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π An easier Spreadsheet in Vue.js π
Do not hesitate to β my repo
yarn add vuejs-spreadsheet
npm i vuejs-spreadsheet
import VueTable from 'vuejs-spreadsheet';
export default {
name: 'app',
data() {
components: {
- First, fork the repo from github.
- Clone your forked repo and run:
ornpm i
- You can use the
folder to test out the component, or usenpm link
to another project (cf. next sub section). - Then, make your changes on any branch you want and push it.
- Naming your branch with the gitflow convention:
- Feature branches? [feature/]
- Release branches? [release/]
- Hotfix branches? [hotfix/]
- Support branches? [support/]
- Finally, open a pull request on the official repo, using the source branch from your forked repo.
If you want to link the local project to another project 'B' with access to the sources, follow these intructions:
- go to the root of this project's folder
- update the package.json to point to the source entry point instead of the dist/
main: 'src/index.js'
- run
npm link
(oryarn link
). - go to the project you import the library
- run
npm link vuejs-spreadsheet
- Now, in your
, the vuejs-spreadsheet dependencies should be a symlink to this local folder!
In order to make it work, you make change your webpack's configuration by using:
config: {
resolve: {
symlinks: true,
This will enable your project's B to compile this library using the babel / webpack configuration here, as if it was a real compiled node_module.
(This configuration may depend on your webpack builder)
Data binding | Type | Description |
v-model | Array | That contains data |
Props | Type | Description |
:headers | Array | That contains headers |
:custom-options | Object | That contains Options |
:style-wrap-vue-table | Object | That contains style of the wrapper tableVue |
:disable-cells | Array | That contains the headerKey you want to disable |
:disable-sort-thead | Array | That contains the disabled th |
:loading | Boolean | True => Hidden TbodyData / show slot loader |
:parent-scroll-element | Object | That contains the HTML attribute which overflow-y: scroll (by-default is 'html') |
:select-position | Object | That contains a top and left position you want to add to the select |
:submenu-tbody | Array | That contains the submenu-tbody |
:submenu-thead | Array | That contains the submenu-thead |
Options | Type | Description |
:fuse-options | Object | That contains an object of fuse configuration look on her website: |
:new-data | Object | That contains the type of data when you have empty cell in a row |
:sort-header | Boolean | That activates sort button on header |
:tbody-index | Boolean | That displays the index of each row on the left of the table |
:trad | Object | That contains an object of translating |
Function | Type | Description |
@tbody-all-checked-row | Function | Fired when the checkedAll row has checked |
@tbody-checked-row | Function | Fired when row has checked |
@tbody-change-data | Function | Fired when data undergo modifications |
@tbody-input-change | Function | When the input changes |
@tbody-input-keydown | Function | Trigger keydown when the input changes |
@tbody-select-change | Function | When the select change |
@handle-up-drag-size-header | Function | Fired when the header size changed |
@thead-td-sort | Function | When you press the button sort |
@tbody-undo-data | Function | When you hit Ctrl / Cmd + Z for undo |
@tbody-paste-data | Function | When you paste data to a cell |
@tbody-up-dragtofill | Function | Fired when pressed up on dragToFill |
@tbody-move-dragtofill | Function | Fired when moved on dragToFill |
@tbody-nav-backspace | Function | When you press backspace on cell (event, actualElement, actualCol, rowIndex, colIndex) |
@tbody-nav-multiple-backspace | Function | Fired when the multiple cell are delete |
@tbody-submenu-click-{#} | Function | {#} - Name of the function declared on submenu-tbody |
// if your want to add an specific header
<div slot="header">
Specific Header
// if your want to add a loader
<div slot="loader">
customOptions: {
dragToFill: true,
tbodyCheckbox: false,
tbodyIndex: true,
sortHeader: true,
trad: {
lang: 'fr',
en: {
select: {
placeholder: 'Search by typing',
fr: {
select: {
placeholder: 'Taper pour chercher',
newData: {
type: 'input',
value: '',
active: false,
style: {
color: '#000',
fuseOptions: {
shouldSort: true,
threshold: 0.2,
location: 0,
distance: 30,
maxPatternLength: 64,
minMatchCharLength: 1,
findAllMatches: false,
tokenize: false,
keys: [
If you want to use the commentBox (like excel)
Create an object comment: {}
on styleWrapVueTable
and on each data
styleWrapVueTable: {
comment: {
borderColor: '#696969',
borderSize: '8px',
widthBox: '120px',
heightBox: '80px',
CommentBox without content:
f: {
comment: {
borderColor: '#eee',
CommentBox with content:
f: {
comment: {
value: 'comment',
borderColor: '#eee',
If you want to use the checkbox
1: Create a key tbodyCheckbox: true
on customOptions
If you want to get the array of the checked data use this.$refs.vueTable.checkedRows
customOptions: {
tbodyCheckbox: boolean
Name | Type | Description |
headerName | String | The chosen header name |
headerkey | String | The Slugify version of the headerName |
style | Object | The style of the td |
- width | String | Indicate the width of ``<th>``
- minWidth | String | minWidth must be equal to width
disabled | Boolean | optional - Disabled cell
headers: [
headerName: 'Image',
headerKey: 'img',
style: {
width: '100px'
minWidth: '100px'
headerName: 'Nom',
headerKey: 'name',
style: {
width: '100px'
minWidth: '100px'
headerName: 'PrΓ©nom',
headerKey: 'surname',
style: {
width: '100px'
minWidth: '100px'
headerName: 'Age',
headerKey: 'age',
style: {
width: '100px'
minWidth: '100px'
headerName: 'Born',
headerKey: 'born',
style: {
width: '100px'
minWidth: '100px'
Name | Type | Description |
key | String | The key of the object written in Slugify |
type | String | The type of data rendered (<textarea> , <img> , <select> ) |
value(img/input) | String | The value of the object in String Type |
value(select) | Array | The value of the object in Array Type |
selectOptions | Array | That contains objects {value: ~, label: ~} |
style | Object | The Style of the cell |
active | Boolean | Of the cell, false by default |
handleSearch | Boolean | - Activates search when selected |
disabled | Boolean | optional - Disabled cell |
numeric | Boolean | optional - Restrict input to numeric value |
products: [
img: {
type: 'img',
value: '',
active: false,
disabled: true,
name: {
type: 'input',
value: 'John',
active: false,
style: {
color: '#000',
surname: {
type: 'input',
value: 'Doe',
active: false,
style: {
color: '#000',
age: {
type: 'select',
handleSearch: true,
selectOptions: [
value: 'paris',
label: 'Paris',
value: 'new-york',
label: 'New York',
value: 'paris',
active: false,
born: {
type: 'select',
handleSearch: true,
selectOptions: [
value: 'france',
label: 'France',
value: 'usa',
label: 'United States of America',
value: 'france',
active: false,
Same Object describe on the top
If you choose an input
newData: {
type: 'input',
value: '',
active: false,
style: {
color: '#000',
background: '#cfffcf',
Name | Type | Description |
type | String | The type of data rendered (<button> |
value | String | The value of the function |
function | String | The name of the function called when you click on the button - Written in Slugify |
disabled | Array | Each object which you want to hide on the submenu |
subtitle | String | Of the select |
selectOptions | Array | That contains objects {value: ~, label: ~} |
buttonOption | Object | Description |
. value | String | The value of the button |
. function | String | The name of the function called when you click on the button - Written in Slugify |
. style | Object | The style of the button |
submenuTbody: [
type: 'button',
value: 'Change Color',
function: 'change-color',
disabled: ['img'],
submenuThead: [
type: 'button',
value: 'Change Color',
function: 'change-color',
disabled: ['img', 'name'],
type: 'select',
disabled: ['img'],
subtitle: 'Select state:',
selectOptions: [
value: 'new-york',
label: 'new-york',
value: 'france',
label: 'france',
value: 'new-york',
buttonOption: {
value: 'change city',
function: 'change-city',
style: {
display: 'block',
<div id="app">
<div slot="header">
Specific Header
<div slot="loader">
import VueTable from 'vuejs-spreadsheet';
export default {
name: 'app',
data() {
return {
customOptions: {
tbodyIndex: true,
sortHeader: true,
trad: {
lang: 'fr',
en: {
select: {
placeholder: 'Search by typing',
fr: {
select: {
placeholder: 'Taper pour chercher',
newData: {
type: 'input',
value: '',
active: false,
style: {
color: '#000',
fuseOptions: {
shouldSort: true,
threshold: 0.2,
location: 0,
distance: 30,
maxPatternLength: 64,
minMatchCharLength: 1,
findAllMatches: false,
tokenize: false,
keys: [
submenuTbody: [
type: 'button',
value: 'change color',
function: 'change-color',
disabled: ['img'],
type: 'button',
value: 'change value',
function: 'change-value',
disabled: ['img', 'name'],
submenuThead: [
type: 'button',
value: 'change color',
function: 'change-color',
disabled: ['a'],
type: 'select',
disabled: ['a'],
subtitle: 'Select state:',
selectOptions: [
value: 'new-york',
label: 'new-york',
value: 'france',
label: 'france',
value: 'new-york',
buttonOption: {
value: 'change city',
function: 'change-city',
style: {
display: 'block',
type: 'button',
value: 'change value',
function: 'change-value',
disabled: ['a', 'b'],
disableCells: ['a'],
loading: false,
parentScrollElement: {
attribute: 'html',
positionTop: 0,
selectPosition: {
top: 0,
left: 0,
disableSortThead: ['a'],
styleWrapVueTable: {
fontSize: '12px',
comment: {
borderColor: '#696969',
borderSize: '8px',
widthBox: '120px',
heightBox: '80px',
headers: [
headerName: 'A',
headerKey: 'a',
style: {
width: '200px',
minWidth: '200px',
color: '#000',
headerName: 'B',
headerKey: 'b',
style: {
width: '200px',
minWidth: '200px',
color: '#000',
headerName: 'C',
headerKey: 'c',
style: {
width: '200px',
minWidth: '200px',
color: '#000',
headerName: 'D',
headerKey: 'd',
style: {
width: '200px',
minWidth: '200px',
color: '#000',
headerName: 'E',
headerKey: 'e',
style: {
width: '200px',
minWidth: '200px',
color: '#000',
headerName: 'F',
headerKey: 'f',
style: {
width: '200px',
minWidth: '200px',
color: '#000',
headerName: 'G',
headerKey: 'g',
style: {
width: '200px',
minWidth: '200px',
color: '#000',
products: [
a: {
type: 'img',
value: '',
active: false,
c: {
type: 'input',
value: 'Paris',
active: false,
style: {
color: '#000',
d: {
type: 'input',
value: 'France',
active: false,
style: {
color: '#000',
e: {
type: 'input',
value: 'Boe',
active: false,
style: {
color: '#000',
f: {
type: 'select',
handleSearch: true,
selectOptions: [
value: 'Harry Potter',
label: 'harry potter',
value: 'Hermione Granger',
label: 'hermione granger',
value: 'Ron Whisley',
label: 'ron whisley',
value: 'Dobby',
label: 'dobby',
value: 'Hagrid',
label: 'hagrid',
value: 'Professeur Rogue',
label: 'professeur rogue',
value: 'Professeur Mcgonagal',
label: 'professeur mcgonagal',
value: 'Professeur Dumbledor',
label: 'professeur dumbledor',
value: 'professeur dumbledor',
active: false,
g: {
type: 'select',
handleSearch: true,
selectOptions: [
value: 1980,
label: 1980,
value: 1981,
label: 1981,
value: 1982,
label: 1982,
value: 1983,
label: 1983,
active: true,
value: 1984,
label: 1984,
value: 1983,
active: false,
components: {
mounted() {
this.loading = true;
setTimeout(() => {
this.loading = false;
}, 300);
methods: {
changeData(row, header) {
console.log(row, header);
sortProduct(event, header, colIndex) {
console.log('sort product');
// callback
changeColorThead(event, header, colIndex) {
this.headers[colIndex].style.color = '#e40000';
changeColorTbody(event, header, rowIndex, colIndex) {
this.products[rowIndex][header].style = {};
this.products[rowIndex][header].style.color = '#e40000';
changeValueTbody(event, header, rowIndex, colIndex) {
this.products[rowIndex][header].value = 'T-shirt';
changeValueThead(event, entry, colIndex) {
this.headers[colIndex].headerName = 'T-shirt';
<style lang="scss">
::-moz-selection {
color: #2c3e50;
background: transparent;
::selection {
color: #2c3e50;
background: transparent;