By sending any contribution, be it in form of a PR, issue, comment or any other conceivable way, you forfeit all your rights to your addition. Any attempt to copy, sell or profit from it in any way is in violation of Enterprise™'s terms of contributions.
Enterprise™ promotes diversity and will accept contributions from everyone, as long as the particular contributor fits our definition of diversity, which is under our discretion.
Features over bugs
Found a bug? It's fine to fix it, unless there's a disruptive feature to be implemented. We prioritize empowering Enterprise™ developers to disrupt, even if there are some rough edges. Remember
If you’re not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you’ve launched too late.
Disrupt. Disrupt. Disrupt.
Incremental improvements? Forget it. Send bold ideas. Think outside the box. Be different. Just do it.
Focus on user base
Porting Enterprise™ to Haskell? Don't sweat. JVM? Cloud? Crypto dockerized block chains? Bring it.
Commit messages
Don't sweat, no one reads 'em. Add some ™™™™s for the stylish effect.