This demo introduces 5 methods for NFT-airdrop:
- Airdrop to specific address
- A signature implying the beneficiary is submitted to blockchain for verification and airdropping
- A signature following EIP-712 is submitted to blockchain for verification and airdropping
- A signature following EIP-712 is submitted to blockchain for verification ,signature check and airdropping
- A merkle proof is submitted to blockchain for verification and airdropping
Kindly refer to 1inch, dydx, uniswap for more details, all the projects utilize merkle proof for airdropping. Please read more for details:
We present a demo in which you can airdrop to your friends on holiday!
Please refer to the code: contracts/redpacket
ERC721Basic The most simple demo where the issuer can airdrop NFT to specific address by calling "mint" :
// await expect(this.registry.connect(this.accounts[1]).mint(account, tokenId)) .to.emit(this.registry, 'Transfer') .withArgs(ethers.constants.AddressZero, account, tokenId);
This is a demo where airdropping happens after verification. Considier the following case: Before the real "mint" is called on blockchain, the issuer firstly send an email containing the token id to the user, who will respond with a signature created with this token id. Then, the issuer wraps user address(fetched from some database), token id and signature as input to calls "redeem" of the NFT contract, which will mint a new NFT to the target user on verification success.// Signature this.token.signature = await this.accounts[1].signMessage(hashToken(this.token.tokenId, this.token.account)); // Post the signature to blockchain await expect(this.registry.redeem(this.token.account, this.token.tokenId, this.token.signature)) .to.emit(this.registry, 'Transfer') .withArgs(ethers.constants.AddressZero, this.token.account, this.token.tokenId);
In the above example, we create signature with a parameter maybe friendly to machine but not that friendly to humans. Moreover, when Metamask pops up for signing we do not know what is being signed. We prefer a more structured, more readable scheme for us to see what data will be signed. EIP-712 address this point; It can display the data to be signed to user, and the generated signature will be verified by smart contract. The whole process is similiar to that in ERC721LazyMint.Here is a example for creating signature by EIP-712:
// Domain { name: 'Name', version: '1.0.0', chainId: this.chainId, verifyingContract: this.registry.address, }, // Types { NFT: [ { name: 'tokenId', type: 'uint256' }, { name: 'account', type: 'address' }, ], }, // Value this.token, );
This demo is similiar to ERC721LazyMintWith712 but with a SignatureChecker inside.function _verify(address signer, bytes32 digest, bytes memory signature) internal view returns (bool) { return hasRole(MINTER_ROLE, signer) && SignatureChecker.isValidSignatureNow(signer, digest, signature); }
A merkle proof is generated and sent to blockchain for verification, if valid, the newly created NTT is minted to specific user.// Generate merkle proof offchain this.token.proof = this.merkleTree.getHexProof(hashToken(this.token.tokenId, this.token.account)); // Verify the proof and mint to some user. Whole process happens onchain. await expect(this.registry.redeem(this.token.account, this.token.tokenId, this.token.signature)) .to.emit(this.registry, 'Transfer') .withArgs(ethers.constants.AddressZero, this.token.account, this.token.tokenId);
Install dependencies
npx hardhat test
Setup enviroments
cp .env.exmpale .env ## Please configure PRIVATE_KEY, PRIVATE_KEY1, PRIVATE_KEY2,INFURA_ID, PROJECT_ID, TARGET_ACCOUNT in .env ## PRIVATE_KEY is the private key of your wallet account , while TARGET_ACCOUNT is your wallet address. ## If you want multiple accounts trying to claim the same redpacket, please configures multiple PRIVATE_KEYs.
Install dependencies
Deploy ERC20 smart contract Execute the following command and we take "Token address" from output as address of the deployed contract.
npx hardhat run scripts/redpacket/1-deploySimpleToken.js --network kovan ## Console output Deploying contracts with the account: 0x3238f24e7C752398872B768Ace7dd63c54CfEFEc Account balance: 796474026501725149 Token address: 0xdc6999dC3f818B4f74550569CCC7C82091cA419F 1000000000
Deploy RedPacket smart contract Execute the following command and we take "RedPacket address" from output as address of the deployed contract.
npx hardhat run scripts/redpacket/2-deployHappyRedPacket.js --network kovan ## Console output Deploying contracts with the account: 0x3238f24e7C752398872B768Ace7dd63c54CfEFEc Account balance: 783625061469463255 RedPacket address: 0x6F35e57a7421F5b04DDb47b67453A5a5Be32e58B
Create a red packet
npx hardhat run scripts/redpacket/3-createRedPacket.js --network kovan ## Console output Approve Successfully merkleTree Root: 0x5cc6f1ff34a2c6f871d40cdc4559468f96a7ec06d7bf6ab0f9b5aeccc9b33154 CreationSuccess Event, total: 10000 RedpacketId: 0x45eb11e56a1b699f5e99bd16785c84b73a8257c712e0d1f31306ab1e3423b2e0 Create Red Packet successfully
Claim packet
npx hardhat run scripts/redpacket/4-claimRedpacket.js --network kovan ## We can see "Sign Message:" followed by a signature verified by smart contract
- erc20 merkle drop:
- merkle drop discussion:
- Evolution of Airdrop:
- github demo:
- uni airdrop:
- uni airdrop:
- ethereum etl: