- MatrixSdk 🚀:
- Upgrade MatrixSdk to version 0.X.Y.
- Changelog: https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-android-sdk/releases/tag/v0.X.Y
- Features ✨:
- Improvements 🙌:
- Other changes:
- Update Matomo app id (#3429)
- Bug fixes 🐛:
- Translations 🗣:
- Build 🧱:
- MatrixSdk 🚀:
- Upgrade to version 0.9.33
- Changelog: https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-android-sdk/releases/tag/v0.9.33
- Improvements 🙌:
- Support SSO with Firefox accounts (#3337)
- MatrixSdk 🚀:
- Upgrade to version 0.9.32
- Changelog: https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-android-sdk/releases/tag/v0.9.32
- Features ✨:
- Privacy / Room Widget permissions (#3378)
- Privacy / Widget Permission for jitsi widgets (#3391)
- Improvements 🙌:
- Jitsi / Use mx display name in Jitsi conf
- Other changes:
- Add User-Interactive Auth to /account/3pid/add (#3333)
- Bugfix 🐛:
- Crash / potential NPE after logout (#3367)
- Fix infinite restart loop after token expiration (#3249)
- MatrixSdk 🚀:
- Upgrade to version 0.9.30.
- Bugfix 🐛:
- App crashes for some users (#3348, #3349)
- MatrixSdk:
- Upgrade MatrixSdk to version 0.9.29.
- Changelog: https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-android-sdk/releases/tag/v0.9.29
- Features:
- Privacy: Use the hashed v2 lookup API for 3PIDs (#3257)
- Privacy: Prompt to accept identity server policies before inviting them to a room (#3227)
- Privacy: Make clear that device names are publicly readable (#3265)
- Privacy: Email help text on registration should be updated without binding (#3278)
- Privacy: Use wellknown to discover the IS of a HS (#3283)
- Privacy: Remove the bind true flag from 3PID adds in settings (#3254)
- Privacy: Remove the ability to set an IS at login/registration (#3264)
- Privacy: Allow password reset when no IS (#3261)
- Privacy: Allow email registration when no IS (#3260)
- Privacy: Separate Add and Bind for 3PID (#3300)
- Improvements:
- Notification [Fdroid] Add a new mode for notification (#3122)
- Other changes:
- Widgets: Whitelist [MSC1961](matrix-org/matrix-spec-proposals#1961) widget urls
- Privacy: Remove the bind true flag from 3PID calls on registration (#3252)
- Bugfix:
- Fix reset password broken UI (#3125)
- Execute 1 request instead of 2 for 3Pid lookup (#3344)
- Other changes:
- Get around Google limitation of SSO through WebView by modifying the WebView user agent
- Features:
- Auto configure homeserver and identity server URLs of LoginActivity with a magic link (#3294)
- Improvements:
- Handle correctly the error 404 when entering a homeserver URL on the login screen
- Bugfix:
- Restore correctly the login form when coming back from SSO login form.
- Translations:
- Riot is fully translated into Korean thanks to paijai.
- MatrixSdk:
- Upgrade MatrixSdk to version 0.9.27.
- Changelog: https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-android-sdk/releases/tag/v0.9.27
- Security:
- Prompt to renew the token after a security fix on Matrix SDK
- Features:
- Make Widget/Integration manager optional (#3224)
- Handle terms and condition approval for IntegrationManager (#3225)
- Bugfix:
- Widgets: Whitelist https://scalar-staging.vector.im/api (#3234)
- SAS: fix crash when destroying activity (#3240)
- Build:
- Split APK: generate one APK per arch, to reduce APK size
- Get Jitsi library dependency from a Maven repository we host, to get a LIBRE_BUILD
- MatrixSdk:
- Upgrade MatrixSdk to version 0.9.26.
- Changelog: https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-android-sdk/releases/tag/v0.9.26
- Bugfix:
- Crash on older android due to okhttp bumping requirements to Android 5+
- Build:
- Include native libraries for 64 bits processors.
- MatrixSdk:
- Upgrade MatrixSdk to version 0.9.24.
- Changelog: https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-android-sdk/releases/tag/v0.9.24
- Improvements:
- Room upgrade: Use the server_name parameter when joining the new room (#3204)
- Other changes:
- Piwik SDK has been replaced by Matomo SDK (#3163)
- Bugfix:
- Fix / Illegal States exceptions when starting event stream service X
- Fix / Keys Backup can be setup twice #9510
- Fix / Infinite logout screen when token invalidated
- Fix / Export keys not possible when no network (airplane)
- Fix / crash in logout success
- Fix / Crash when session store is null in event stream #3158
- Build:
- Upgrade gradle version from 4.10.1 to 5.4.1
- Ensure MatrixSDK library is downloaded from the jitpack repository
- MatrixSdk:
- Upgrade MatrixSdk to version 0.9.23.
- Changelog: https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-android-sdk/releases/tag/v0.9.23
- Features:
- E2E: SAS Verification
- Improvements:
- Use heads-up alert UX for key-share and key-verification requests
- Other changes:
- Olm lib is now only a dependency of Matrix Sdk
- Matrix SDK library is now built and hosted by Jitpack (https://jitpack.io/#matrix-org/matrix-android-sdk/) (matrix-org/matrix-android-sdk#241)
- Bugfix:
- Fix mistake in Arabic translation (#3129)
/!This version is the first version published with app id "im.vector.app".
/!This version is the last version published with app id "im.vector.alpha". It contains a screen which introduce the new application "im.vector.app" /!This release contains security related bugfixes, users should upgrade asap
- MatrixSdk:
- Upgrade MatrixSdk to version 0.9.22.
- Changelog: https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-android-sdk/releases/tag/v0.9.22
- Other changes:
- Remove Amplitude tracker and Calendars permissions added by Jitsi lib (jitsi/jitsi-meet#4068, jitsi/jitsi-meet#4080)
- Exclude code of Firebase analytics (#2481)
- Bugfix:
- Fix / Illegal States exceptions when starting event stream service X
- Security Fix / Remove obsolete and buggy ContentProvider which could allow a malicious local app to compromise account data. Many thanks to Julien Thomas (twitter.com/@julien_thomas) from Protektoid Project (https://protektoid.com) for identifying this and responsibly disclosing it!
- Build:
- Exclude Firebase analytics code (#2481)
- MatrixSdk:
- Upgrade MatrixSdk to version 0.9.20.
- Changelog: https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-android-sdk/releases/tag/v0.9.20
- Improvements:
- Fix crash on Jitsi conference by upgrading the lib to version 1.21.0 (#2412)
- Finally upgrade Jitsi lib to version 2.0.0 (https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet/releases/tag/android-sdk-2.0.0)
- Bugfix:
- Ensure EventStreamServiceX call startForeground(), even if there is no session, and do not simulate push in this case
- Improvements:
- Deprecate EventStreamService, replaced by EventStreamServiceX and CallService (#2782, #3065)
- Other changes:
- Scalar URL: Use prod urls in Riot mobile apps (#3077)
- MatrixSdk:
- Upgrade MatrixSdk to version 0.9.19.
- Changelog: https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-android-sdk/releases/tag/v0.9.19
- Features:
- Notification rework: inline reply/mark as read actions, one notification per room (#3068 and others)
- Other changes:
- Disable usage of library ShortcutBadger on device running API 26+
- Bugfix:
- Fix expand and collapse color (#3035)
- Fix LED not flashing on noisy messages
- Improvements:
- Add option to choose default media source (#2763)
- Add option to choose default photo compression (#2763)
- Add option to disable camera shutter sound
- Auto-refresh scalar token when a 403 error is detected (#3051)
- Open each links with the browser in a new Tab (#381)
- Translations:
- New partial translations in Bengali-India
- MatrixSdk:
- Upgrade MatrixSdk to version 0.9.18.
- Changelog: https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-android-sdk/releases/tag/v0.9.18
- Features:
- Implement server config discovery - .well-known support (#2982)
- Implement login with SSO (#3025)
- Improvements:
- Improve UX when restoring e2e keys (#2999)
- Add option to send messages with enter button (#1070)
- MediaViewer: display image in high quality and improve max zoom for big file (#2967)
- Hide e2e keys management section in settings if crypto is disabled
- Display message with formatted_body but with empty body (#2989)
- Get full Credentials data from Fallback login (#3006)
- Other changes:
- Change color of links (#2987)
- Change color of HomeSection badge (#2987)
- Bugfix:
- Fix crash in settings when cryptography is disabled (#2991)
- Fix Claims of display names being linkified (#2975)
- Fix Riot breaks links if message contains numbers (#2891)
- Fix geo: URIs are treated as phone numbers (#2464)
- Fix Some text in messages are converted to maps link and should not (#2350)
- Fix Numbers are too much linkified (#1140)
- Fix Highlight geo: URIs (#1329)
- Fix Odd linkification bug with trailing slash (#865)
- Fix issue on joining conference call wording in some languages (#2112)
- MatrixSdk:
- Upgrade MatrixSdk to version 0.9.17.
- Features:
- key backup: Trust on Decrypt (#2921)
- key backup: new recover method detected (#2926)
- Improvements:
- keys backup: Setup screen UX improvement
- keys backup: Sign Out flow improvement
- Improved button styles (states, ripple effect)
- Show direct chat section in user details only for other users, not self
- Sender name colors in rooms
- Other changes:
- Remove beta e2e warning (#2946)
- Bugfix:
- Fix warning "Attribute value must be constant" in VectorHomeActivity
- Fix key backup banner doesn't go away after you have restored from backup. (#2943)
- Fix issue with registration on some HomeServer (#2985)
- MatrixSdk:
- Upgrade MatrixSdk to version 0.9.16.
- Features:
- keys backup: Implement setup screen (#2883)
- keys backup: Display a warning on new sign out screen (#2885)
- keys backup: recover screen (#2887)
- keys backup: Add a dedicated section to settings (#2884)
- keys backup: Add a banner on Home to setup or recover backup (#2884)
- Improvements:
- Make Change Password Settings More User friendly (#2898)
- Support Split-screen mode (#1832)
- Enable auto focus when taking picture with the camera (#2831)
- Better wording in notification for video call (#1421)
- Improve widget banner (#2129)
- Icon for Oreo (#2169)
- Notification reliability and Messaging Style, with inlined reply (#2823, #1016).
- Notification settings re-organization, added bing rule troubleshoot
- Kotlin Code Improvement in VectorSettingsPreferencesFragment.kt
- Remove redundant !! , Replace it with null safe operators in VectorSettingsPreferencesFragment.kt
- Redact has been renamed to Remove to match riot/web (#2871)
- Remove long click download action in MediaViewer (#2882)
- Other changes:
- Update of Light and Dark themes (#2710)
- Restore the crash report dialog after a crash
- New application icon! (#2905)
- Bugfix:
- Fix No Visual Difference is setting if disabled (#2929)
- Fix crash when taking picture for user avatar on old device (#2818)
- Fix crash when adding background to image (#2828)
- LED notifications are not working (#2512)
- FCM Troubleshoot screen crash in some cases (#2846)
- Fix login button issue (#1568)
- Fix issue with registration when an email is provided (#2852)
- Fix issues with Tombstone events (#2866 && #2867)
- Fix crash on BugReportActivity if previous Activity is destroyed (#2876)
- Key share request does not go away when user select "verify" (#2781)
- Fix crash when entering the settings due to missing push rules (#2893)
- MatrixSdk:
- Upgrade MatrixSdk to version 0.9.15.
- Improvements:
- Show userId below display name in member detail screen (#2756)
- Clicking on a user and a room avatar opens a new screen with animation to view the avatar in full screen, with zoom capabilities (#2455)
- Added Troubleshoot Notification settings page
- Add badge to indicate number of group invitations on the Home Screen (#1923)
- Other changes:
- Update README.md and CONTRIBUTING.md (#2795)
- Bugfix:
- Correct issue during signup when a 3PID error would let the signup flow spin forever
- Defensive code for notifications issues + check play services as per FCM recommendation (#2266)
- No notification on f-droid when device enters sleep mode (#2789)
- Added ShortcutBadger missing permissions for some devices
- Fix many little UI/UX issues (#2769)
- Fix crash opening the setting screen (#2793)
- Allow popup on IntegrationManagerActivity's WebView because it's require to add Slack integration (#2768)
- Fix crash on Android ViewPager (#2786)
- Fix avatar icon characters being a little bit offset to right.
- Fix Stopping Loading View after Upload of User Avatar (#2801)
- Fix no display of image without info (#2666)
- Fix permission request failure. It was actually not necessary to request overlay permission (#2680)
- MatrixSdk:
- Upgrade to version 0.9.14.
- Improvements:
- Remove double negations from settings and update descriptions (#2723)
- Handle missing or bad parameter in slash command
- Support specifying kick and ban message (#2164)
- Add image transparency and fix issues with gifs in the media viewer (#2731)
- Upgrade olm-sdk.aar from version 2.3.0 to version 3.0.0
- Migration to the Preference v7 support
- Make User Agreement part of the registration flow (#2442)
- Fix several color issue on Status theme and prepare rework some styles.
- Bugfix:
- Use same "Call Anyway" string from iOS (#2695)
- Improve /markdown command (#2673)
- Display thumbnail for encrypted files without a remote thumbnail (#2734)
- MatrixSdk:
- Upgrade to version 0.9.13.
- Features:
- Enable Lazy Loading by default, if the hs supports it
- Add RTL support (#2376, #2271)
- Improvements:
- improve UI for VectorMediaPickerActivity and InviteMembersActivity (#2610)
- Ability to crop profile picture before setting (#2598)
- Add a setting of the room's info area visibility.
- Other changes:
- F-Droid version: restart event stream on application upgrade (#2105)
- Locales management has been moved to a dedicated file
- Bugfix:
- Status.im backgrounds, header, buttons, and missing items (#2672)
- Fix Permalinks and registration issue (#2689)
- Mention from read receipts list doesn't work (#656)
- Fix issue when scrolling file list in room details (#2702)
- Align switch camera button to parent in landscape mode (#2704)
- Build:
- Better build.gradle file (#2302)
- MatrixSdk:
- Upgrade to version 0.9.12.
- Features:
- Status.im theme
- Improvements:
- Use LocalBroadcastManager when applicable (#2595)
- Menu version copies version number to clipboard (#2570)
- Tapping on profile picture in sidebar opens settings page (#2597)
- Ask for Camera permission only when the user want to change the room avatar (#2575)
- Other changes:
- Room display name is now computed by the Matrix SDK
- Bugfix:
- When exporting E2E keys, it isn't clear that you are creating a new password (#2626)
- Can't change room directory server (#2611)
- Reply get's lost when moving app in background and back (#2581)
- Android 8: crash on device Boot (#2615)
- Avoid creation of Gson object (#2608)
- Inline code breaks in reply messages (#2531)
- Reduce size of clickable read-receipts area (#655)
- Fix issue of html rendering in emote message (#2652)
- Translations:
- Fix issue with indonesian translations. This language is now available.
- MatrixSdk:
- Upgrade to version 0.9.11.
- Bugfix:
- Fix issue on loading cache, and so avoid initial sync on each application startup.
- MatrixSdk:
- Upgrade to version 0.9.10.
- Features:
- Manage blue banner case of server quota notices (#2547)
- Improvements:
- Minor changes to toolbar style and other UI elements (#2529)
- Improvements to dialogs, video messages, and the previewer activity (#2583)
- Add a way to enable local file encryption on the SDK (disabled by default)
- Other changes:
- Sonar analysis has been configured (#2203)
- Bugfix:
- Fix crash when opening file with external application (#2573)
- Fix issue on settings: unable to rename current device if it has no name (#2174)
- Allow anyone to add local alias and to try to delete local alias (#1033)
- Fix issue on "Resend all" action (#2569)
- Fix messages vanishing when resending them (#2508)
- Remove delay for / completion (#2576)
- MatrixSdk:
- Upgrade to version 0.9.9.
- Improvements:
- Improve intent to open document (#2544)
- Avoid useless dialog for permission (#2331)
- Improve wording when exporting keys (#2289)
- Other changes:
- Upgrade lib libphonenumber from v8.0.1 to 8.9.12
- Upgrade Google firebase libs
- Bugfix:
- Handle / at the beginning of a message to send a message starting with / (#658)
- Escape nicknames starting with a forward slash / in mentions (#2146)
- Improve management of Push feature
- MatrixError mResourceLimitExceededError is now managed in MxDataHandler (element-hq#2547 point 2)
- MatrixSdk:
- Upgrade to version 0.9.8.
- Features:
- Manage server quota notices (#2440)
- Improvements:
- Do not ask permission to write external storage at startup (#2483)
- Update settings icon and transparent logo for notifications and navigation drawer (#2492)
- URL previews are no longer requested from the server when displaying URL previews is disabled (PR #2514)
- Fix some plural and puzzle strings, and remove other unused ones (#2444)
- Manage System Alerts in a dedicated section
- Other changes:
- Upgrade olm-sdk.aar from version 2.2.2 to version 2.3.0
- move PieFractionView from the SDK to the client (#2525)
- Bugfix:
- Fix media sharing (#2530)
- Fix notification sound issue in settings (#2524)
- Disable app icon badge for "listen for event" notification (#2104)
- Features:
- Resurrect performance metrics (#2391)
- Telemetry to report incidence of UISIs (#2330)
- Add a previewer for previewing media before sending it into the room (#1742|#2445)
- Implements ReplyTo feature (#2390)
- Add auto completion for slash commands (#2384)
- Support Room Versioning (#2441)
- Improvements:
- Update matrix-sdk.aar lib (v0.9.7).
- Piwik: Update the way how stats are reported (#2402)
- Improve BugReport screen: display a preview of the screenshot (#2318)
- In the settings, move theme settings just below "language" (#2439)
- Improve the display of the sources of the message in the dialog (#2348)
- Improve the display of the buttons and the reason in the room preview (#2352)
- In the flair section on settings, notify the user when he has no flair (#2430)
- Improve GDPR consent webview management (#2491)
- Support external keyboard to send messages for recent devices (#220, #1279)
- When user ignores or un-ignores someone, notify that the app will restart (#2437)
- Other changes:
- Remove dependency to android-gif-drawable lib and use Glide to animate logo on Splashscreen (#2421)
- Keep only Room.getState() method and remove Room.getLiveState() because they are similar (matrix-org/matrix-android-sdk#310)
- Bugfix:
- Fix issue on incoming call screen when "Do not disturb mode" is active (#2417)
- Fix issue when selecting sound for notifications in the settings
- Fix issue when changing device name in the settings (#2416)
- Fix issue on verifying device, update the wording of the description message (#1067)
- Messages with code blocks show other HTML as plain text (#2280)
- Message with <p> was sometimes not properly formatted (#2275)
- Fix notification issue when Riot is not started (#2451)
- Fix Unable to add Matrix apps (#2466)
- Riot auto joined a public room (#2472)
- Remove last traces of Firebase analytics (#2481)
- code blocks are escaped and therefore hard readable (#2484)
- Restore the navigation of the back button in the public rooms preview header (#2473)
- Fix issue on preference screen: device lists was not displayed (#2409)
- Ensure notification has a title (#2242)
- Bugfix:
- Fix issue on vanished favorite and low priority room (#2413)
- Features:
- Re-request keys manually for encrypted events (#2319)
- Add option to send voice message to a room, using a third application to record message. To enable in the Labs settings (PR #1762)
- Improvements:
- Update matrix-sdk.aar lib (v0.9.6).
- New Floating Action Menu in Home screen (PR #2335)
- Add spacing to device keys (#2314)
- use apply() instead of commit() to save shared prefs (#2231)
- Do not ring if "Do Not Disturb" is active (#1072)
- Manage the "consent not given" error when declining a room invite
- Other changes:
- Remove "Matrix application" activation from the Lab section in the settings (#2341)
- Bugfix:
- Remove black borders on 18:9 phone (#2063)
- Auto dismiss the join/reject room notification when user select an action (#2354)
- Fix some crashes reported by the PlayStore (#2380, #2382, #2383, #2395)
- Fix issues in UrlPreviews (#2312)
- Translations:
- Galician thanks to Miguel Branco
- Build:
- Add script to check code quality
- Travis will now check if CHANGES.rst has been modified for each PR
- Improvements:
- Update matrix-sdk.aar lib (v0.9.5).
- GDPR compliance:
- Account deactivation is now managed natively in a dedicated screen
- Features:
- Send stickers to a Room
- Bug Fix:
- Gif do not play anymore (#2168)
- Improvements:
- Update matrix-sdk.aar lib (v0.9.4).
- GDPR compliance:
- Manage M_CONSENT_NOT_GIVEN matrix error
- Sending analytics is now opt-in
- Possibility to deactivate account (redirected to the web client for the moment)
- Reply to feature: display only
- Bug Fix:
- Background sync cannot be enabled on F-Droid Riot app (#2196)
- Build:
- Kotlin is enabled on the project
- Travis CI has been enabled to build PRs
- Note:
- Sending stickers is not enabled yet
- Bug Fix:
- Background sync cannot be enabled on F-Droid Riot app (#2196)
- Improvements:
- Disable sending analytics by default on the F-Droid version
- Bug Fix:
- Fix issue on Sticker rendering (#2175)
- Fix infinite loader issue (#2178)
- Features:
- Render stickers in the timeline (#2097).
- Improvements:
- Update matrix-sdk.aar lib (v0.9.3).
- Notifications: make them user friendly again (#2130).
- Add Notification privacy screen (PR #2152).
- Hide "Show devices list" for local contacts who are not matrix users (#2153).
- Login Activity: Code cleaning.
- Bug Fix:
- Tapping on a room pill should not automatically join it (#2098).
- Notifications: Make the notification for messages no more sticky (PR #2148).
- Build:
- Update to SDK 27.
- Improvements:
- Update matrix-sdk.aar lib (v0.9.2).
- Make state event redaction handling gentler with homeserver (#2117).
- Improvements:
- Login screen : open keyboard form email.
- Matrix Apps: Enable them by default (#2022).
- Bug Fix:
- User Settings: background sync setting stays disabled (#2075).
- Room: Events with unexpected timestamps get stuck at the bottom of the history (#2081).
- Improvements:
- Update matrix-sdk.aar lib (v0.9.1).
- User Settings: Add a setting to Re-enable rageshake (#1971).
- User Settings: Add a setting "Keep detailed notifications" in Google Play build (#2051).
- Docs: Create a doc for notifications to answer to #2044.
- Room prewiew: Make room aliases in topic clickable (#1985).
- Code: Tidy codebase, thanks to @kaiyou (PR #1784).
- Label bunches of actionable room items for screen readers, thanks to @ndarilek (PR #1976).
- Bug Fix:
- Notifications: Complaints that the "Synchronizing" notification appears too often (#2012).
- Notifications Privacy: Riot should never pass events content to GCM (#2051).
- File uploads with file name containing a path (matrix-org/matrix-android-sdk#228), thanks to @christarazi (PR #2019).
- Fix some plural messages (#1922), thanks to @SafaAlfulaij (PR #1934).
- Translations:
- Bulgarian, added thanks to @rbozhkova.
- Improvements:
- Update matrix-sdk.aar lib (v0.9.0).
- Bug Fix:
- URL Preview: We should have it for m.notice too (PR 1975).
- Add a new tab to list the user's communities (vector-im/riot-meta/#114).
- Add new screens to display the community details, edition is not supported yet (vector-im/riot-meta/#115, vector-im/riot-meta/#116, vector-im/riot-meta/#117).
- Room Settings: handle the related communities in order to show flair for them.
- User Settings: Let the user enable his community flair in rooms configured to show it.
- Add the url preview feature (PR #1929).
- Support the 4 states for the room notification level (all messages (noisy), all messages, mention only, mute).
- Add the avatar to the pills displayed in room history (PR #1917).
- Set the push server URLs as a resource string (PR #1908).
- Improve duplicate events detection (#1907).
- Vibrate when long pressing on an user name / avatar to copy his/her name in the edit text.
- Improve the notifications management.
- #1903: Weird room layout.
- #1896: Copy source code of a message.
- #1821, #1850: Improve the text sharing.
- #1920: Phone vibrates when mentioning someone.
- Update to the latest JITSI libs
- Add some scripts to build the required libs.
- #1859 : After a user redacted their own join event from HQ, Android DoSes us with /context requests.
- Fix the account creation
- Improve piwik management.
- fix #1802 : Expected status header not present (until we update OkHttp to 3.X)
- fix widget management
- Update the global notification rules UI to have tree states (off, on, noisy) instead of a toogle (on, off).
- Move the bug report dialog to an activity.
- Remove Google Analytics.
- Fix many issues reported by GA.
- Improve the notification management on android 8 devices when the application is in battery optimisation mode.
- Fix some invalid avatars while using the autocompletion text.
- Add a settings to use the native camera application instead of the in-app one.
- Add piwik.
- Display pills(without avatar) on room history.
- Improve the notfications on android 8 devices.
- Fix many issues reported by GA.
- Fix the notification sound management on Android 8 devices.
- #1700 : Jump to first unread message didn't jump anywhere, just stayed at the same position where it was before, although there are more unread messages
- #1772 : unrecognised / commands shouldn't be relayed to the room.
- Add the e2e share keys.
- Add external keyboard functionality (to send messages).
- Refactor the call UI : the incoming call screen is removed.
- Refactor the call management (and fix the audio path issues).
- Update the android tools to the latest ones.
- Add a dummy splash screen when a logout is in progress
- Fix many issues reported by GA.
- Fix a battery draining issue after ending a video call.
- #119 : Notifications: implement @room notifications on mobile
- #208 : Attached image: thumbnail_info and thumbnail_url must be moved in content.info dictionary
- #1296 : Application crashes while swiping medias
- #1684 : Camera viewfinder rotation is broken (regression).
- #1685 : app sends notifications even when i told it not to.
- #1715 : Eats battery after video call
- #1725 : app crashes while triggering a notification.
- Improvements:
- Reduce the initial sync times
- Manage voice Jitsi call
- Bugfixes:
- #1641 : Language selector should be localized
- #1643 : Put Riot service in the foreground until the initial sync is done
- #1644 : Pin rooms with missed notifs and unread msg by default on the home page
- Features:
- Add black theme.
- Add widgets management.
- Update the third party call lib.
- Add notification ringtone selection.
- Bugfixes:
- Fix many issues reported by Google analytics.
- #1574 : Rotating the device when uploading photos still has a small bug
- #1579 : Unexpected behaviour while clicking in the settings entry (android 8)
- #1588 : i can not set profile picture when i click on profile picture it return to setting menu (android 8)
- #1592 : Client unable to connect on server after certificate update
- #1613 : Phone rings for ever
- #1616 : Sometimes Riot notifications reappear after being dismissed without being read
- #1622 : picked up call but continued vibrating, connection couldn't be established
- #1623 : checkboxes are not properly managed in the settings screen (android 8)
- #1634 : sent message duplicated in ui including read receipts
- Features:
- Add dark theme.
- Add the 12/24 hours settings.
- Improvements:
- [Fdroid] Improve the sync when the application is backgrounded.
- Update the call notification priority to be displayed on the lock screen.
- Use the default incoming ring tone if the storage permission was not granted.
- Bugfixes:
- Fix many issues reported by Google analytics.
- Fix e2e export silent failure when the storage permission was not granted.
- Fix crashes when too many asynctasks were launched.
- Fix the notification sounds.
- Restore the video call video when the application is put in background and in foreground.
- Fix the audio call resuming
- Fix the broken incoming video call
- #1467 : Rotating the device while an image is uploading inserts the image twice.
- #1475 : messages composed with only one number are displayed as if they were emojis
- #1503 : Do not enlarge non-emoji.
- #1510 : Rotating the device while the camera activity is running closes it
- #1514 : 'Enable background sync' is viewable on fdroid build preference does not have an effect
- #1532 : [custom hs] high battery draining issue
- #1537 : cannot update the profile image
- #1548 : Unable to decrypt: encryption not enabled
- #1554 : Turn screen on for 3 seconds not working
- Features:
- Add member events merge.
- Add new UI settings (hide/show some UI items, change the text size).
- Add a beta data save mode.
- Add a medias timelife i.e the medias are kept in storage for a specfied period.
- Add new user search.
- Improvements:
- Add more languages.
- Reduce the storage use.
- Bugfixes:
- Fix many crashes reported by rageshake or GA.
- #1455 : Click on a matrix id does not open the member details activity if it is not a known user.
- Bugfixes:
- Remove server catchup patch (i.e the sync requests were triggered until getting something). It used to drain battery on small accounts.
- Fix application resume edge cases (fdroid only)
- Features:
- Add new home UI
- Add the read markers management
- Bugfixes:
- Fix many issues reported by GA.
- #1308 : E2E new devices dialog disappears if screen is turned off by timeout : it does not reappear at next sent event.
- #1330 : Using the name completion as the first item of the message should add a colon (:)
- #1331 : The Events service is not properly restarted in some race conditions
- #1340 : sync is stuck after the application has been killed in background
- Bugfixes:
- #1302 : No room / few rooms are displayed an application update / first launch.
- Bugfixes:
- #1291 : don't receive anymore notifications after updating to the 0.6.10 version
- #1292 : No more room after updating the application on 0.6.10 and killing it during the loading Unregisteer the GCM token before registrating the FCM one.
- Features:
- Add some lanagues supports
- Add auto-complete text editor.
- Use FCM instead of GCM.
- Improvements:
- Add a new notification design.
- Offer to send a bug report when the application crashes.
- Use the new bug report API.
- Fix many issues reported by GA.
- #1041 : matrix.to links are broken.
- #1052 : People tab in room details: 'you' displayed instead of your displayname/matrix id.
- #1053 : 'I have verified my mail' button is missing
- #1077 : Highlight phone numbers, email addresses, etc.
- #1093 : Cannot decrypt attachments on Android 4.2.X
- #1118 : show syncing throbber in room view
- #1186 : Infinite back pagination whereas the app is in background
- Fix some cryptography issues.
- Features:
- Add MSISDN support for authentication, registration and member search.
- Add encryption keys import / export.
- Add unknown devices management.
- Improvements:
- Improve bug report management.
- Reduce application loading time.
- Add application / SDK version in the user agent
- Add audio attachments support
- Bugfixes:
- Fix many encryption issues.
- Fix several issues reported by GA.
- #814 : Sending or sharing .txt files fails silently.
- #908 : Don't close the contactPicker after selecting a member.
- #909 : Spelling/grammar: «Show Devices List» should be: «Show Device List.
- #913 : Mirrored thumbnails when sending pictures taken with front-facing camera.
- #918 : Handle forgotten password verification link properly.
- #923 : local contact section should be collapsable even when no search is started.
- #909 : Retry schedule is too aggressive for arbitrary endpoints.
- #931 : Settings: move the Devices section after the Cryptography section.
- #932 : Rooms details: can't open a txt file from the FILES tab of an e2e room.
- #933 : Search from recents: strange behaviour in the differents tab.
- #934 : Search from recents: no results displayed if device is turned landscape then portrait.
- #940 : The quick reply popup and compose box are unnecessarily small
- #941 : Usability: The compose window activation area is deceptively small.
- #949 : e2e and auth keys should be blacklisted from google backup somehow.
- #950 : Unknown devices: 2 press on blacklist button are needed.
- #952 : Launch a call in a e2e and 1:1 room with unknown devices make the call fail
- #953 : Crash trying to send a message in e2e room with unknown devices.
- #954 : Language: "Report Bug Report"
- #955 : New Rageshake: no feedback or progress indication at all
- #957 : Voice Calling turns off screen erroneously
- #964 : 'Messages not sent due to unknown devices ...' is cropped in the notification area.
- #980 : Not an admin in a group --> "enable encryption" should not be displayed
- #984 : «Clear Cache» also erases my settings
- #989 : it sometimes takes several presses of the send button to get the message out
- #1010 : Room members Search with a new account displays "too many contacts" in the known section whereas there is no joined room
- #1011 : [e2e devices deletion] : write the user password once and allow to delete several devices
- #1012 : Close a member details activity should return to the calling activity
- #1013 : Voip: call canceled when switching from call layout and pending call view
- Improvements:
- The members list activity design has been improved.
- Add some google analytics stats.
- Trigger the email lookup on demand to save data connection use.
- Improve the settings screens to have the material design for the device with API < 21.
- Bugfixes:
- Fix crypto backward compatibility issue (< 0.6.4).
- Fix an invite contacts permission request loop if it was not granted (room members invitation screen).
- #878 : Room activity : the very long member name overlaps the time
- #636 : Log in button is not enabled when internet connection comes back.
- #891 : Infinite contacts permission request dialog if it is rejected
- #894 : matrix user id regex does not allow underscore in the name.
- Improvements:
- The room invitation activity design has been improved.
- Bugfixes:
- Fix a crash when a contact with a thumbnail was invited.
- The users were not saved after a login.
- Fix several issues reported by Google Analytics.
- #868 : Add Leave Room Confirmation.
- Improvements:
- Improve the camera activity management.
- Improve the e2e management.
- Improve the people invitation activity.
- Bugfixes:
- Fix several issues reported by Google Analytics.
- #791 : [UI bug] Room encryption slider remains on after rejecting the popup window by clicking outside of it.
- #806 : Please remove End-to-End Encryption toggle from user settings.
- #807 : /mefoo is turned into /me foo.
- #816 : Custom server URL bug.
- #821 : Room creation with a matrix user from the contacts list creates several empty rooms.
- #841 : Infinite call ringing.
- #842 : rageshake should prompt you to enter an explicit problem report before trying to send a report.
- #851 : fix_device_verify_not_displayed
- Improvements:
- Reduce the messages encryption time.
- Display a lock icon for the encrypted rooms (recents page).
- Video call: the local preview is displayed at the bottom left.
- Improve the splashscreen (reduce the animated gif time and add a spinner)
- Display an alert when the crypto store is corrupted to let the user chooses if he wants to logout.
- Bugfixes:
- Fix several issues reported by GA.
- Do not enable the proximity sensor when the voice call is not established
- Fix several call issues with the Samsung devices (when the screen is turned off).
- #783 : Riot doesn't handle volume settings properly
- #784 : Voip: Problem when call is hung up while callee goes in room view.
- #786 : Method to disable markdown is unclear.
- #787 : overlay buttons shouldn't self-hide when on voice calls
- Features:
- #757 : Add devices list member details.
- Improvements:
- Improve the encryption management.
- The application should be ready faster.
- Bugfixes:
- Fix many issues reported by GA.
- Fix many memory leaks.
- #374 : Check if Event.unsigned.age can be used to detect if the event is still valid.
- #657 : It's too easy to accidentally ignore someone
- #661 : Turn the screen off during a call when the proximity sensor says phone near head
- #675 : Handle user link correctly
- #687 : User adress instead of display name in call event
- #723 : Cancelling download of encrypted image does not work
- #706 : [Direct Message] Direct chats list from member profile doesn't show all the direct chats
- #708 : vertical offset into recents list is not preserved
- #749 : Layout broken with RTL languages
- #754 : Memory leak when opening a room
- #760 : Stacked room pages when going back and forth between Call layout and Room layout
- #774 : Bug report / rageshake does not get user consent before sharing potentially personal data
- #776 : Add a dialog to confirm the message redaction
- Bugfixes:
- Reduce the memory use to avoid oom crashes.
- The requests did not work anymore with HTTP v2 servers
- The application data were not properly cleared after a "clear cache"
- The device information was not refreshed if the device was not yet known
- Features:
- Attchments encryption v2
- libolm update
- Improvements:
- Add try/catch blocks to avoid application crashes when oom
- Bugfixes:
- #680 Unsupported TLS protocol version
- #712 Improve adding member from search/invite page
- #730 Crypto : we should be able to block the user account other devices
- #731 Crypto : Some device informations are not displayed whereas the messages can be decrypted
- #739 [e2e] Ringtone from call is different according to the encryption state of the room
- #742 Unable to send messages in #megolm since build 810: Network error
- Features:
- Add the current device informations in the global settings
- Improvements:
- Reduce the number of lags / application not responding
- Features:
- Encryption (beta feature).
- Bugfixes:
- GA issues
- #503 : register users without email verification
- #521 : Search: Unable to submit query if hardware keyboard is active
- #528 : The emotes are not properly displayed on notifications
- #531 : The application badge should be updated even if the device is offline.
- #536 : The room preview does not always display the right member info
- #539 : Quoting a msg overrides what I already typed
- #540 : All the store data is lost if there is an OOM error while saving it
- #542 : Camera permission managements in the room settings
- #546 : Invite a left user doesn't display his displayname
- #547 : Add public rooms pagination
- #549 : Quoting : displays "null" on membership events
- #558 : global search : the back pagination does not work anymore.
- #560 : vector.im/{beta,staging,develop} and riot.im/{app,staging,develop} permalinks should work as well as matrix.to ones
- #561 : URLs containing $s aren't linkified correctly
- #562 : Some redacted events were restored at next application launch
- #563 : Crash after opening third party notices when the device is turned vertically then horizontaly
- #564 : The room search should contain the file search too.
- #568 : Preview on invitation : the arrow to go down is displayed when device is turned
- #571 : Room photos don't appear in Browse Directory
- #579 : Room photo : no placeholder for one special room in the browse directory
- #582 : Permalinks to users are broken
- #583 : We should only intercept https://matrix.to links we recognise
- #587 : Leave room too hidden
- #589 : Login as email is case sensistive
- #592 : Improve members list display
- #590 : Email validation token is sent even to invalid emails
- #595 : Underscores have to be escaped with double backslash to prevent markdown parsing
- #601 : Viewing mubot images in fullscreen shows black screen
- #602 : The 1:1 room avatar must be the other member avatar if no room avatar was set
- #608 : Add reject / accept button on the notification when it is a room invitation notification
- #611 : Remove display name event is blank
- #612 : F-Droid develop does not display commit ID after the version string in the main menu
- #617 : Back button in the search from a room view leads to the rooms list
- #700 : Fix [VoIP] video buttons still active in full screen
- #715 : [Register flow] Register with a mail address fails
- Bugfixes:
- The notification icons were not displayed on some devices.
- Bugfixes:
- Restore applicationId "im.vector.alpha" as application Id.
- Bugfixes:
- #489 : The incoming call activity is not always displayed
- #490 : Start a call conference and stop it asap don't stop it
- #493 : Voip caller : the ringtone should be played in the earspeakers instead of the loud speakers
- #495 : add_missing_camera_permission_requests
- #497 : The speaker is turned on when placing a Voice call
- #501 : [VoIP] crash in caller side when a started video call is stopped asap
- #502 : Some infinite ringing issues
- #505 : Account creation : tapping on register button does nothing after customizing the IS
- #506 : Registration failure : the registration is not restored in error cases
- #518 : Fix calls headset issues
- #519 : During room preview, we should replace 'decline' by 'cancel'
- #525 : can we have a larger area of action around the send button?
- The recents were not refreshed after triggering a "read all".
- Improvements:
- #288 : Search in the Add member to a room page : contact with matrix emails should be merged
- #438 : Add contacts access any android
- #444 : Strip ' (IRC)' when autocompleting
* Room creation : restore the room creation with members selection before really creating the room. * Login page : replace the expand button by a checkbox. * Improve the call avatar when receiving a call
- Features:
- #423 : Intercept matrix.to URLs within the app
- Bugfixes:
- Fix crash in caller side when the callee did not answer
- #251 : refuse to create a new room if there is already one in progress (like the IOS client)
- #378 : Context menu should have option to quote a message
- #384 : Tap on avatar in Member Info page to zoom to view avatar full page
- #386 : Sender picture missing in notification
- #389 / #390 : [VoIP] start call icon must be always displayed
- #391 : Fix login/password kept after logout
- #392 : Add "Audio focus" implementation
- #395 : VoIP call button should disappear from composer area when you start typing
- #396 : Displayed name should be consistent for all events.
- #397 : Generated avatar should be consistent for all events
- #404 : The message displayed in a room when a 3pid invited user has registered is not clear
- #406 : Chat screen: New message(s) notification
- #407 : Chat screen: The read receipts from the conference user should be ignored
- #413 : The typing area uses the fullscreen when the user is not allowed to post
- #415 : Room Settings: some addresses are missing
- #417 : Room settings - Addresses: Display the context menu on tap instead of long press
- #418 : Vector shouldn't expose Directory when trying to scroll past the bottom of the room list
- #431 : Call screen : speaker and mute icons should be available asap the activity is launched
- #435 : trim leading/trailing space when setting display names
- #439 : add markdown support for emotes
- #445 : Unable to join federated rooms with Android app
- #451 : sharing a website from chrome send an invalid jpg image instead of sending the url
- #454 : Let users join confs as voice or video
- #463 : Searching for a display name including a space doesn't find it
- #465 : Chat screen: disable auto scroll to bottom on keyboard presentation
- #473 : Huge text messages are not rendered on some android devices
- Improvements:
- Media upload/download UI
- Features:
- Add conference call
- #311 : Chat screen: Add "view source" option on the selected event
- #314 : Support rageshake reporting via Vector (as opposed to email)
- #316 : Confirmation prompt before opping someone to same power level as per web
- #347 : Display the banned users
- #350 : Room name and memebers searches are dynamically refreshed
- Bugfixes:
- #289 : Improve the camera selfie mode
- #290 : Redacting membership events should immediately reset the displayname & avatar of room members
- #299 : We should show a list of ignored users in user settings somewhere.
- #302 : Impossible to scroll in User list.
- #320 : Sanitise the logs to remove private data.
- #323 : The room and the recents activites header are sometimes blank
- #326 : Settings page : the switch values are sometimes updated while scrolling in the page
- #330 : some medias are not downloadable
- #334 : Quick replay on invitations to room
- #343 : Incoming calls should put the application in foreground
- #352 : some rooms are not displayed in the recents when the 10 last messages are redacted ones after performing an initial sync
- #353 : Forwarded item is sent several times when the device is rotated
- #358 : Update the event not found message when clicking on permalink
- #359 : Redacting a video during sending goes wrong
- #360 : If you try 'share to vector' from another app and share to a room, it should let you edit before sending
- #362 : Add option to disable the permanent notification when background sync is on.
- #364 : Profile changes shouldn't reorder the room list
- #367 : Settings entries are not fully displayed.
- Fdroid version : the synchronization was not resumed asap when a delay timer was set.
- Some permission requirements were not properly requested.
- Several crashes reported by Google Analytics.
- Improvements:
- #291 : Room settings: the first created alias should be defined as the main address by default.
- Imporve the low memory management.
- Bugfixes:
- #293 : The markdown rendering is mangled for backtick blocks.
- #294 : Messages: switch decline and preview buttons on invites enhancement.
- #297 : Redact avatar / name update event should remove them from the room history.
- #307 : Red FAB for room creation should fade in/out.
- #309 : Send button is too small.
- #310 : Room header view seems to ignore the first tap.
- #318 : Some member avatars are wrong.
- Fix an infinite loop when third party registration fails.
- Always display the permalink action. (even if the hs is not matrix.org).
- Fix some flickering settings buttons.
- Fix several GA crashes.
- Improvements:
- #248 : Update room members search sort.
- #249 : Fix some lint errors.
- The android permissions are only requested in the right fragment/activity.
- The image compression dialog is only requested once when an images batch is sent.
- Update gradle to 1.5.0
- Features:
- Add the room aliases management in the room settings page.
- Bugfixes:
- #177 / 245 : Click on a room invitation notification should open the room preview.
- #237 : Sending several images in one time should offer compression for each
- #239 : Display notifications when GCM is enabled and background synd is disabled.
- #253 : Add copy in any room message
- #203 / 257 : Login page buttons disabled when no network.
- #261 : The app should not display <img> from HTML formatted_body.
- #262 : Improve device notification settings
- #263 : redactions shouldn't hide auth events (eg bans) from the timeline. they should only hide the human readable bits of content.
- #268 : Add 'leave' button to room settings.
- #271 : Accepting an invite does not get full scrollback.
- #272 : MD swallows leading #'s even if there are less than 3.
- #278 : Add exclamation badge in invitation cell
- Display leave room when displaying the account member details activity when no room is defined.
- In some cases, the filename was not properly retrieved.
- fix several GA crashes.
- Improvements:
- When GCM is not available,
- Display the call events in the room history.
- Display a thick green line in permalink display mode.
- RoomActivity : tap on the room avatar open the medias picker and update the room avatar.
- Features:
- Add android M support
- Add a selfie mode in the medias picker.
- The client uses two flavors (google play and F-droid).
- The background sync can be disabled.
- The sync timeout is configurable when GCM is not available
- A sleep between sync can be defined when GCM is not available
- Bugfixes:
- Fix issue #206 : There is no space between some avatars (unexpected avatar)
- Fix issue #197 : Room members : the Pen menu icon should be hidden if the user is alone in the room or is not administrator
- Fix issue #212 : Sharing from some apps to Vector not working
- Fix issue #196 : Room members in edition mode : the Add button should be hidden
- Fix issue #214 : the Pen menu icon should be hidden if the user is alone in the room or is not administrator
- Fix issue #215 : Improve medias management
- Fix issue #216 : Fix add button room details
- Fix issue #192 : "Notification targets" (global settings) entry should not be displayed if it is empty
- Fix issue #209 : The avatar of invited users are not displayed in the details member activity if he did not joined any other room
- Fix issue #186 : Start chat with a member should use the latest room instead of the first found one
- Fix issue #167 : Heavy battery drain.
- Fix issue #172 : Messages: Add Directory section at the top on scroll down.
- Fix issue #231 : /invite support, and any other missing slash commands.
- The device used to ring forever when a call was received when the device was locked and answered from another client.
- Fix several GA issues
- Bugfixes:
- issue #156 Option to autocomplete nicknames from their member info page
- issue #195 Joining a room by alias fails
- The inviter avatar was the invited one.
- issue #188 Universal link failed if App removed from task stack
- issue #187 ZE550kl / integrated camera application : taking a photo with the front camera does nothing
- issue #184 the user account informations are sometimes corrupted
- issue #185 Add member : should not offer to join by matrix id if the user already in the members list
- Shared files from external applications : the rooms list was empty when the application was not launched.
- issue #191 The push rules on the webclient don't match to the android ones
- issue #179 Avoid "unknown" presence
- issue #180 Some invited emails are stuck (invitation from a non matrix user)
- Clear the notications wwhen the client is logged out
- issue #194 Public room preview : some public rooms have no display name
- Improvements:
- The clients used to restart when debackgrounding.
- Add unread counters in the home activity
- Add more account information in the settings page.
- Display the pushers list in the settings page.
- Room header (moved up, content...)
- Display the "directory" group when the recents are empty to avoid having an empty screen
- Features:
- Add ignore members feature
- Add room preview before joining a room.
- Share a media from an external application.
- Bugfixes:
- Fix several crashes reported by GA.
- Fix issue #125 : If you specify a custom homeserver, the app should remember what it is
- Fix issue #134 : Messages: missed notifs and unread msgs in the room list
- Fix issue A photo taken in landscape is sent in portrait when the device orientation is locked in portrait
- Fix issue #93 : The image quality dialog is lost after rotating the device
- Fix issue #140 : read receipts list : the avatars are sometimes wrong
- Fix issue #153 : Room screen: display edit menu on long press on message
- Fix issue #132 : make the link clickable in the room topic
- Fix issue #154 : Is it possible to define tintColor on scroll view?
- Fix issue #101 : The 3PID presences are not supported
- Fix issue #144 : Image scaling algorithm choice could use some work
- Fix issue #130 : Make incoming calls work https://vector.im/develop/#/room/!cURbafjkfsMDVwdRDQ:matrix.org/$146333991475ZJgGm:matrix.freelock.com
- Some notifications were stuck.
- The member presences were not refreshed in real time.
- Fix issue #171 : Remove the 'optional' in the email registration field
- The room avatar and displayed were not always refreshed when updating with the client.
- First official release.
- MatrixSdk 🚀:
- Upgrade MatrixSdk to version 0.X.Y.
- Changelog: https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-android-sdk/releases/tag/v0.X.Y
- Features ✨:
- Improvements 🙌:
- Other changes:
- Bug fixes 🐛:
- Translations 🗣:
- Build 🧱: