Tools for dealing with SDSS-III APOGEE and SDSS-IV APOGEE-2 data.
Jo Bovy - bovy at ias dot edu
Standard python build/install
sudo python install
python install --prefix=/some/directory/
The installation can also automatically install Carlos Allende Prieto's FERRE code. To do this do
python install --install-ferre
On a Mac, you might have issues with OpenMP, which can be disabled
using --ferre-noopenmp
. The installation will also automatically
change FERRE's default filename-length from 120 to 180, to deal with
the long filenames for the model libraries on the SDSS SAS (which is
mirrored locally to use this code). If you want to use a different
filename-length you can specify, for example, --ferre-flen 200
a length of 200 characters.
If you have already installed FERRE yourself, you should alias the
FERRE binary to ferre
and FERRE's ascii2bin to ascii2bin
use FERRE within this package.
This package can also use MOOG and Turbospectrum. They are, however, not installed by this package's installer. You can install MOOG from the source given on the MOOG website, or you can use @andycasey's MOOG installer (updated to the July 2014 release of MOOG in the batch branch of my fork of Andy's code).
Turbospectrum v14.1 can be downloaded from Betrand Plez' website. To use
Turbospectrum with the apogee
package, please define an
environment variable $TURBODATA that points to Turbospectrum's DATA
directory and make sure that the babsma_lu and bsyn_lu commands
are directly callable (by, for example, copying them to
This package requires NumPy, Scipy, Matplotlib, fitsio, esutil, galpy, isodist, and periodictable.
This code depends on a number of data files and environment variables. The environment variables are
- APOGEE_DATA: top-level directory with APOGEE data
- APOGEE_REDUX: APOGEE reduction version (e.g., v304 for DR10, v402 for DR11, v603 for DR12)
- APOGEE_APOKASC_REDUX: APOKASC catalog version (e.g., v6.2a)
Most data files live in the $APOGEE_DATA directory. For example, allStar-$APOGEE_REDUX.fits, allVisit-$APOGEE_REDUX.fits, and APOKASC_Catalog.APOGEE_$APOKASC_REDUX.fits live there. Files related to the spectra and the target selection live in sub-directories drXX/. These sub-directories mirror the directory structure of spectra- and targeting-related files on the SDSS-III SAS:
- $APOGEE_DATA/dr12/apogee/target/
with sub-directories in that last target/ directory
- apogee_DR12
These directories contain the apogeeDesign_DR12.fits, apogeeField_DR12.fits, apogeePlate_DR12.fits, and apogeeObject_DR12-FIELDNAME.fits files (for DR10/DR11 there are similar directories).
For the target selection code to work, the allStar-$APOGEE_REDUX.fits, allVisit-$APOGEE_REDUX.fits files need to be present, as well as the targeting files in the drXX/ directories. The observation log obs-summary-year1+2.csv (for DR11) or obs-summary-year1+2+3.csv (for DR12) also needs to be present. These are available here and they will be automatically downloaded by the code when they are needed.
Files of individual spectra live in directories that mirror the SAS as well:
- $APOGEE_DATA/dr12/apogee/spectra/
Routines in the module keep track of all of the paths to the different files. A typical tree looks something like:
$APOGEE_DATA/ allStar-v603.fits allVisit-v603.fits apogee-rc-DR12.fits ... dr12/ apogee/ spectro/ redux/r5/stars/ apo25m/ 4102/ apStar-r5-2M21353892+4229507.fits ... ... apo1m/ hip/ apStar-r5-2M00003088+5933348.fits ... ... l25_6d/v603/ 4102/ aspcapStar-r5-v603-2M21353892+4229507.fits ... ... target/ apogee_dr12/ apogeeDesign.fits apogeeField.fits apogeeObject_000+02.fits ... apogeePlate.fits dr10/ *similar to dr12/*
The apogee package will automatically attempt to download most of the data files, so provided you have setup APOGEE_DATA and APOGEE_REDUX, you will not have to download data files yourself to get started. If you have access to proprietary data, you have to setup a .netrc file with the correct login credentials (see here). Please let me know if there are files that you would like to have added to the automatic downloading.
The most basic capability of the code is to read various data produces and apply cuts (in For example:
import as apread allStar= apread.allStar(rmcommissioning=True,main=False,ak=True, akvers='targ',adddist=False)
will read the allStar file corresponding to the $APOGEE_REDUX version, remove stars only observed on commissioning plates (rmcommissioning=True), only keep stars with a valid extinction estimate (ak=True), and use the original extinction estimate used to define the targeting sample (akvers='targ'). The output numpy.recarray has additional tags containing the extinction-corrected J, H, and Ks magnitudes.
The allStar read function also has an option rmdups=True (default: False) that removes a small number of duplicates in the allStar file (these are mainly commissioning stars re-observed during the main survey and a few stars in overlapping fields). The first time this option is used the read function may take about 10 minutes to remove all duplicates, but the duplicate-free file is then cached for re-use. Use as:
allStar= apread.allStar(rmcommissioning=True,rmdups=True)
We can read the APOKASC catalog using:
apokasc= apread.apokasc()
This reads the APOKASC catalog and matches and combines it with the allStar catalog.
We can also read spectra as follows:
spec, hdr= apread.apStar(4102,'2M21353892+4229507',ext=1)
where the first argument is the location ID and the second argument is
the APOGEE ID. This reads the first extension of the apStar
file; the header is also returned (set header=False
to not read
the header). Similarly, we can read pseudo-continuum-normalized
spectra as:
spec, hdr= apread.aspcapStar(4102,'2M21382701+4221097',ext=1)
For objects observed with the NMSU 1m telescope (those with
tag set to apo1m
), we need to specify the FIELD
rather than the location ID. That is, do for example:
spec, hdr= apread.apStar('hip','2M00003088+5933348',ext=1)
spec, hdr= apread.aspcapStar('hip','2M00003088+5933348',ext=1)
can be directly fed from the allStar entry (whitespace
will be automatically removed).
Spectra will also be automatically downloaded if they are not available locally. Module also contains routines to read the various targeting-related files (see above). These are not automatically downloaded at this point.
The module has some tools for dealing with APOGEE bitmasks. In particular, it has methods to turn a numerical bit value into the string name of the bit:
from import bitmask bitmask.apogee_target1_string(11) 'APOGEE_SHORT' bitmask.apogee_target2_string(9) 'APOGEE_TELLURIC'
Or we can find the numerical bit value for a given string name:
bitmask.apogee_target1_int('APOGEE_SHORT') 11 bitmask.apogee_target2_int('APOGEE_TELLURIC') 9
There are also tools to figure out which bits are set for a given bitmask from the catalog and to test whether a given bit is set:
bitmask.bits_set(-2147481584) [4, 11, 31] bitmask.bit_set(1,-2147481584) False bitmask.bit_set(bitmask.apogee_target2_int('APOGEE_TELLURIC'),-2147481584)
The final command run on an array of bitmasks will return a boolean index array of entries for which this bit is set. For example, to get the tellucircs in the allStar file do:
telluricsIndx= bitmask.bit_set(bitmask.apogee_target2_int('APOGEE_TELLURIC'),allStar['APOGEE_TARGET2'])
or shorter:
telluricsIndx= bitmask.bit_set(9,allStar['APOGEE_TARGET2'])
If you want a quick reminder of what the various bits are, just display the bitmask dictionaries:
The apogee
module also contains some functionality to plot the
APOGEE spectra in apogee.spec.plot
. For example, to make a nice
plot of the pseudo-continuum-normalized aspcapStar spectrum of entry
3512 in the subsample of S/N > 200 stars in the DR12 red-clump
catalog, do:
import as apread import apogee.spec.plot as splot data= apread.rcsample() indx= data['SNR'] > 200. data= data[indx] splot.waveregions(data[3512]['LOCATION_ID'],data[3512]['APOGEE_ID'],ext=1, labelID=data[3512]['APOGEE_ID'], labelTeff=data[3512]['TEFF'], labellogg=data[3512]['LOGG'], labelmetals=data[3512]['METALS'], labelafe=data[3512]['ALPHAFE'])
which gives
can plot arbitrary combinations of
wavelength regions specified using (startlams=
, endlams=
) or
, endindxs=
) to either specify starting/ending
wavelengths or indices into the wavelength array. The default displays
a selection of regions chosen to have every element included in the
standard APOGEE abundance analysis. If labelLines=True
default), strong, clean lines from Smith et al. (2013) are labeled. We
can also overlay the best-fit model spectrum:
splot.waveregions(data[3512]['LOCATION_ID'],data[3512]['APOGEE_ID'],'r-', ext=3,overplot=True, labelID=data[3512]['APOGEE_ID'], labelTeff=data[3512]['TEFF'], labellogg=data[3512]['LOGG'], labelmetals=data[3512]['METALS'], labelafe=data[3512]['ALPHAFE'])
which gives
By plotting the error array (ext=2
) you can see that the regions
with a large discrepancy between the model and the data are regions
with large errors (due to sky lines).
The same apogee.spec.plot.waveregions
can also plot the
non-continuum-normalized spectrum (apStar
in APOGEE parlance):
splot.waveregions(data[3512]['LOCATION_ID'],data[3512]['APOGEE_ID'],ext=1, apStar=True,labelID=data[3512]['APOGEE_ID'], labelTeff=data[3512]['TEFF'], labellogg=data[3512]['LOGG'], labelmetals=data[3512]['METALS'], labelafe=data[3512]['ALPHAFE'])
which gives
To plot a whole detector, use apogee.spec.plot.detector
in the
same way, but specify the detector ('blue'
, 'green'
, or
) as an additional argument. For example:
splot.detector(data[3512]['LOCATION_ID'],data[3512]['APOGEE_ID'], 'blue',ext=1,labelLines=False, labelID=data[3512]['APOGEE_ID'], labelTeff=data[3512]['TEFF'], labellogg=data[3512]['LOGG'], labelmetals=data[3512]['METALS'], labelafe=data[3512]['ALPHAFE'])
which gives
We haven't labeled the lines here, because there are so many. Similarly, the green and red detector are given by:
splot.detector(data[3512]['LOCATION_ID'],data[3512]['APOGEE_ID'], 'green',ext=1,labelLines=False, labelID=data[3512]['APOGEE_ID'])
splot.detector(data[3512]['LOCATION_ID'],data[3512]['APOGEE_ID'], 'red',ext=1,labelLines=False, labelID=data[3512]['APOGEE_ID'])
If you want even more detail, check out apogee.spec.plot.highres
which returns an iterator over a 12-panel plot of the spectrum,
allowing much detail to be seen in the spectrum. With
you can save these 12 panels to a 12
page PDF file.
It is also possible to plot the parts of a spectrum corresponding to the abundance windows used by APOGEE's abundance determination. For example, to plot the spectrum and the best fit for the window for Si do:[3512]['LOCATION_ID'],data[3512]['APOGEE_ID'],'Si')[3512]['LOCATION_ID'],data[3512]['APOGEE_ID'],'Si',ext=3,overplot=True)
which gives (each x
tick mark is 2 Å)
, N
, O
, and Fe
have so many windows that a single plot
becomes overcrowded, so for those elements you have the option to plot
the first half or the second half of the windows by giving the element
as C1
or C2
, respectively:[3512]['LOCATION_ID'],data[3512]['APOGEE_ID'],'Fe1')[3512]['LOCATION_ID'],data[3512]['APOGEE_ID'],'Fe1',ext=3,overplot=True)
also has the option to overplot the weights of the windows. For example:[3512]['LOCATION_ID'],data[3512]['APOGEE_ID'],'Al',plot_weights=True)
The module apogee.spec.window
has various utilities to deal with
the windows.
contains various ways to generate model spectra
for APOGEE spectra. The easiest way is to use grids generated for
APOGEE data analysis and use FERRE (see above) to interpolate on these
grids. Using MOOG or Turbospectrum allows for more flexibility, but
this functionality is currently under development.
To use the APOGEE model grids for interpolation, you first need to download the grids. This can be done using:
from import download download.ferreModelLibrary(lib='GK',pca=True,sixd=True,unf=False,dr=None,convertToBin=True)
This command downloads the main 6D, PCA-compressed 'GK' library used
for cooler stars (use lib='F'
for hotter grids). unf=False
means that the ascii version of the library is downloaded and
converts this ascii library to a binary format
(there is a .unf file available for download, but because the binary
format is not machine independent, it is recommended to convert to
binary locally). Because the model libraries are quite large, these
are not downloaded automatically, so you need to run this command to
download the library. Currently only DR12 grids are supported.
With this library, you can generate model spectra using:
from apogee.modelspec import ferre mspec= ferre.interpolate(4750.,2.5,-0.1,0.1,0.,0.)
which returns a model spectrum on the apStar wavelength grid for
, logg=2.5
, metals=-0.1
, alphafe=0.1
, and cfe=0.0
(in that order). You could plot this, for
example, with the apogee.spec.plot.waveregions
command above.
Providing an array for each of the 6 (or 7 if you use a library that varies the microturbulence) input parameters returns a set of spectra. For example:
teffs= [4500.,4750.] s= numpy.ones(2) mspec= ferre.interpolate(teffs,2.5*s,-0.1*s,0.1*s,0.*s,0.*s) mspec.shape (2, 8575)
Asking for tens of spectra simultaneously is more efficient, because you only need to run the FERRE setup once (but it becomes inefficient for many hundreds...).
The grids that are interpolated above are already convolved with the APOGEE LSF and are continuum normalized using the standard APOGEE/ASPCAP approach. When generating model spectra with other software tools (like MOOG below) one needs to convolve the model spectra with the APOGEE LSF and apply continuum normalization. This section briefly describes the tools available in this package for doing this.
Tools for handling the APOGEE LSF are in the apogee.spec.lsf
module. The most important functions here are lsf.eval
. lsf.eval
evaluates the LSF for a given fiber (or
an average of several fibers) on a grid of pixel offsets (in units of
the apStar logarithmic wavlength grid). These pixel offsets need to
have a spacing 1/integer
and the LSF will be evaluated on the
apStar wavelength grid subdivided by the same amount (so if
, the ouput will be on the apStar wavelength grid in
pixel,pixel+1/3,pixel+2/3, pixel+1, etc.). This allows the convolution
to be performed efficiently.
convolves with both the APOGEE LSF and the
macroturbulence and outputs the spectrum on the standard apStar
logarithmically-spaced wavelength grid. The macroturbulence can either
be modeled as a Gaussian smoothing with a given FWHM or the proper
macroturbulence convolution kernel can be pre-computed using
in the same way as the lsf.eval
function above. The convolutions are implemented efficiently as a
sparse-matrix multiplication. The LSF obtained from lsf.eval
the macroturbulence kernel from apogee.modelspec.vmacro
can be
returned in this sparse format by specifying sparse=True
or you
can yourself compute the sparse representation by running
. If for some reason you do not wish to convolve with
the APOGEE LSF, you can compute a dummy LSF using lsf.dummy
is just a delta function and this can be passed to lsf.convolve
(useful for only convolving with macroturbulence).
The average DR12 LSFs for 6 fibers (the standard LSF for ASPCAP
analysis) or for all fibers is pre-computed and stored online at this
URL. They can be
downloaded and loaded using lsf._load_precomp
. Various of the
spectral analysis functions described below automatically download and
load these LSFs.
An example of the LSF and macroturbulence functions is displayed below: this shows the average LSF of all APOGEE fibers, the proper macroturbulence kernel, and a Gaussian macroturbulence kernel (which is used in the standard APOGEE analysis):
also contains functions to deal with the raw
LSF. This includes the wavelength->pixel
and pixel->wavelength
solution, unpacking the parameters of the LSF, and evaluating the raw
LSF using the LSF parameters.
Tools for working with the continuum normalization are included in
. The main routine that is useful is
which fits the continuum to a set of spectra and
their uncertainties using one of two methods (specified using the
keyword) and returns the continuum for each spectrum.
The first method is type='aspcap'
, which is also the default. This
is an implementation of the default APOGEE/ASPCAP
continuum-normalization (see Garcia Perez et al. 2015), which
iteratively searches for the upper envelope of the spectrum. An
example of this procedure is the following:
aspec= apread.apStar(4159,'2M07000348+0319407',ext=1,header=False)[1] aspecerr= apread.apStar(4159,'2M07000348+0319407',ext=2,header=False)[1] # Input needs to be (nspec,nwave) aspec= numpy.reshape(aspec,(1,len(aspec))) aspecerr= numpy.reshape(aspecerr,(1,len(aspecerr))) # Fit the continuum from apogee.spec import continuum cont=,aspecerr,type='aspcap')
We can then compare this to the official continuum-normalized spectrum
in aspcapStar
cspec= apread.aspcapStar(4159,'2M07000348+0319407',ext=1,header=False) import apogee.spec.plot as splot splot.waveregions(aspec[0]/cont[0]) splot.waveregions(cspec,overplot=True)
which demonstrates very good agreement.
The second method is type='cannon'
, which is an implementation of
a Cannon-style continuum-normalization (see Ness et al. 2015; see below). This method uses a
pre-determined set of continuum pixels, which can be specified through
. A default set of pixels is included in the code;
there is also a function continuum.pixels_cannon
that can
determine the continuum pixels. For the same star as analyzed with the
ASPCAP continuum normalization above we find:
cont_cannon=,aspecerr,type='cannon') splot.waveregions(aspec[0]/cont_cannon[0]) splot.waveregions(cspec,overplot=True)
which gives
In the wavelength region shown, the two methods agree nicely (but they do not over the full wavelength range).
Generating synthetic spectra as discussed below for MOOG requires
having a model atmosphere. Meszaros et
al. have
computed a grid of ATLAS9 model atmospheres varying effective
temperature, surface gravity, overall metallicity, and the relative
enhancement of carbon and alpha elements. apogee
has tools to work
with these in the apogee.modelatm
module. This grid can be
downloaded on this website; APOGEE collaborators
can also use the
function to
download these. Currently, the atmospheres must be put into a
of the overall $APOGEE_DATA
data directory (see above); the
function automatically puts the model
atmospheres in the correct location. The functions in
will also automatically download the necessary
atmospheres, so no setup should be required for collaboration members.
ATLAS9 model-atmosphere functionality is included in
. The main use of this module is that it
contains a class Atlas9Atmosphere
; instances of this class are
individual atmospheres and the instance allows one to inspect its
structure as a function of optical depth and to write the model
atmosphere to a file (useful for using the atmosphere with MOOG
For example, to load a grid point do:
from apogee.modelatm import atlas9 atm= atlas9.Atlas9Atmosphere(teff=4750.,logg=2.5,metals=-0.25,am=0.25,cm=0.25)
One can then look at, for example, the thermal structure:
or the gas pressure:
The apogee.modelatm.atlas9
module also contains a rudimentary
model-atmosphere interpolator. This uses linear interpolation within
the hypercube of nearby grid points and means that one can load
non-grid-point atmospheres in the same way as above:
atm_ng= atlas9.Atlas9Atmosphere(teff=4850.,logg=2.65,metals=-0.3,am=0.15,cm=0.05)
Comparing this to the grid-point atmosphere above:
atm.plot('T') atm_ng.plot('T',overplot=True)
atm.plot('P') atm_ng.plot('P',overplot=True)
All model atmospheres can be written to a file in KURUCZ format using writeto
, for example:
Only essential parts of the atmosphere are written out here, so don't be alarmed that the top lines of the file don't match the model atmosphere.
Synthetic spectra using MOOG can be generated using
functions in the apogee.modelspec.moog
module. The main functions
in this module are moog.synth
, which provide
high-level interfaces to MOOG. They both synthesize an arbitrary
number of spectra for arbitrary combinations of abundances of
individual elements, convolve with the APOGEE LSF and macroturbulence,
put the synthetic spectrum on the apStar logarithmic wavelength scale,
and perform continuum-normalization (see above). The use of
is to generate synthetic spectra over the full APOGEE
wavelength range,
can be used to only vary the
spectrum within certain windows (although full APOGEE wavelength
spectra are returned also for
; see below). There is
also a lower-level interface to MOOG, moog.moogsynth
, which allows
more direct access to MOOG's synth
and doflux
drivers, and
, which allows MOOG's weedout
driver to be
run. These are not further discussed here.
The inputs to moog.synth
are by and large the
same. Both take an arbitrary number of lists as their first inputs,
which specify the element to vary and the abundance relative to the
default abundance in the provided model atmosphere. For example, to
vary the iron abundance by -0.25 and 0.25 dex, the input would be
[26,-0.25,0.25]; to also vary the titanium abundance one would also
provide a list [22,-0.3] (lists do not all have to have the same
length; they are zero-padded).
The model atmosphere can be provided in a variety of ways. The first
is to give a model-atmosphere instance as discussed above as the
keyword modelatm=
(this keyword can also be the name of file
holding the model atmosphere). Alternatively, the stellar parameters
of the atmosphere can be provided (teff=
, logg=
, metals=
, and am=
; they can also be provided as an fparam=
array similar to the arrays coming out of ASPCAP [see below]). One
also has to specify the microturbulence (vmicro=
, or as part of
To perform the synthesis we need a line list. This can be passed as
the linelist=
keyword. This can be set to a filename or just to
the name of an APOGEE line list for APOGEE collaborators (linelists
can be downloaded using
). Isotopic
ratios can be set to either isotopes='solar'
for typical dwarf or giant isotope ratios.
The LSF can be given as the lsf=
keyword. This can be set to the
output of apogee.spec.lsf.eval
(best if it's a sparse version of
this output; see above), in which case you also have to specify the
pixel offsets at which the LSF is calculated as xlsf=
. Alternatively, you can just say lsf='all'
to use an average LSF of all fibers or a combination
of 6 fibers (see the section on the LSF above).
Macroturbulence can be set using the vmacro=
keyword. This can be
a number for a Gaussian macroturbulence, or it can be set to the
output of apogee.modelspec.vmacro
for a more realistic treatment
of macroturbulence (again, see the LSF section above).
Continuum normalization can be done in one of three ways:
(the default) which is an implementation of the
standard continuum normalization performed by ASPCAP;
for the Cannon-style normalization described above;
or cont='true'
for using the true continuum.
Putting all of this together, we can generate the synthetic spectra for the two abundances given above and for the atmosphere above as follows (we repeat the setup of the model atmosphere and explicitly set many of the parameters to their default values):
import apogee.modelspec.moog from apogee.modelatm import atlas9 atm= atlas9.Atlas9Atmosphere(teff=4750.,logg=2.5,metals=-0.25,am=0.25,cm=0.25) # The following takes a while ... synspec= apogee.modelspec.moog.synth([26,-0.25,0.25],[22,-0.3],modelatm=atm,\ linelist='moog.201312161124.vac',lsf='all',cont='aspcap',vmacro=6.,isotopes='solar')
and we can plot these:
import apogee.spec.plot as splot splot.waveregions(synspec[0]) splot.waveregions(synspec[1],overplot=True)
can generate synthetic spectra for which only
a set of windows are varied. Typical use of this function is with the
functions that specify the windows for
different element species. However, arbitrary windows can be specified
using the startindxs
and endindxs
or startlams
arguments (similar to apogee.spec.plot.waveregions
they need to be given before any abundance changes. For example, to
vary the aluminum abundance for the off-grid model atmosphere above in
the APOGEE aluminum windows do:
abu= [13,-1.,-0.75,-0.5,-0.25,0.,0.25,0.5,0.75,1.] synspec='Al',abu,modelatm=atm_ng,\ linelist='moog.201312161124.vac')
and we can plot the aluminum windows:[0],'Al') for ii in range(1,len(abu)-1):[ii],'Al',overplot=True)
synthesis is performed by first synthesizing a
single full APOGEE wavelength spectrum to use as a baseline and then
generating multiple synthetic spectra in the requested windows for
which the baseline is used outside of the window. For most elements of
interest this is very fast, because their lines only span a narrow
wavelength range. The baseline can be pre-computed using
, such that it can be re-used when varying different
elements. One has to generate the baseline continuum, the continuum
normalized spectrum, and the wavelength grid on which the synthesis is
computed. For example:
# For the low-level moogsynth interface, we need to specify the atmosphere as a file atm_ng.writeto('tmp.mod') baseline= apogee.modelspec.moog.moogsynth(modelatm='tmp.mod',\ linelist='moog.201312161124.vac')[1] mwav, cflux= apogee.modelspec.moog.moogsynth(doflux=True,\ modelatm='tmp.mod',linelist='moog.201312161124.vac')
then we can repeat the calculation above as:
synspec='Al',abu,\ baseline=baseline,mwav=mwav,cflux=cflux,\ modelatm=atm_ng,linelist='moog.201312161124.vac')
This is clearly very fast once we have the baseline.
A similar interface as described in detail above for MOOG exists for
Turbospectrum in
. The high-level interfaces
are exactly the same as
the equivalents for MOOG above, but the low-level interface
to running Turbospec is slightly
different. The main difference between Turbospectrum and MOOG is how
the linelist is specified. The linelist=
keyword can either be set
to a list of linelists to use (like an atomic and a molecular one) or
to a string. In the latter case, if the string filename does not exist
the code will also look for linelists that start in
turboatoms./turbomolec. or end in .atoms/.molec. You will have
to download the Hlinedata.vac
linelist from the APOGEE linelist
directory as well if you are working in vacuum (the default; this can
be done with'Hlinedata.vac')
. If
you are working in air wavelengths, specify air=True
when running
Turbospectrum syntheses (then the internal Turbospectrum Hlinedata
will be used).
We repeat the calculations done above using MOOG with Turbospectrum here as an example:
import apogee.modelspec.turbospec from apogee.modelatm import atlas9 atm= atlas9.Atlas9Atmosphere(teff=4750.,logg=2.5,metals=-0.25,am=0.25,cm=0.25) # The following takes a while ... synspec= apogee.modelspec.turbospec.synth([26,-0.25,0.25],[22,-0.3],modelatm=atm,\ linelist='',lsf='all',cont='aspcap',vmacro=6.,isotopes='solar')
and we can again plot these:
import apogee.spec.plot as splot splot.waveregions(synspec[0]) splot.waveregions(synspec[1],overplot=True)
And for the Al variations in Al windows (re-using atm_ng
higher up):
abu= [13,-1.,-0.75,-0.5,-0.25,0.,0.25,0.5,0.75,1.] synspec='Al',abu,modelatm=atm_ng,\ linelist='')
and we can plot the aluminum windows:[0],'Al') for ii in range(1,len(abu)-1):[ii],'Al',overplot=True)
Again, the
synthesis is performed by first
synthesizing a single full APOGEE wavelength spectrum to use as a
baseline and then generating multiple synthetic spectra in the
requested windows for which the baseline is used outside of the
window. For most elements of interest this is very fast, because their
lines only span a narrow wavelength range. The baseline can be
pre-computed using turbospec.turbosynth
, such that it can be
re-used when varying different elements. One has to generate the
baseline continuum, the continuum normalized spectrum, the wavelength
grid on which the synthesis is computed, but also the continuous
opacity, which can be saved to a file by specifying the modelopac=
keyword. For example:
baseline= apogee.modelspec.turbospec.turbosynth(modelatm=atm_ng,\ linelist='',\ modelopac='mpac') mwav= baseline[0] cflux= baseline[2]/baseline[1] baseline= baseline[1]
then we can repeat the calculation above as:
synspec='Al',abu,\ baseline=baseline,mwav=mwav,cflux=cflux,modelopac='mpac',\ modelatm=atm_ng,linelist='')
which is indistinguishable from the plot above. Remember that you end up with a file that contains the continuous opacity, so you might want to remove it again.
To replicate the APOGEE data analysis, one can use the APOGEE model grids to fit a spectrum. This has been implemented here for the overall six (or seven if you vary the microturbulence) parameter grid as well as for fitting individual elements. For example, let's look again at entry 3512 in the subsample of S/N > 200 stars in the DR12 red-clump catalog. Load the catalog:
import as apread data= apread.rcsample() indx= data['SNR'] > 200. data= data[indx]
and now fit entry 3512:
from apogee.modelspec import ferre # The following takes a while params=[3512]['LOCATION_ID'],data[3512]['APOGEE_ID'], lib='GK',pca=True,sixd=True) print params [[ 4.67245500e+03 2.64900000e+00 2.08730163e-01 -4.43000000e-01 -6.40000000e-02 1.10000000e-01 4.90000000e-02]]
We can compare this to the official fit:
fitparams= data[3512]['FPARAM'] print fitparams [ 4.67250000e+03 2.64860010e+00 2.08765045e-01 -4.42680001e-01 -6.43979982e-02 1.10050000e-01 4.94019985e-02] print numpy.fabs(fitparams-params) [ 4.50000000e-02 3.99898529e-04 3.48818403e-05 3.19998741e-04 3.97998154e-04 5.00002503e-05 4.01998520e-04]
To initialize the fit by first running the Cannon
(Ness et
al. 2015; see below) with a
default set of coefficients, do (this is much faster than the standard
fit, because the standard fit starts from twelve different initial
conditions):[3512]['LOCATION_ID'],data[3512]['APOGEE_ID'], lib='GK',pca=True,sixd=True,initcannon=True) array([[ 4.65617700e+03, 2.60000000e+00, 2.12986185e-01, -4.40000000e-01, -1.29000000e-01, 1.30000000e-01, 2.80000000e-02]])
This gives a fit that is very close to the standard ASPCAP fit.
To fix some of the parameters in the fit, do for example to just fit
, logg
, and metals
xparams=[3512]['LOCATION_ID'],data[3512]['APOGEE_ID'], fixam=True,fixcm=True,fixnm=True, lib='GK',pca=True,sixd=True) print xparams [[ 4.69824100e+03 2.73600000e+00 2.01069231e-01 -4.21000000e-01 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00]]
and compared to the previous results:
from import paramIndx print (params-xparams)[paramIndx('Teff')] -25.786 print (params-xparams)[paramIndx('logg')] -0.087 print (params-xparams)[paramIndx('metals')] -0.022
we can also directly specify a
spectrum + spectrum error array instead of the location_id
given above.
To fit for the abundances of individual elements use
. By default this function replicates the standard
ASPCAP fit: the grid dimension 'C', 'N', 'ALPHAFE', or 'METALS' is
varied based on whether the particular element is 'C', 'N', an alpha
element, or one of the remaining elements). For example, for the star
above we can get the Mg abundance by doing (we use params
above as the baseline stellar-parameter fit):
mgparams= ferre.elemfit(data[3512]['LOCATION_ID'],data[3512]['APOGEE_ID'], 'Mg',params, lib='GK',pca=True,sixd=True)
The output is the full standard 7D output, but only the 'ALPHAFE' dimension was varied. Therefore, the [Mg/M] measurement is:
print mgparams[0,paramIndx('ALPHA')] -0.007
which we can compare to the official data product, which is in 'FELEM':
from import elemIndx print data[3512]['FELEM'][elemIndx('Mg')] -0.0078463
To for example also let the effective temperature float in the Mg abundance fit you can do:
mgparams= ferre.elemfit(data[3512]['LOCATION_ID'],data[3512]['APOGEE_ID'], 'Mg',params, lib='GK',pca=True,sixd=True,fixteff=False) print mgparams[0,paramIndx('ALPHA')] -0.016
That is, the Mg abundance only changes by 0.01 dex. elemfit
can also return an estimate of the error on the abundance, for example, do:
mgparams, mgerr= ferre.elemfit(data[3512]['LOCATION_ID'],data[3512]['APOGEE_ID'], 'Mg',params, lib='GK',pca=True,sixd=True,estimate_err=True) print mgparams[0,paramIndx('ALPHA')], mgerr -0.0068 [ 0.0519986]
If the estimated uncertainty is NaN, then it is larger than about 0.3
dex. To fully map the chi squared curve for a given element, you can
use ferre.elemchi2
. Clever use of this will also allow one to
investigate correlations between the elemental abundance and stellar
To fit for all of the elemental abundances you can use elemfitall
which returns a dictionary of abundances relative to hydrogen for all
APOGEE elements:
felem= ferre.elemfitall(data[3512]['LOCATION_ID'],data[3512]['APOGEE_ID'],fparam=params,lib='GK',pca=True,sixd=True)
We can compare this to the pipeline products, for example for Ni:
print felem['Ni'] [-0.453] print data[3512]['FELEM'][elemIndx('Ni')] -0.45136
or for Si (which in the standard pipeline product is given as [Si/Fe], so we have to add [Fe/H]):
print felem['Si'] [-0.204] print data[3512]['FELEM'][elemIndx('Si')]+params[:,paramIndx('METALS')] [-0.20453]
can also estimate uncertainties in all of the
abundances by setting the keyword estimate_err=True
; uncertainties
are returned as keys 'e_X'.
This package has some (currently) limited functionality to apply the
(Ness et al. 2015) to
APOGEE data. So far, a linear or a quadratic fit for an arbitrary set
of labels is supported by apogee.spec.cannon.linfit
, which returns the coefficients of the
fit, the scatter, and possibly the residuals. Using the coefficients
to determine labels for a new spectrum is supported through
(although this implementation takes
a shortcut to avoid the necessary non-linear
optimization). apogee.spec.cannon.polylabels
has a default set of
coefficients and scatter, so you can run for the example above (this
is what is used by the initcannon=True
option of
above to initialize the FERRE fit):
import apogee.spec.cannon apogee.spec.cannon.polylabels(data[3512]['LOCATION_ID'],data[3512]['APOGEE_ID']) array([[ 4.80598726e+03, 2.22568929e+00, -4.12532522e-01, 8.04473056e-02]])
which returns (Teff,logg,metals,[a/Fe])
. This default Cannon setup
was not trained on dwarfs, which will therefore come out in funny
parts of parameter space.
Very simple stacking functions are included in
. Currently these consist of a (masked)
median-stacking routine and an inverse-variance stacking.
One of the main uses of this codebase is that it can determine the selection function---the fraction of objects in APOGEE's color and magnitude range(s) successfully observed spectroscopically. This code is contained in The selection function is loaded using:
import apo=
which will load the selection function for the full sample (this will take a few minutes; seems to take about 20 minutes for DR12). If only a few fields are needed, only those fields can be loaded by supplying the locations= keyword, e.g.:
will only load the fields 030+00, 060+00, and 090+00. Locations
are identified using their location_id. Because loading the selection
function takes a long time, you might want to pickle it to save it
(this is supported); to reduce the size of the object and pickle, you
could del apo._specdata
and del apo._photdata
if you don't
want to make any plots (see below) with the unpickled object
(evaluating the selection function does not require these attributes).
The basic algorithm to determine the selection function is very simple:
- Only completed plates are considered
- Only completed cohorts are used; only stars observed as part of a completed cohort are considered to be part of the statistical sample (but, there is an initialization option frac4complete that can be used to set a lower completeness threshold; this still only uses complete plates)
- For any field/cohort combination, the selection function is the number of stars in the spectroscopic sample divided by the number of stars in the photometric sample (within the color and magnitude limits of the cohort).
- Only stars in APOGEE's main sample (selected using a dereddened J-Ks > 0.5 color cut only) are included in the spectroscopic sample. See the function for the precise sequence of targeting-flag cuts that define the main sample.
The selection function can be evaluated (as a function) by calling the instance. For example:
apo(4240,11.8) 0.0043398099560346048 apo(4242,12.7) 0.0094522019334049405 apo(4242,12.9) 0.
(all of the examples here use a preliminary version of the selection function for year1+2 APOGEE data; later versions might give slightly different answers and later years will give very different answers if the number of completed cohorts changes)
The latter is zero, because the long cohort for this field has not been completed yet (as of year1+2).
To get a list of all locations that are part of the statistical sample (i.e., that have at least a single completed cohort), do:
locs= apo.list_fields(cohort='all') #to get all locations locs= apo.list_fields(cohort='short') #to get all locations with a completed short cohort locs= apo.list_fields(cohort='medium') #to get all locations with a completed medium cohort locs= apo.list_fields(cohort='long') #to get all locations with a completed long cohort
To get the H-band limits for a field's cohort do:
apo.Hmin(4240,cohort='short') apo.Hmax(4240,cohort='short')
and similar for medium and long cohorts. We can also get the center of the plate in longitude and latitude, the radius within which targets are drawn, or the string name for each field:
apo.glonGlat(4240) apo.radius(4240) apo.fieldName(4240)
The selection function can be plotted using:
apo.plot_selfunc_xy(vmax=15.) #for Galactic X and Y apo.plot_selfunc_xy(type='rz',vmax=15.) #For Galactocentric R and Z
which gives a sense of the spatial dependence of the selection function (which is really a function of H and not distance; H is converted to distance here assuming a red-clump like absolute magnitude and a fiducial extinction model). The selection function for a given cohort can also be plotted as a function of Galactic longitude and latitude:
This function can also show the number of photometric and spectroscopic targets, the H-band limits for each cohort, and the probability that the spectroscopic sample was drawn from the photometric sample (through use of the type= keyword).
The photometric sample's color--magnitude distribution can be shown, as well as that of the spectroscopic sample and the photometric sample re-weighted using the selection function:
This allows one to see that the spectroscopic sample (red) is a fair sampling of the underlying photometric sample (black), after correcting for the (simple) selection function (blue). For individual plates, the cumulative distribution in H can be compared for the photometric and spectroscopic samples (correcting for the selection fraction) using:
which shows this for all completed cohorts in field 4242 (090+00):
The red line is the spectroscopic sample and the black line the photometric sample. We can calculate the K-S probability that the red and black distributions are the same:
apo.check_consistency(4242) 0.76457183071108814
Thus, there is a very high probability that these two distributions are the same.
The selection function instance also has a function that will determine which stars in a given sample are part of the statistical sample. For example, if one has started from the allStar sample and performed some spectroscopic cuts, you can run this sample through this function to see which stars are part of the statistical sample, so that their relative frequency in the sample can be adjust to reflect that of the underlying photometric sample. For example,:
import as apread allStar= apread.allStar(rmcommissioning=True,main=False,ak=True, akvers='targ',adddist=False) #Do some cuts to the sample allStar= allStar[various cuts] #Now which part of the sample is statistical? statIndx= apo.determine_statistical(allStar)
The array statIndx now is an boolean index array that identifies the stars that are in the statistical sample.
This codebase contains tools to characterize the properties of different subsamples of the APOGEE data using stellar-evolution models. In particular, it contains methods to reproduce the selection of red clump (RC) stars as in Bovy et al. 2014, to calculate the mean Ks magnitude along the RC as a function of metallity and color (Fig. 3 in that paper). The code also allows the average RC mass, the amount of stellar-population mass represented by each RC star, and the age distribution (Figs. 12, 13, and 14 in the above paper) to be computed. The tools in this package are kept general such that they can also be useful in defining other subsamples in APOGEE.
The RC catalog is constructed by inspecting the properties of stellar isochrones computed by stellar-evolution codes and finding the region in surface-gravity--effective-temperature--color--metallicity space in which the absolute magnitude distribution is extremely narrow (allowing precise distances to be derived). The apogee toolbox can load different stellar-isochrone models and compute their properties. This is implemented in a general apogee.samples.isomodel class; the code particular to the RC lives in apogee.samples.rc, with rcmodel being the equivalent of the more general isomodel. This code requires the isodist library with accompanying data files; see the isodist website for info on how to obtain this.
For example, we can load near-solar metallicity isochrones from the PARSEC library for the RC using:
from apogee.samples.rc import rcmodel rc= rcmodel(Z=0.02)
This command will take about a minute to execute. We can then plot the isochrones, similar to Fig. 2 in the APOGEE-RC paper:
which gives
We can also calculate properties of the absolute magnitude distribution as a function of color:
rc.mode(0.65) -1.659 rc.sigmafwhm(0.65) 0.086539636654887273
and we can make the same plot as above, but including the model, full-width, half-maximum, and the cuts that isolate the narrow part of the luminosity distribution:
(this takes a while) which shows
We can also compute the average mass of an RC star, the fraction of a stellar population's mass is present in the RC, and the amount of stellar population mass per RC star. These are all calculated as a function of log10(age), so a grid of those needs to be specified:
lages= numpy.linspace(numpy.log10(0.8),1.,20) amass= rc.avgmass(lages) plot(lages,amass,'k-')
which gives
popmass= rc.popmass(lages) plot(lages,popmass,'k-')
For convenience, the data in Figs. 3, 13, 14, and 15 in Bovy et al. 2014 has been stored as functions in this codebase. For example, we can calculate distances as follows:
from apogee.samples.rc import rcdist rcd= rcdist() rcd(0.65,0.02,11.) array([ 3.3412256])
where the inputs to rcd are J-Ks color, metallicity Z (converted from [Fe/H]), and the apparant Ks magnitude.
We can also get the data from Figs. 13, 14, and 15. This can be achieved as follows:
from apogee.samples.rc import rcpop rcp= rcpop()
which sets up all of the required data. We can then get the average mass etc.:
rcp.avgmass(0.,0.) #[Fe/H], log10 age 2.1543462571654866 rcp.popmass(0.,0.) 38530.337516523861
and we can plot them. E.g.:
produces Fig. 13 and:
gives the bottom panel of Fig. 14. We can also calculate the age distribution:
age_func= rcp.calc_age_pdf()
which returns a function that evaluates the age PDF for the solar-neighborhood metallicity distribution assumed in the paper. We can also directly plot it:
which gives Fig. 15. More info on all of these functions is available in the docstrings.