All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Feature branch list did not display correct branches with a differect
git config gitflow.prefix.feature
setting. (#2, special thanks to @darkpio)
- Log the git commands output to Output
- Option to pull a branch
- Output Error Logs
- Don't show error message when get a git config value
- Merge the develop branch before the branch get merged into the feature branch
- Option to merge develop branch into feature
- Display error when git command execution has failed
- Option to merge develop branch into feature
- Windows: Fetch correct active branch
- Fixed issue finished feature branch not merging into develop
- Delete remote branches
- Display remote branches in the feature list
- Setting to show / hide remote branches in feature list
- Checkout remote features to local
- Removed finish action on master and develop branch menu
- Initial release of vscode-git-flow
- Visualized the master and develop branch and able to checkout
- Visualized the features branch and able to checkout, finish and delete