1. Installing the Docker Engine (Need root permission)
Skip if your machine already has the engine (Installation document).
curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com/ | sudo sh
2. Adding a Docker user to the docker group (Need root permission)
Skip if your account is already in the docker group
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
3. Downloading and loading the Docker image file
wget http://bioinfo.konkuk.ac.kr/PAPipe/PAPipe.tar.gz # Download the Docker image file
docker load -i ./PAPipe.tar.gz # Load the Docker image file
docker image ls # Check if the image loaded well ("REPOSITORY:pap_docker, TAG:latest" must be shown)
4. Downloading the test data
wget http://bioinfo.konkuk.ac.kr/PAPipe/test_data.tar.gz
tar -zxvf test_data.tar.gz
5. Creating a docker container that mounts the directory containing the test data
Need to use the absolute path of the "test_data" directory.
docker run -v [absolute path of the "test_data" directory]:/RUN_DOCKER/ -it pap_docker:latest
6. Running PAPipe in the Docker container
# Run in the docker container
python3 /PAPipe/bin/main.py -P ./main_param.txt -I ./main_input.txt -A ./main_sample.txt &> ./log
7. Generating HTML pages for browsing analysis results
# Run in the docker container
perl /PAPipe/bin/html/webEnvSet.pl ./out &> webenvset.log # ./out is the output directory set in the "main_param.txt" file
cd ./out/web/
perl /PAPipe/bin/html/prep_html.pl ./ &> ./webgen.log
Example HTML pages for browsing the results
Check out the HTML pages generated by this test data here.