Personal project of Swipe Cards game mobile implementation in React Native.
- Skip and Guess with Buttons
- Cards as Text
- Timer as Text
- Basic Single Player Scoring
- Shuffle Pre-game
- Loop deck
- Single round
- Scoring by Team
- Pass to next player after time is up
- Home Screen
- Recover and Shuffle active before each round
- Scoring by round
- Redux structure
- Swipable Cards (just Text)
- Home Screen (v2)
- Leaderboard between rounds
- Teams and Players identification
- Player and Team building screen pre-game
- Store Deck information locally (Realm)
- Multiple decks
- Deck selection screen pre-game
- Global configurations screen
- Game configurations screen pre-game
- “Time’s Up” default settings button ..* Round-time ..* Number of rounds (default 3) ..* ‘Strict rules’ / Free skip ..* Skip/Guess options (e.g. Show buttons, Swipe Left/Right, Swipe Left/Up, Right/Up)
- Unify 3 pre-game screens
- Progress Bar timer
- Background Gradient timer
- Add option to select with Timer
- Firebase integration
- Cards with image
- Flipcard (for more info)
- Splash Screen
- Rules Screen
“Don’t Know” option