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1345 lines (1279 loc) · 60.2 KB

Helper functions for ELOT

elisp functions

Header for the elisp file

;;; elot.el --- Emacs Literate Ontology Tool (ELOT)   -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-

;; Copyright (C) 2024 Johan W. Klüwer

;; Author: Johan W. Klüwer <[email protected]>
;; URL:
;; Version: 0.1-pre
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "29.2"))
;; Keywords: org, ontology

;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.

;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.

;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program.  If not, see <>.

;;; Commentary:

;; This package is for authoring OWL ontologies using org-mode.

;;;; Installation

;; Install the packages ... .  Then put this file in your `load-path', and put this in
;; your init file:

(require 'ob-lob) ; Library of Babel
(require 'ox) ; export functions
(require 'ol) ; link functions
(require 'org-tempo) ; link functions
(require 'htmlize) ; fontify blocks
(require 'omn-mode) ; OMN support
(require 'sparql-mode) ; OMN support
(require 'ob-plantuml) ; PlantUML
(require 'hydra) ; hydra menu
(require 'ht) ; hashtable, for label display

;;;; Usage

;; ... create a new file, use <template inserting function> to insert a template ontology ...

Setting for post-processing with ROBOT, rdfpuml

Se below under Default settings for a hook to convert to Turtle after tangling to OMN.

(defgroup elot 
  "Customization group for ELOT")
(defcustom elot-robot-jar-path (expand-file-name "~/bin/robot.jar")
  "Path to the robot.jar file."
  :group 'elot
  :version "29.2"
  :type 'string)
(defvar elot-robot-command-str
  (concat "java -jar " elot-robot-jar-path))
(defun elot-robot-command (cmd)
  (if (or (string= elot-robot-jar-path "") (not (file-exists-p elot-robot-jar-path)))
      (error "ROBOT not found. Set elot-robot-jar-path with M-x customize-variable."))
  (shell-command (concat elot-robot-command-str " " cmd)))
(defun elot-robot-omn-to-ttl (omnfile)
  "Call ROBOT to make a Turtle file from `omnfile'."
   ((or (string= elot-robot-jar-path "") (not (file-exists-p elot-robot-jar-path)))
    (message "ROBOT not found, not converting to Turtle. Set elot-robot-jar-path with M-x customize-variable."))
   ((not (file-exists-p omnfile))
    (message (concat omnfile " not found, nothing for ROBOT to convert")))
   (t (shell-command
       (concat elot-robot-command-str
               " convert --verbose"
               " --input " omnfile
               " --output " (file-name-sans-extension omnfile) ".ttl")))))
(defun elot-tangled-omn-to-ttl ()
  "After tangling to OMN, call ROBOT to convert to Turtle."
  (let* ((omnfile (buffer-file-name))  ;; will run in the tangled buffer
         (omn-p (string-match-p ".omn$" omnfile)))
    (if omn-p
        (elot-robot-omn-to-ttl omnfile))))
(defcustom elot-default-image-path "./images/"
  "ELOT default output directory for generated images"
  :group 'elot
  :version "29.2"
  :type 'string)
(defcustom elot-rdfpuml-path (expand-file-name "~/bin/rdf2rml/bin/")
  "Path to the rdfpuml Perl program."
  :group 'elot
  :version "29.2"
  :type 'string)
(defcustom elot-rdfpuml-options
  "hide empty members
hide circle
skinparam classAttributeIconSize 0"
  "Default options for rdfpuml"
  :group 'elot
  :version "29.2"
  :type 'string)
(defcustom elot-rdfpuml-command-str
  (if (executable-find "rdfpuml") ;; rdfpuml.exe available
    "rdfpuml"  ;; LC_ALL=C should be added, but not available in Windows
    (concat "perl -C -S " elot-rdfpuml-path))
  "Command to execute `rdfpuml'."
  :group 'elot
  :version "29.2"
  :type 'string)
(defun elot-rdfpuml-command (ttl-file)
  (shell-command (concat elot-rdfpuml-command-str " " ttl-file)))

OMN keywords

In omn-mode, there’s variables for entity and property keywords. However, there the keyword “Import” is placed in the “entity” list, while we need this for ontology declaration in a “property” list. It also includes “DisjointUnion”, which doesn’t apply in ELOT, since not dependent on any particular resource.

ELOT isn’t set up (2024-03-24) for declaring individuals, but this will change, so the appropriate keywords are included.

(defvar elot-omn-property-keywords

We add a filter to make OMN in description lists \ttfamily. See the Org manual.

(defun elot-latex-filter-omn-item (text backend info)
  "Format OMN content in description lists"
  (when (org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'latex)
    (when (seq-some
           (lambda (x)
             (string-match (concat "^\\\\item\\[{" x "}\\]") text))
        ;; make the description term texttt
        (setq text (replace-regexp-in-string
                    "\\\\item[\\\\normalfont\\\\ttfamily\\\\small \\1]"
        ;; make the list entry content omn inline code unless it's a url
        (if (not (string-match "\\url{.*}$" text))
             "^\\(.*\\] \\)\\(.*\\)"

(add-to-list 'org-export-filter-item-functions

Context identification

In particular for tempo templates, it’s useful to be able to retrieve information about the governing context of a position in the org-mode document. We introduce properties, to be added in the property drawer of a top-level heading for an ontology (later, for an OTTR library, etc.).

  • property ELOT-context-type has value ontology
  • property ELOT-context-localname has value pizza for the Pizza ontology
  • property ELOT-default-prefix has value pizza for the Pizza ontology
(defun elot-context-type ()
  "Retrieve value of property ELOT-context-type for a governing
heading. This will return \"ontology\" if point is under a
heading that declares an ontology."
  (org-entry-get-with-inheritance "ELOT-context-type"))
(defun elot-context-localname ()
  "Retrieve value of property ELOT-context-localname for a governing
heading. This will return the localname of the ontology if point
is under a heading that declares an ontology."
  (org-entry-get-with-inheritance "ELOT-context-localname"))
(defun elot-default-prefix ()
  "Retrieve value of property ELOT-default-prefix for a governing
heading. This will return the default prefix for ontology
resources if point is under a heading that declares an ontology."
  (org-entry-get-with-inheritance "ELOT-default-prefix"))
(defun elot-governing-hierarchy ()
  "Retrieve the ID value of the governing hierarchy, or nil"
  (let ((this-ID
         (org-entry-get-with-inheritance "ID")))
    (and (string-match-p "-hierarchy$" this-ID)

Looking at

Functions to know where we are in an ELOT tree. Introduced because ontology-declaring headings don’t have subsections. Revisit to cover other kinds of headings, and probably a better way to identify than matching with “ontology-declaration” in the ID string.

(defun elot-at-ontology-heading ()
  "Return TRUE if point is in a heading that declares ontology"
  (let ((id (or (org-entry-get (point) "ID") "")))
   (string-match "ontology-declaration" id)))
(defun elot-in-class-tree ()
  "Return TRUE if point is a class hierarchy heading"
  (string-match-p "class-hierarchy" (elot-governing-hierarchy)))
(defun elot-in-property-tree ()
  "Return TRUE if point is a property hierarchy heading"
  (string-match-p "property-hierarchy" (elot-governing-hierarchy)))

Get description lists into lisp lists

(defun org-elt-exists (x elt)
  (org-element-map x elt #'identity))
(defun org-elt-item-tag-str (x)
  "for an item in an org-element-map, return the item tag"
  (if (org-element-property :tag x)
      (substring-no-properties (org-element-interpret-data (org-element-property :tag x)))))
(defun org-elt-item-pars-str (x)
  "for an item in an org-element map, return the paragraphs as one string"
  (replace-regexp-in-string "\\([^
]\\)\n[ \t]*" "\\1 "
 (string-trim (apply 'concat
                     (org-element-map x '(paragraph plain-list)
                       (lambda (y) (substring-no-properties 
                                    (org-element-interpret-data y)))
                       nil nil 'plain-list)))))
(defun org-elt-item-str (x)
  (list (org-elt-item-tag-str x) (org-elt-item-pars-str x)))
(defun org-descriptions-in-section-helper ()
  (org-element-map (org-element-parse-buffer) 'item
    (lambda (y) (if (org-element-property :tag y)
                    (append (org-elt-item-str y)
                            (if (org-elt-exists (cdr y) 'item)
                                (org-element-map (cdr y) 'item
                                  (lambda (z) (if (org-element-property :tag z)
                                                  (org-elt-item-str z))) nil nil 'item))
                            ))) nil nil 'item))

(defun org-descriptions-in-section ()
  "return any description list items in current section as a list of strings"
                                        ; narrow our area of interest to the current section, before any subsection
  (let ((section-begin) (section-end))
        (unless (org-at-heading-p) (org-previous-visible-heading 1))
        (setq section-begin (org-element-property :contents-begin (org-element-at-point)))
        (setq section-end (point))
        (if (or (null section-begin) (<= section-end section-begin))
            nil ; maybe this outline section is empty
            (narrow-to-region section-begin section-end)
                                        ; return all paragraphs--description items as pairs in a list

(defun org-subsection-descriptions ()
  "return a plist for the outline at point, of headlines paired with plists of description-list items and values."
      (unless (org-at-heading-p) (org-previous-visible-heading 1)) ; ensure we are at a heading
      (if ;; don't include the section that has the target property id itself, except if ontology section
          (or (outline-next-heading)
          (let (ret)
            (while (let ((heading (substring-no-properties (org-get-heading nil t)))
                         (descriptions (org-descriptions-in-section)))
                     (unless (or (string-match-p "COMMENT" heading)
                                 (member "nodeclare" (org-get-tags (point) t)))
                       (setq ret
                              (if descriptions
                                  (list heading descriptions)
                                (list heading))
            (nreverse ret))))))

puri expansion

(defconst puri-re "^\\([-a-z_A-Z0-9]*\\):\\([a-z_A-Z0-9-.]*\\)$")

(defun unprefix-uri (puri abbrev-alist)
 "Replace prefix in puri with full form from abbrev-alist, if there's a match."
 (if (eq abbrev-alist nil) puri
   (if (string-match puri-re puri)
       (let* ((this-prefix (match-string-no-properties 1 puri))
              (this-localname (match-string-no-properties 2 puri))
              (this-ns (cdr (assoc this-prefix abbrev-alist))))
         (if this-ns
             (concat "<" this-ns this-localname ">")

(defun annotation-string-or-uri (str)
  "str is wanted as an annotation value in Manchester Syntax. Expand uri, or return number, or wrap in quotes."
  ; maybe this entry contains string representation of meta-annotations, remove them
  (setq str (replace-regexp-in-string " - [^ ]+ ::.*$" "" str))
  ;; maybe there's macros in the string, expand them
  (if (string-match "{{{.+}}}" str)
    (let ((omt org-macro-templates))
        (insert str) (org-macro-replace-all omt) 
        (setq str (buffer-string)))))
   (cond (; a number -- return the string
          (string-match "^[[:digit:]]+[.]?[[:digit:]]*$" str)
          (concat "  " str))
         (; a bare URI, which org-mode wraps in double brackets -- wrap in angles
          (string-match "^[[][[]\\(https?[^ ]*\\)[]][]]$" str)
          (concat "  <" (match-string 1 str) ">"))
         (; a bare URI, but no double brackets -- wrap in angles
          (string-match "^\\(https?[^ ]*\\)$" str)
          (concat "  <" (match-string 1 str) ">"))
         (; a bare URI, in angles
          (string-match "^<\\(https?[^ ]*\\)>$" str)
          (concat "  " (match-string 1 str)))
        (; true -- make it an explicit boolean
          (string-match "true" str) " \"true\"^^xsd:boolean")
        (; false -- make it an explicit boolean
          (string-match "false" str) " \"false\"^^xsd:boolean")
        (; string with datatype -- return unchanged
          (string-match "^\".*\"^^[-_[:alnum:]]*:[-_[:alnum:]]+$" str)
          (concat "  " str))
        (; not a puri -- normal string, wrap in quotes
         (equal str (unprefix-uri str org-link-abbrev-alist-local))
         ;; if a language tag @en is present, return unchanged
         (if (string-match "\"\\(.*\n\\)*.*\"@[a-z]+" str)
             (concat " " str)
           ;; escape all quotes with \", note this gives invalid results if some are already escaped
           (concat "  \"" (replace-regexp-in-string "\"" "\\\\\"" str) "\"")))
        (; else, a puri -- wrap in angles
         t (concat "  " (unprefix-uri str org-link-abbrev-alist-local)))))

(defun omn-restriction-string (str)
  "str is wanted as OMN value. Strip any meta-annotations. Otherwise return unchanged."
  (setq str (replace-regexp-in-string " - [^ ]+ ::.*$" "" str))

Use section headings as ontology resources

org-list-siblings returns a tree of headline strings that matches the outline at point.

org-subsection-descriptions returns a list for the outline at point, of headlines paired with lists of item-value pairs from description lists. We use nested lists in order to allow for annotation of annotations in a future improved version, from sub-items.

(defun org-list-siblings ()
  "List siblings in current buffer starting at point.
  Note, you can always (goto-char (point-min)) to collect all siblings."
  (let (ret)
    (unless (org-at-heading-p) 
      (org-forward-heading-same-level nil t))
    (while (progn
             (unless (looking-at "[*]* *COMMENT")
               (setq ret
                     (if (member "nodeclare" (org-get-tags (point) t)) ; tagged to be skipped, proceed down
                         (cons (save-excursion
                                         (when (org-goto-first-child)
                                           (org-list-siblings))) ret)
                       (cons (append (list
                                        ; the nil t arguments for tags yes, todos no, todos no, priorities no
                                        (substring-no-properties (org-get-heading nil t t t)))
                                         (when (org-goto-first-child)
    (nreverse ret)))

(defun entity-from-header (str)
  "Get an entity from a header string.
The headers can be of two kinds. With prefix 'abc',
 - abc:MyClassName
 - my class name (abc:MyClassName)

Maybe also with tags :hello: on the right. Return abc:MyClassName in both cases."
  (if (string-match "(\\([-_[:alnum:]]*:[-_[:alnum:]]*\\))" str) ; the resource id is in parentheses
      (match-string 1 str)
    (if (string-match "^\\([-_[:alnum:]]*:[-_[:alnum:]]*\\)" str) ; return string up to whitespace
        (match-string 1 str)
      (if (string-match "(\\([-_[:alnum:]]*:[-_[:alnum:]]* [-_[:alnum:]]*:[-_/.[:alnum:]]*\\))" str) ; two ids in parentheses, for ontology
          (match-string 1 str)
        (error (message "%s%s%s%s%s" "Fail! Heading \"" str "\" in " (org-entry-get-with-inheritance "ID") " is not well-formed") 
               (concat "Malformed_" str))))))

Write entity declarations

(defun omn-declare (str owl-type)
  "Given a string STR and an OWL type owl-type, write a Manchester Syntax entity declaration. Add rdfs:label annotation. If a parenthesis is given, use that as resource id."
  ;; check whether we have a label and a resource in parentheses
  (let* ((suri (entity-from-header str)))
    (concat owl-type ": " suri)))

(defun annotation-entries (l &optional sep)
  "l is a list of puri--string pairs, each perhaps with a trailing list of similar, meta-annotation pairs. sep is 2 x indent blanks"
  (let ((indent (make-string (if sep (* 2 sep) 6) ?\ ))
        ;; l-uri-entries is the description list after purging any
        ;; items that have a prefix that isn't included as a LINK
        ;; entry, which goes into org-link-abbrev-alist-local. Note
        ;; that expanded URIs in brackets <...> are let through.
         (cl-remove-if (lambda (x) (string-equal (car x)
                                                 (unprefix-uri (car x) org-link-abbrev-alist-local)))
    (if (atom l) "\n"
      (concat "\n" indent "Annotations: " 
              (mapconcat (lambda (y)
                            (if (consp (caddr y)) ; we have meta-annotations
                                (concat (annotation-entries (cddr y) 4) "\n " indent))
                            (car y)
                            (annotation-string-or-uri (cadr y))))
                         (concat ",\n " indent))))))

(defun restriction-entries (l)
  "l is a list of puri--string pairs, except we'll pick up Manchester Syntax vocabulary and use as such"
  (let ((indent (make-string 2 ?\ ))
         (cl-remove-if-not (lambda (x) (member (car x)
    (if (atom l) "\n"
      (concat "\n" indent
              (mapconcat (lambda (y)
                            (car y) ": "
                            (if (consp (caddr y)) ; we have meta-annotations
                                (concat (annotation-entries (cddr y) 4) "\n " indent))
                            (if (string-equal (car y) "Import") ; ontology import special case
                                (annotation-string-or-uri (cadr y))
                              (omn-restriction-string (cadr y)))
                         (concat "\n" indent))))))

(defun omn-annotate (l)
  (let* ((str (car l))
         (suri (entity-from-header str))
         (prefix (if (string-match "\\(.*\\):\\(.*\\)" suri)
                     (match-string 1 suri) ""))
         (localname (if (string= prefix "") suri (match-string 2 suri)))
         (label (if (string-match "\\(.+\\) (.*)" str)
                    (match-string 1 str) localname))
          (cons (list "rdfs:label" label) (cadr l))))
    (annotation-entries resource-annotations)))

(defun omn-restrict (l)
  (restriction-entries (cadr l)))

(defun resource-declarations (l owl-type)
  "Take a possibly list of identifiers with annotations, declare to be of owl-type."
   (lambda (x) 
      (omn-declare (car x) owl-type)
      ;; if annotations, add to the annotation block that has been started with rdfs:label
      (omn-annotate x)
      (omn-restrict x)
   l "\n"))

(defun resource-declarations-from-header (header-id owl-type)
  "HEADER-ID is an org location id, OWL-TYPE is Class, etc."
    (org-id-goto header-id)
    (let ((entity-l (org-subsection-descriptions)))
      (if (or entity-l (string= owl-type "Ontology"))
          (resource-declarations entity-l owl-type)
        "## (none)"))))
;;(cdr (org-subsection-descriptions))))

Update link alist from prefix-table

(defun update-link-abbrev ()
  (if (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min))
                      (re-search-forward "^#[+]name: prefix-table$" nil t))
      (setq-local org-link-abbrev-alist-local
                  (mapcar (lambda (x) 
                            (cons (replace-regexp-in-string ":" "" (car x)) (cadr x)))
          (cl-remove 'hline (org-babel-ref-resolve "prefix-table")))

Make prefix blocks for omn, sparql, ttl

(defun elot-prefix-block-from-alist (prefixes format)
  "`prefixes' is an alist of prefixes, from an org-mode table or 
the standard `org-link-abbrev-alist' or `org-link-abbrev-alist-local'. 
`format' is a symbol, either `'omn', `'sparql', or `'ttl'.
Return a string declaring prefixes."
  (let ((format-str
          ((eq format 'omn) "Prefix: %-5s <%s>")
          ((eq format 'ttl) "@prefix %-5s <%s> .")
          ((eq format 'sparql) "PREFIX %-5s <%s>"))))
    (mapconcat (lambda (row) 
                 (let ((prefix-str
                        (if (string-match-p ":$" (car row))
                            (car row) (concat (car row) ":")))
                        (if (listp (cdr row))
                            (cadr row) ;; comes from org table
                          (cdr row))))
                       (format format-str prefix-str uri-str)))
               (if (equal (car prefixes) '("prefix" . "uri"))
                   (cdr prefixes)

Execute sparql using ROBOT

The function elot-robot-execute-query takes a sparql query (with prefixes), a filename for the input ontology file, and a symbol 'ttl' or 'csv which should be chosen depending on whether the query is a select or a construct.

Need to investigate how to query files for JSON select results.

(defun elot-robot-execute-query (query inputfile format)
  "Execute sparql query `query' with ROBOT on ontology file
`inputfile'. `format' is `'csv' for tabular results, or `'ttl'
for RDF results in Turtle."
  (let* ((query-file
          (concat (org-babel-temp-directory) "/"
                  (file-name-base inputfile)
          (concat (file-name-sans-extension inputfile) (symbol-name format)))
    (with-temp-file query-file (insert query))
     (concat "query --input " inputfile
             " --format " (symbol-name format)
             " --query " query-file
             " " result-file))
    (insert-file-contents result-file)))

The function org-babel-execute:sparql is adopted from the definition in library ob-sparql.el. If the :url header argument doesn’t start with string ”http”, we assume that the user wants to query a local file using ROBOT.

(defun org-babel-execute:sparql (body params)
  "Execute a block containing a SPARQL query with org-babel.
This function is called by `org-babel-execute-src-block'.
The function has been patched for ELOT to allow query with ROBOT."
  (message "Executing a SPARQL query block with ELOT version of org-babel-execute:sparql.")
  (let* ((url (cdr (assoc :url params)))
         (format (cdr (assoc :format params)))
         (query (org-babel-expand-body:sparql body params))
          (append org-link-abbrev-alist-local org-link-abbrev-alist))
          (concat (elot-prefix-block-from-alist org-link-abbrev-alist-local 'sparql)
                  "\n" query))
          (if (string-match-p "\\(turtle\\|ttl\\)" format) 'ttl 'csv)))
      (if (string-match-p "^http" url)  ;; querying an endpoint, or a file?
          (sparql-execute-query query url format t) ;; add test, does the file exist at all
        (elot-robot-execute-query elot-prefixed-query url format-symbol))
          (cdr (assoc :result-params params))
        (if (string-equal "text/csv" format)

Default settings

;; default settings, replaces Local Variables block
 org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil
 org-export-allow-bind-keywords t
 org-babel-default-inline-header-args '((:exports . "code"))
 org-latex-src-block-backend 'listings
 org-latex-prefer-user-labels t
 org-latex-image-default-scale .8
 tempo-interactive t
 time-stamp-line-limit 100
 time-stamp-format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"
 time-stamp-active t
 time-stamp-start "(version of "
 time-stamp-end ")"
 org-startup-folded 'show2levels
 org-export-with-sub-superscripts nil  ; preserve "_"
 org-export-headline-levels 8  ; deep numbering
 org-export-with-section-numbers 8  ; deep numbering
 org-latex-default-class "elot-scrreprt"
 (append org-latex-packages-alist 
         '(("" "svg" t)
           ("" "enumitem" t)
           ;; subsubsubsection, see
           "\\DeclareNewSectionCommand[style=section,counterwithin=subsubsection,afterskip=1.5ex plus .2ex,"
           "  beforeskip=3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex,afterindent=false,level=\\paragraphnumdepth,tocindent=10em,"
           "  tocnumwidth=5em]{subsubsubsection}"
           ;; section numbers in margin
           "\\RedeclareSectionCommands[runin=false,afterskip=1.5ex plus .2ex,afterindent=false,indent=0pt]{paragraph,subparagraph}"
           "\\hypersetup{pdfborder=0 0 0,colorlinks=true}"
  (load-library "elot")
  (org-babel-lob-ingest (concat (file-name-directory (locate-library "elot")) ""))
  (add-to-list 'org-latex-classes
(modify-syntax-entry ?\: "w")
(modify-syntax-entry ?\_ "w")
(add-hook 'org-babel-post-tangle-hook 'elot-tangled-omn-to-ttl
          'local) ;; make it a local hook only
(add-hook 'org-babel-after-execute-hook 'org-redisplay-inline-images 'local)
(add-hook 'after-save-hook 'update-link-abbrev)
;; the label display functions are in a separate file
(load-library "elot-label-display.el")

Write typical class patterns


It’s common to say a class is a subclass of the union of immediate subclasses. The function class-oneof-from-header is intended to be used in resource-taxonomy-from-l.

It’s common to say a set of immediate subclasses are disjoint. The function class-disjoint-from-header is intended to be used in resource-taxonomy-from-l.

(defun class-oneof-from-header (l)
  "L a list of class resources like ((super (((sub) (sub) ... (sub)))))."
  (let ((owl-type "Class") (owl-subclause "SubClassOf"))
    (concat "\n" owl-type ": " (entity-from-header (car l))
            "\n    " owl-subclause ": "
            (mapconcat (lambda (x)
                         (entity-from-header (car x)))
                       (cdr l) " or "))))

(defun class-disjoint-from-header (l)
  "L a list of class resources like ((super (((sub) (sub) ... (sub)))))."
    (concat "\nDisjointClasses: "
            "\n    "
            (mapconcat (lambda (x)
                         (entity-from-header (car x)))
                       (cdr l) ", ")))

Write entity taxonomy

(defun org-tags-in-string (str)
  "Return list of any tags in org-mode :asdf:lksjdf: from STR"
  (if (string-match ".*\\W+:\\(.*\\):" str)
      (split-string (match-string 1 str) ":")))

(defun resource-taxonomy-from-l (l owl-type owl-subclause)
  (if (listp (car l))
      (mapconcat (lambda (x) (resource-taxonomy-from-l x owl-type owl-subclause)) l "")
    (if (and (stringp (car l)) (stringp (caadr l)))
          ;simple subclass clauses
          (mapconcat (lambda (x)
                      (concat "\n" owl-type ": "
                              (entity-from-header (car x))
                              "\n    " owl-subclause ": "
                              (entity-from-header (car l))))
                    (cdr l) "")
          ;one-of pattern
          (if (member "oneof" (org-tags-in-string (car l))) (class-oneof-from-header l))
          ;disjoint pattern
          (if (member "disjoint" (org-tags-in-string (car l))) (class-disjoint-from-header l))
          (resource-taxonomy-from-l (cdr l) owl-type owl-subclause)))))

(defun resource-taxonomy-from-header (header-id owl-type owl-relation)
  "HEADER-ID is an org location id, OWL-TYPE is Class, etc., OWL-RELATION is SubClassOf, etc."
    (org-id-goto header-id)
    (if (org-goto-first-child)
        (let ((hierarchy-l (org-list-siblings)))
          (resource-taxonomy-from-l hierarchy-l owl-type owl-relation))
      (concat "## no " owl-type "taxonomy"))))

Headings in LaTeX export

We format headings with indentation to match the subtype level in the ontology: for each level down we add a full stop and a space.

(defun ontology-resource-section (level numbered-p)
  (if numbered-p
      ((= 1 level) "\\chapter{%s}")
      ((= 2 level) "\\section{%s}")
      ((= 3 level) "\\subsection{%s}")
      ((= 4 level) "\\subsubsection{%s}")
      ((= 5 level) "\\subsubsubsection{%s}")
      ((= 6 level) "\\paragraph{%s}")
      (t "\\subparagraph{%s}"))
    (cond ;; Koma-script commands, see
     ((= 1 level) "\\addchap{%s}")
     ((= 2 level) "\\addsec{%s}")
     ((= 3 level) "\\subsection*{%s}")
     (t "\\subsubsection*{%s}"))

The function latex-filter-headline-dots is not in use. It’s for adding indentation to sub-sections instead of deep numbering. This may become useful sometime.

(defun latex-filter-headline-dots (text backend info)
  "Ensure dots in headlines."
  (when (org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'latex)
    (let* ((prop-point (next-property-change 0 text))
           (this-element (plist-get (text-properties-at prop-point text) :parent))
           (this-element-level (org-element-property :level this-element))
           (resourcedef-p (org-export-get-node-property :RESOURCEDEFS this-element t)))
      (when (and resourcedef-p (> this-element-level 2))
        (string-match "section\\(.?\\){" text)
        (replace-match (concat "section\\1{\\\\itshape{}" 
         (apply 'concat (make-list (- this-element-level 3) ".\\\\space{}")))
                       nil nil text)

For use in org-ql

Get headings without cookies

The function org-get-heading will include “cookies” that track task completion in the text. So we get “lis:Dependent [4/4]” instead of just “lis:Dependent”. The following strips off the cookie.

(defun org-get-heading-nocookie (&optional no-tags no-todo no-priority no-comment)
  (replace-regexp-in-string " \\[[[:digit:]/%]+\\]$" ""
                            (org-get-heading no-tags no-todo no-priority no-comment)))

Get text of description list entry

(defun org-get-description-entry (tag)
    (if (search-forward-regexp tag nil t)
        (let* ((element (org-element-at-point))
               (beg (org-element-property :contents-begin element))
               (end (org-element-property :contents-end element))
               (entry-text (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end)))
           (replace-regexp-in-string "\n\s*" " " entry-text)))))

Exporting with replacements of description list tags

<<exporting-dlists>> Execute export with “special formatting” with

(org-export-to-file 'ELOT-latex "ELOT.tex")

NOTE. The following should be rewritten, using a filter like in elot-latex-filter-omn-list.

  ;; see
  (org-export-define-derived-backend 'ELOT-latex 'latex
    :translate-alist '((item . my-item-translator)))
  (defvar item-process nil)

  (defun my-item-translator (item c info)
    (let* ((item-tag-maybe (car (org-element-property :tag item)))
           (item-tag-stringp (stringp item-tag-maybe))
           (item-tag (if item-tag-stringp (substring-no-properties item-tag-maybe) item-tag-maybe)))
      (if (and item-tag-stringp (string= item-tag "item-translate-start")) (setq item-process t))
      (if (and item-tag-stringp (string= item-tag "item-translate-stop")) (setq item-process nil))
    (when (and item-process item-tag-stringp)
        ;(message (substring-no-properties item-tag))
        (setf (plist-get (cadr item) :checkbox) nil)  ; set checkbox here
        (let ((tag-mapped (assoc item-tag (quote
(("iof-av:isPrimitive" . "primitive?")
 ("iof-av:naturalLanguageDefinition" . "definition")
 ("iof-av:primitiveRationale" . "why primitive")
 ("iof-av:usageNote" . "usage note")
 ("owl:deprecated" . "deprecated?")
 ("rdfs:seeAlso" . "see also")
 ("skos:example" . "example")
 ("skos:scopeNote" . "scope note")
 ("skos:altLabel" . "alternative label")
 ("iof-av:explanatoryNote" . "explanatory note")
 ("rdfs:comment" . "comment")
 ("rdfs:isDefinedBy" . "defined by")
 ("iof-av:firstOrderLogicDefinition" . "first-order logic definition")
 ("iof‑av:semiFormalNaturalLanguageDefinition" . "semi-formal definition")
 ("iof-av:semiFormalNaturalLanguageAxiom" . "semi-formal axiom")
 ("iof-av:adaptedFrom" . "adapted from")
 ("iof-av:synonym" . "synonym"))
            (if tag-mapped
                (setf (plist-get (cadr item) :tag) (cdr tag-mapped)))
    (unless (and item-tag-stringp
                 (or (string= item-tag "item-translate-start") (string= item-tag "item-translate-stop")))
      (org-latex-item item c info))))
annotation propertyentry text
iof-av:primitiveRationalewhy primitive
iof-av:usageNoteusage note
rdfs:seeAlsosee also
skos:scopeNotescope note
skos:altLabelalternative label
iof-av:explanatoryNoteexplanatory note
rdfs:isDefinedBydefined by
iof-av:firstOrderLogicDefinitionfirst-order logic definition
iof‑av:semiFormalNaturalLanguageDefinitionsemi-formal definition
iof-av:semiFormalNaturalLanguageAxiomsemi-formal axiom
iof-av:adaptedFromadapted from
(mapcar (lambda (x) (cons (car x) (cadr x))) tagmap)

To to find the positions where we start and end the tag replacements. But, this isn’t usable, because the tangled ontology content influences position numbers at export.

  (search-forward-regexp "* IDO Entities")
  (let* ((entry (org-element-at-point))
         (start (org-element-property :begin entry))
         (end (org-element-property :end entry)))
    (cons start end)))

Passthrough execute for ttl blocks

To get the ttl block to process correctly, for rdfpuml use.

(defun org-babel-execute:passthrough (body params) body)
(unless (fboundp 'org-babel-execute:ttl)                
  (defalias 'org-babel-execute:ttl 'org-babel-execute:passthrough))

Execute rdfpuml on Turtle content

Function elot-rdfpuml-execute takes a Turtle string plus options, runs rdfpuml, and returns the filename of the resulting PlantUML file.

(defun elot-rdfpuml-execute (ttl &optional prefixes config add-options epilogue)
  "Run rdfpuml on Turtle RDF content and return PlantUML code. 
`ttl' is a Turtle string, `prefixes' optional prefix block, 
`config' optional Turtle for rdfpuml configuration, 
`add-options' string of PlantUML options added to rdfpuml defaults,
`epilogue' extra PlantUML clauses"
  (let* ((options-str
         (if add-options
             (concat "[] puml:options \"\"\""
                     elot-rdfpuml-options "\n"
        (input-ttl-file (org-babel-temp-file "rdfpuml-" ".ttl"))
        (output-puml-file (concat (file-name-sans-extension input-ttl-file) ".puml")))
    (with-temp-file input-ttl-file
      (insert (mapconcat 'identity
                         (list prefixes ttl config options-str) "\n")))
    ;; apparently prefixes.ttl is needed to reside in current dir, will overwrite
    (if prefixes (with-temp-file "prefixes.ttl"
                   (insert prefixes "\n")))
    (elot-rdfpuml-command input-ttl-file)
    (with-temp-file output-puml-file
      (insert-file-contents output-puml-file)
      (if epilogue (replace-string "@enduml"
                                   (concat epilogue "\n" "@enduml"))))

Function elot-plantuml-execute takes a PlantUML filename, plus name and format suffix of the generated diagram. Resulting graphic file is placed in the default ELOT directory, and the filename returned.

(defun elot-plantuml-execute (puml-file output-name format)
  "With PlantUML, read `puml-file' and output `output-name'.`format'
to ELOT default image (sub)directory. Return output file name."
  (if (or (string= org-plantuml-jar-path "") (not (file-exists-p org-plantuml-jar-path)))
    (error "PlantUML not found. Set org-plantuml-jar-path with M-x customize-variable."))
  (let ((tmp-output-file (concat (file-name-sans-extension puml-file) "." format))
  (output-file (concat elot-default-image-path output-name "." format)))
    (message (concat puml-file " --> " output-file))
    (make-directory elot-default-image-path :always)
     (concat "java -jar " org-plantuml-jar-path " -t" format " " puml-file))
    (copy-file tmp-output-file output-file :allow-overwrite)

Tempo templates

ELOT document header

Insert a document header with <oh.

	(tempo-define-template "elot-doc-header"
	 '("# -*- eval: (load-library \"elot-defaults\") -*-" > n
		"#+title: " (p "Document title: " doctitle) > n
		"#+subtitle: An OWL ontology" > n
		"#+author: " (p "Author name: " authname) > n
		"#+date: WIP (version of " (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") ")" > n
   "#+call: theme-readtheorg()" n n
		(progn (load-library "elot-defaults") (message "Loaded ELOT") "")
	 "ELOT document header"

ELOT ontology skeleton

Insert a skeleton with <ods.

 '(n > "* " (p "Ontology identifier localname: " ontlocalname) > n
     ":PROPERTIES:" > n
     ":ID: " (s ontlocalname) > n
     ":ELOT-context-type: ontology" > n
     ":ELOT-context-localname: " (s ontlocalname) > n
     ":ELOT-default-prefix: " (p "Namespace prefix for resources in this ontology (without the \":\") " resprefix) > n
     ":header-args:omn: :tangle ./" (s ontlocalname) ".omn :noweb yes" > n
     ":header-args:emacs-lisp: :tangle no :exports results" > n
     ":header-args: :padline yes" > n
     ":END:" > n
     ":OMN:" > n
     "#+begin_src omn :exports none" > n
     "  ##" > n
     "  ## This is the " (s ontlocalname) " ontology" > n
     "  ## This document is in OWL 2 Manchester Syntax, see" > n
     "  ##" > n n
     "  ## Prefixes" > n
     "  <<omn-prefixes()>>" > n  n
     "  ## Ontology declaration" > n
     "  <<resource-declarations(hierarchy=\"" (s ontlocalname) "-ontology-declaration\", owl-type=\"Ontology\", owl-relation=\"\")>>" > n 
     "" > n
     "  ## Data type declarations" > n
     "  Datatype: xsd:dateTime" > n
     "  Datatype: xsd:date" > n
     "  Datatype: xsd:boolean" > n
     "" > n
     "  ## Class declarations" > n
     "  <<resource-declarations(hierarchy=\"" (s ontlocalname) "-class-hierarchy\", owl-type=\"Class\")>>" > n
     "" > n
     "  ## Object property declarations" > n
     "  <<resource-declarations(hierarchy=\"" (s ontlocalname) "-object-property-hierarchy\", owl-type=\"ObjectProperty\")>>" > n
     "" > n
     "  ## Data property declarations" > n
     "  <<resource-declarations(hierarchy=\"" (s ontlocalname) "-data-property-hierarchy\", owl-type=\"DataProperty\")>>" > n
     "" > n
     "  ## Annotation property declarations" > n
     "  <<resource-declarations(hierarchy=\"" (s ontlocalname) "-annotation-property-hierarchy\", owl-type=\"AnnotationProperty\")>>" > n
     "" > n
     "  ## Individual declarations" > n
     "  <<resource-declarations(hierarchy=\"" (s ontlocalname) "-individuals\", owl-type=\"Individual\")>>" > n
     "" > n
     "  ## Resource taxonomies" > n
     "  <<resource-taxonomy(hierarchy=\"" (s ontlocalname) "-class-hierarchy\", owl-type=\"Class\", owl-relation=\"SubClassOf\")>>" > n
     "  <<resource-taxonomy(hierarchy=\"" (s ontlocalname) "-object-property-hierarchy\", owl-type=\"ObjectProperty\", owl-relation=\"SubPropertyOf\")>>" > n
     "  <<resource-taxonomy(hierarchy=\"" (s ontlocalname) "-data-property-hierarchy\", owl-type=\"DataProperty\", owl-relation=\"SubPropertyOf\")>>" > n
     "  <<resource-taxonomy(hierarchy=\"" (s ontlocalname) "-annotation-property-hierarchy\", owl-type=\"AnnotationProperty\", owl-relation=\"SubPropertyOf\")>>" > n
     "#+end_src" > n
     ":END:" > n
"** Prefixes
The ontology document in OWL employs the namespace prefixes of table [[prefix-table]].

#+name: prefix-table
#+attr_latex: :align lp{.8\\textwidth} :font \small
#+caption: OWL ontology prefixes
| prefix    | uri                                                                            |
| owl:      |                                                 |
| rdf:      |                                    |
| xml:      |                                           |
| xsd:      |                                              |
| rdfs:     |                                          |
| skos:     |                                           |
| pav:      |                                                           |
| foaf:     |                                                     |
| dc:       |                                               |
| dcterms:  |                                                      |
| prov:     |                                                     |
| iof-av:   | |" > n
"| " (s resprefix)  
":       | " (p "Resource namespace in full (\"http ...\") " resns) "                                                            |" > n
"| " (p "Namespace prefix for the ontology itself (without the \":\") " ontprefix) 
":       | " (p "Ontology namespace in full (\"http ...\") " ontns) "                                                            |" >  n
"*** Source blocks for prefixes                                     :noexport:
:header-args:omn: :tangle no
#+name: sparql-prefixes
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var prefixes=prefix-table :exports none
  (elot-prefix-block-from-alist prefixes 'sparql)
#+name: omn-prefixes
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var prefixes=prefix-table :exports none
  (elot-prefix-block-from-alist prefixes 'omn)
#+name: ttl-prefixes
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var prefixes=prefix-table :exports none
  (elot-prefix-block-from-alist prefixes 'ttl)
** " (s ontlocalname) " ontology (" (s ontprefix) ":" (s ontlocalname) " " (s ontprefix) ":" (s ontlocalname) "/0.0)
:ID:       " (s ontlocalname) "-ontology-declaration
:custom_id: " (s ontlocalname) "-ontology-declaration
:resourcedefs: yes
 # - Import ::
 - owl:versionInfo :: 0.0 start of " (s ontlocalname) "
 - dcterms:title :: \"" (s ontlocalname) " ontology\"@en
 - pav:lastUpdateOn :: {{{modification-time(\"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ\",t)}}}^^xsd:dateTime
 - dcterms:license :: [[]]
 - dcterms:creator :: {{{author}}}
 - dcterms:modified ::  {{{modification-time(\"%Y-%m-%d\",t)}}}^^xsd:date
 - dcterms:publisher ::
 - dc:rights :: Copyright info here
 - dcterms:description :: The " (s ontlocalname) " ontology is ...
 - rdfs:comment :: The " (s ontlocalname) " ontology is ...
** Classes
:ID:       " (s ontlocalname) "-class-hierarchy
:custom_id: " (s ontlocalname) "-class-hierarchy
:resourcedefs: yes
*** My class (" (s resprefix) ":MyClass)
 - rdfs:comment :: Leave a comment here
** Object properties
:ID:       " (s ontlocalname) "-object-property-hierarchy
:custom_id: " (s ontlocalname) "-object-property-hierarchy
:resourcedefs: yes
** Data properties
:ID:       " (s ontlocalname) "-data-property-hierarchy
:custom_id: " (s ontlocalname) "-data-property-hierarchy
:resourcedefs: yes
** Annotation properties
:ID:       " (s ontlocalname) "-annotation-property-hierarchy
:custom_id: " (s ontlocalname) "-annotation-property-hierarchy
:resourcedefs: yes
*** owl:versionInfo
*** dcterms:title
 - rdfs:isDefinedBy ::
*** dcterms:license
 - rdfs:isDefinedBy ::
*** dcterms:creator
 - rdfs:isDefinedBy ::
*** dcterms:modified
 - rdfs:isDefinedBy ::
*** dcterms:publisher
 - rdfs:isDefinedBy ::
*** dcterms:description
 - rdfs:isDefinedBy ::
*** dc:rights
 - rdfs:isDefinedBy ::
*** pav:lastUpdateOn
 - rdfs:isDefinedBy ::
*** skos:example
 - rdfs:isDefinedBy ::
*** skos:prefLabel
 - rdfs:isDefinedBy ::
*** skos:altLabel
 - rdfs:isDefinedBy ::
*** iof-av:isPrimitive
 - rdfs:isDefinedBy ::
*** skos:definition
 - rdfs:isDefinedBy ::
**** iof-av:naturalLanguageDefinition
 - rdfs:isDefinedBy ::
**** iof-av:primitiveRationale
 - rdfs:isDefinedBy ::
** Individuals
:ID:       " (s ontlocalname) "-individuals
:custom_id: " (s ontlocalname) "-individuals
:resourcedefs: yes
(progn (update-link-abbrev) 
       (save-buffer) (org-macro-initialize-templates)
       (goto-char (point-min))
       (search-forward "dcterms:description :: ") (outline-show-entry) "")
 "ELOT ontology sections skeleton"

OWL templates

OWL primitive/non-primitive class, with IOF default annotations

Insert a class heading with IOF-AV required annotation properties and completion cookies.

(tempo-define-template "elot-class-iof-primitive"
   (org-open-line 1)
   (make-string (max 3 (org-current-level)) ?*) " "
   (p "Class label: ") " ("
   (elot-default-prefix) ":" (p "localname: ") ") [1/4]" > n
   " - [ ] iof-av:naturalLanguageDefinition :: " > n
   " - [X] iof-av:isPrimitive :: true" > n
   " - [ ] iof-av:primitiveRationale :: " > n
   " - [ ] skos:example :: " > 
 "ELOT primitive class with IOF-AV annotations"

(tempo-define-template "elot-class-iof-defined"
 '((org-open-line 1)
   (make-string (max 3 (org-current-level)) ?*) " "
   (p "Class label: ") " ("
   (elot-default-prefix) ":" (p "localname: ") ") [1/4]" > n
   " - [ ] iof-av:semiFormalNaturalLanguageDefinition :: " > n
   " - [X] iof-av:isPrimitive :: false" > n
   " - [ ] skos:example :: " > 
 "ELOT primitive class with IOF-AV annotations"

(tempo-define-template "elot-property-iof"
 '((org-open-line 1)
   (make-string (max 3 (org-current-level)) ?*) " "
   (p "Property label: ") " ("
   (elot-default-prefix) ":" (p "localname: ") ") [1/4]" > n
   " - [ ] iof-av:naturalLanguageDefinition :: " > n
   " - [ ] skos:example :: " > 
 "ELOT primitive class with IOF-AV annotations"

Code blocks

(tempo-define-template "elot-block-robot-metrics"
   (org-open-line 1) p
   "#+call: robot-metrics(omnfile=\"" (elot-context-localname) ".omn\") :eval never-export" > 
   (progn (message "Execute blocks with C-c C-c") "")
 "ELOT ontology metrics from ROBOT"

(tempo-define-template "elot-block-sparql-select"
   (org-open-line 1)
"#+name: " (p "Select query name: ") > n
"#+begin_src sparql :url \"" (elot-context-localname) ".omn\" :eval never-export :exports results

#+end_src" n
   (progn (message "Execute blocks with C-c C-c") "")

(tempo-define-template "elot-block-sparql-construct"
   (org-open-line 1)
"#+name: " (p "Construct query name: ") > n
"#+begin_src sparql :url \"" (elot-context-localname) ".omn\" :eval never-export :exports results"
" :format ttl :wrap \"src ttl\" :cache yes :post kill-prefixes(data=*this*) :eval never-export
  construct {

  } {

#+end_src" n
   (progn (message "Execute blocks with C-c C-c") "")

(tempo-define-template "elot-block-rdfpuml-diagram"
   (org-open-line 1)
   "#+name: rdfpuml:" (p "Name of Turtle source block for diagram: " ttl-source) > n
   "#+call: rdfpuml-block(ttlblock=\"" (s ttl-source) "\") :eval never-export" > n
   "#+caption: " (p "Caption: ") > n
   "#+results: rdfpuml:" (s ttl-source) > n
   (progn (message "Execute blocks with C-c C-c") "")
 "ELOT ontology metrics from ROBOT"

Hydra interface F4

(defhydra hydra-elot (:color blue :hint nil)
 --- ELOT helpdesk --- press F5 to toggle labels ---

 Insert                    Code block             Document         ^^^^^^Output                  
 [_r_] resource id        <_obm_ metrics             <_odh_ header      [_t_] tangle ontology    
<_ocp_ primitive class    <_obs_ sparql select       <_ods_ ontology    [_h_] export HTML        
<_ocd_ defined class      <_obc_ sparql construct                                             
 <_op_ property           <_obd_ rdfpuml diagram                                              
  ("r" (elot-label-lookup))
  ("ocp" (progn (outline-next-heading) (tempo-template-elot-class-iof-primitive)))
  ("ocd" (progn (outline-next-heading) (tempo-template-elot-class-iof-defined)))
  ("op" (progn (outline-next-heading) (tempo-template-elot-property-iof)))
  ("t" (org-babel-tangle))
  ("h" (browse-url-of-file (expand-file-name (org-html-export-to-html))))
  ("obm" (tempo-template-elot-block-robot-metrics))
  ("obs" (tempo-template-elot-block-sparql-select))
  ("obc" (tempo-template-elot-block-sparql-construct))
  ("obd" (tempo-template-elot-block-rdfpuml-diagram))
  ("odh" (tempo-template-elot-doc-header))
  ("ods" (tempo-template-elot-ont-skeleton))

(define-key org-mode-map (kbd "<f4>") 'hydra-elot/body)


Read tsv into org table

(defun elot-tsv-to-table (filename)
  (let* ((lines (with-temp-buffer
                 (insert-file-contents filename)
                 (split-string (buffer-string) "\n")))
         (header (split-string (car lines) "\t"))
         (body (mapcar
                (lambda (line) (split-string line "\t"))
                (butlast (cdr lines)))))  ;; check this is ok
    (cons header (cons 'hline body))))

ROBOT metrics

Insert a call to ROBOT for measure, returns a table of ontology metrics.

(tempo-define-template "robot-metrics"
 '("#+call: robot-metrics(omnfile=\""
   (p "Ontology filename to read for metrics: ") "\")"
   (progn (org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c) "")
   "ROBOT metrics"

End with “provides”

(provide 'elot)