We're glad you want to make a contribution!
If you want to discuss or make a change, start by opening an issue. Then fork this repository and in a new branch make your changes. Once it's done, submit your pull request.
Take note of the build status of your pull request, only builds that pass will be accepted. Please also keep to our conventions and style so we can keep this repository nice and clean.
Once you have forked the repo and it is cloned to your local machine run this command:
npm install && npm link
This will install all the dependencies and add the raml-validate
command to your path.
At this point you can do your changes. You can test them manually using the example API and RAML you can find in the examples
directory. Feel free to improve the example too.
Each contribution should come with it's own tests. In order to run them, use:
grunt test
The testing is being done using: