instanceBitVector: RoaringBitmap, newNumNodeOffsets: Int):
PartitionInfo = {
// Create a 2-level representation of the new nodeOffsets (to be flattened).
// These 2 levels correspond to original nodes and their children (if split).
val newNodeOffsets =

val newColumns = { col =>
activeNodes.iterator.foreach { nodeIdx =>
val from = nodeOffsets(nodeIdx)
val to = nodeOffsets(nodeIdx + 1)
if (curBitVecIdx + 1 < bitVectors.length && bitVectors(curBitVecIdx).to <= from) {
// If there are no more BitVectors, curBitVecIdx stays at the last bitVector,
// which is acceptable (since it will not cover further nodes which were not split).
curBitVecIdx += 1
val curBitVector = bitVectors(curBitVecIdx)
// If the current BitVector does not cover this node, then this node was not split,
// so we do not need to update its part of the column. Otherwise, we update it.
if (curBitVector.from <= from && to <= {
// Sort range [from, to) based on indices. This is required to match the bit vector
// across all workers. See [[bitSubvectorFromSplit]] for details.
val rangeIndices = col.indices.view.slice(from, to).toArray
val rangeValues = col.values.view.slice(from, to).toArray
val sortedRange =
// Sort range [from, to) based on bit vector. { case ((idx, value), i) =>
val bit = curBitVector.get(from + i)
// TODO: In-place merge, rather than general sort.
// TODO: We don't actually need to sort the categorical features using our approach.
(bit, value, idx)
}.sorted.zipWithIndex.foreach { case ((bit, value, idx), i) =>
col.values(from + i) = value
col.indices(from + i) = idx
val rangeIndices = col.indices.view.slice(from, to)
val rangeValues = col.values.view.slice(from, to)

// If this is the very first time we split,
// we don't use rangeIndices to count the number of bits set;
// the entire bit vector will be used, so getCardinality
// will give us the same result more cheaply.
val numBitsSet = if (nodeOffsets.length == 2) instanceBitVector.getCardinality
else rangeIndices.count(instanceBitVector.contains)

val numBitsNotSet = to - from - numBitsSet // number of instances splitting left
val oldOffset = newNodeOffsets(nodeIdx).head

// If numBitsNotSet or numBitsSet equals 0, then this node was not split,
// so we do not need to update its part of the column. Otherwise, we update it.
if (numBitsNotSet != 0 && numBitsSet != 0) {
newNodeOffsets(nodeIdx) = Array(oldOffset, oldOffset + numBitsNotSet)

// We sort the [from, to) slice of col based on instance bit, then
// instance value. This is required to match the bit vector across all
// workers. All instances going "left" in the split (which are false)
// should be ordered before the instances going "right". The instanceBitVector
// gives us the bit value for each instance based on the instance's index.
// Then both [from, numBitsNotSet) and [numBitsNotSet, to) need to be sorted
// by value.
// Since the column is already sorted by value, we can compute
// this sort in a single pass over the data. We iterate from start to finish
// (which preserves the sorted order), and then copy the values
// into @tempVals and @tempIndices either:
// 1) in the [from, numBitsNotSet) range if the bit is false, or
// 2) in the [numBitsNotSet, to) range if the bit is true.
var (leftInstanceIdx, rightInstanceIdx) = (from, from + numBitsNotSet)
var idx = 0
while (idx < rangeValues.length) {
val indexForVal = rangeIndices(idx)
val bit = instanceBitVector.contains(indexForVal)
if (bit) {
tempVals(rightInstanceIdx) = rangeValues(idx)
tempIndices(rightInstanceIdx) = indexForVal
rightInstanceIdx += 1
} else {
tempVals(leftInstanceIdx) = rangeValues(idx)
tempIndices(leftInstanceIdx) = indexForVal
leftInstanceIdx += 1
idx += 1

// Create a 2-level representation of the new nodeOffsets (to be flattened).
// These 2 levels correspond to original nodes and their children (if split).
val newNodeOffsets =
var curBitVecIdx = 0
activeNodes.iterator.foreach { nodeIdx =>
val from = nodeOffsets(nodeIdx)
val to = nodeOffsets(nodeIdx + 1)
if (curBitVecIdx + 1 < bitVectors.length && bitVectors(curBitVecIdx).to <= from) {
// If there are no more BitVectors, curBitVecIdx stays at the last bitVector,
// which is acceptable (since it will not cover further nodes which were not split).
curBitVecIdx += 1
val curBitVector = bitVectors(curBitVecIdx)
// If the current BitVector does not cover this node, then this node was not split,
// so we do not need to create a new node offset. Otherwise, we create an offset.
if (curBitVector.from <= from && to <= {
// Count number of values splitting to left vs. right
val numRight = Range(from, to).count(curBitVector.get)
val numLeft = to - from - numRight
if (numLeft != 0 && numRight != 0) {
// node is split
val oldOffset = newNodeOffsets(nodeIdx).head
newNodeOffsets(nodeIdx) = Array(oldOffset, oldOffset + numLeft)
// update the column values and indices
// with the corresponding indices
Array.copy(tempVals, from, col.values, from, rangeValues.length)
Array.copy(tempIndices, from, col.indices, from, rangeValues.length)

assert( == newNumNodeOffsets,
s"(W) newNodeOffsets total size: ${}," +
s" newNumNodeOffsets: $newNumNodeOffsets")

// Identify the new activeNodes based on the 2-level representation of the new nodeOffsets.
val newActiveNodes = new BitSet(newNumNodeOffsets - 1)
var newNodeOffsetsIdx = 0
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